{"artemisApp":{"aboutUsOverview":{"title":"Artemis: Interactive Learning with Individual Feedback","feature":"Main Features","exercises":{"programming":{"text":"Programming exercises with version control, automatic individual feedback based on test cases and static code analysis."},"quiz":{"text":"Quiz exercises with multiple choice, drag and drop, and short answer questions in individual, synchronized or batched mode with a practice mode."},"modeling":{"text":"Modeling exercises with an easy-to-use online modeling editor Apollon with semi-automatic assessment."},"text":{"text":"Text exercises with semi-automatic assessment using Athena."},"fileUpload":{"text":"File upload exercises with manual assessment."}},"exam":{"text":"Exam mode: Instructors create exams with variants, integrated plagiarism checks, test runs and student reviews. Students participate with ease."},"grading":{"text":"Grading: Calculate and display grades using configurable grade keys for courses and exams. Export as csv files to university systems (e.g. CAMPUSonline)."},"assessment":{"text":"Assessment: Double-blind grading with structured criteria, integrated training, a leader board, ratings, and complaints improve consistency and fairness."},"communication":{"text":"Communication: Post announcements. Ask questions, post comments, and react to other posts. Filter unanswered questions. Message course participants in private."},"notifications":{"text":"Notifications: Customizable for web and email. Users can enable and disable different notification types."},"teamExercises":{"text":"Team exercises with real time collaboration and dedicated tutors per team."},"lectures":{"text":"Lectures: Upload lecture slides for multiple units, integrate video streams, lecture recordings, and exercises into lectures, and define competencies."},"integratedMarkdownEditor":{"text":"Integrated Markdown Editor: Markdown is used to format text content across the platform using an integrated markdown editor."},"plagiarismChecks":{"text":"Plagiarism checks for programming exercises (based on JPlag), text exercises, and modeling exercises."},"learningAnalytics":{"text":"Learning analytics: Statistics to compare based on the course average. Evaluate the average performance based on exercises and competencies."},"adaptiveLearning":{"text":"Adaptive learning: Define competencies and learning goals. Track the progress of students and provide individual feedback."},"tutorialGroups":{"text":"Tutorial Groups: Manage the tutorial groups of a course. Plan the sessions, assign responsible tutors, register students and track the attendance."},"iris":{"text":"Iris: Artemis integrates Iris, a chatbot that supports students and instructors with common questions and tasks."},"scalable":{"text":"Scalable to multiple courses with thousands of students. Configure additional build agents in the continuous integration environment."},"highUserSatisfaction":{"text":"High user satisfaction: Artemis is easy to use and provides guided tutorials. Developers focus on usability, user experience, and performance."},"customizable":{"text":"Customizable: It supports multiple Instructors, Editors, and Tutors per course and allows Instructors to customize many course settings."},"openSource":{"text":"Open-source: Free to use with a large community and many active maintainers."},"getInTouch":"Get in touch","contributors":"Individual contributors","website":"Website","roles":{"projectManager":"Project Manager","administrator":"System Administrator","exerciseManagement":"Exercise Management"}},"disconnectedAlert":"You are not connected to the Artemis Server. Please check your internet connection.","outdatedAlert":"Your Artemis version is outdated. Please update to the latest version.","outdatedAction":"Update","alerts":{"dismissAll":"Dismiss all"},"answerCounter":{"home":{"title":"Answer Counters","createLabel":"Create a new Answer Counter"},"created":"Created new Answer Counter with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Answer Counter with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Answer Counter with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Answer Counter {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Answer Counter"},"answer":"Answer","multipleChoiceQuestionStatistic":"Multiple Choice Question Statistic"},"answerOption":{"home":{"title":"Answer Options","createLabel":"Create a new Answer Option"},"created":"Created new Answer Option with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Answer Option with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Answer Option with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Answer Option {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Answer Option"},"text":"Text","hint":"Hint","explanation":"Explanation","isCorrect":"Is Correct","invalid":"Invalid","question":"Question"},"apollonDiagram":{"home":{"title":"Apollon Diagrams","createLabel":"Create a new Apollon Diagram","error":{"loading":"Error while loading Apollon Diagrams"}},"updated":"Updated Apollon Diagram '{{ title }}'","create":{"success":"Apollon Diagram with title {{ title }} was created successfully","error":"Error while creating Apollon Diagram","validationError":"Validation Error: Please add interactive elements first."},"update":{"error":"Error while updating Apollon Diagram"},"delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Apollon Diagram '{{ title }}'?","success":"Apollon Diagram with title {{ title }} was deleted successfully","error":"Error while deleting the Apollon Diagram with title {{ title }}"},"detail":{"title":"Apollon Diagram {{ title }}","save":"Save Diagram","crop":"Crop image to selection","help":"Download your current selection as a PNG image","createLabel":"Generate a Quiz Exercise","generate":"Generate","error":{"loading":"Error while loading Apollon Diagram"},"quizExercise":"Generate a Quiz Exercise for course {{ title }}.","exitConfirm":{"title":"Leave Diagram Editor","question":"Your diagram has unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave the editor?"}},"title":"Title","jsonRepresentation":"JSON Representation","courseId":"Course ID","back":"Back to Overview"},"assessment":{"assessment":"Assessment","assessmentIllegalSubmission":"Warning: You are viewing an illegal submission.","assessmentNote":"Internal Note","testRunAssessment":"Test Run Assessment","additionalFeedback":"Additional feedback","feedback":"Feedback","feedbackHint":"This feedback is associated with an assessment instruction. You can provide additional feedback for this submission element. The student will see the combined feedback during the review.","feedbackCommentPlaceholder":"You can enter feedback here...","additionalFeedbackCommentPlaceholder":"You can enter additional feedback here...","suggestion":{"default":"Suggestion","suggested":"Open Suggestion","accepted":"Accepted Suggestion","adapted":"Adapted Suggestion"},"suggestionTitle":{"default":"This is an automatically generated feedback suggestion.","suggested":"This automatically generated feedback suggestion is not included in the final assessment unless you explicitly accept it.","accepted":"Automatically generated accepted suggestion","adapted":"Automatically generated suggestion, manually adapted"},"suggestionPendingDialog":{"title":"Pending Feedback Suggestions","description":"There are pending feedback suggestions available. They will be discarded when submitting. Do you really want to submit?","discardAndSubmit":"Discard suggestions & submit"},"subsequentFeedback":"This is subsequent feedback which is not included in the total score.","error":{"assessmentDueDateOver":"The assessment due date of this exercise has passed."},"assessmentLocked":"Assessment locked by: {{otherUser}}","assessmentLockedComplaintView":"Original Assessor: {{otherUser}}","assessmentLockedCurrentUser":"You have the lock for this assessment","assessmentReadOnlyUnhandledComplaint":"There is a complaint for this assessment. Another tutor must respond.","moreFeedbackRequest":"You must respond to the feedback request.","teamComplaint":"You must respond to the complaint.","automaticAssessmentComplaint":"You may respond to the complaint.","automaticAssessmentFeedbackRequest":"You may respond to the feedback request.","assessmentReadOnlyHandledComplaint":"The complaint about your assessment has been resolved.","assessmentDueDateIsOver":"Assessment Due Date has passed, the assessment will be published immediately after submitting.","diffView":{"differenceActivate":"Activate Diff View","differenceDeactivate":"Deactivate Diff View","highlightAssessmentDiffTooltipOn":"Highlight the correction round in which the feedback was created or modified","highlightAssessmentDiffTooltipOff":"Deactivate highlighting of correction rounds","correctionRoundDiffFirst":"First correction round","correctionRoundDiffSecond":"Second correction round"},"button":{"overrideAssessment":"Override Assessment","nextSubmission":"Assess Next Submission","resolveConflict":"Resolve Conflicts","useAsExampleSubmission":"Use as Example Submission","control":"Ctrl"},"detail":{"feedback":"Feedback","assessmentNote":"Internal Assessment Notes only for Tutors","feedbackWithColon":"Feedback:","scoreFor":"Assessment for","tutorComment":"Tutor Comment:","feedbackSuggestion":"Feedback Suggestion:","accept":"Accept","discard":"Discard","points":{"one":"{{points}} Point","many":"{{points}} Points"}},"useAsExampleSubmissionVerificationQuestion":"Are you sure to import this submission as an example submission?","messages":{"confirmCancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel the assessment? Your current assessment progress will be deleted and the submission will be available for assessment to other tutors again.","acceptComplaintWithoutMoreScore":"Are you sure you want to accept the complaint without giving the student more points?","loadSubmissionFailed":"Retrieving requested submission failed.","submitSuccessful":"Your assessment was submitted successfully!","saveSuccessful":"Your assessment was saved successfully!","saveFailed":"Saving your assessment failed!","updateAfterComplaintSuccessful":"The assessment was updated successfully.","updateAfterComplaintFailed":"Updating the assessment failed.","removeAssessmentInstructionLink":"Do you want to remove the link to the assessment instruction?"},"dashboard":{"warning":"Warning: The submission period is not over yet and students are still allowed to submit their solutions. Please do not start with the assessment yet!","warningIndividual":"Warning: The general submission period is over but some students with individual due dates are still allowed to submit their solutions. Please check if that is the case for the participation you want to assess.","empty":"No Submissions found!","emptySearch":"Please enter a student name to find submissions.","loading":"Loading...","columns":{"submissionDate":"Submission Date","result":"Latest Result","submissionCount":"Submissions","score":"Points","duration":"Duration","assessmentType":"Assessment Type","student":"Student","assessor":"Reviewer","assessors":"Reviewers","action":"Assessment Actions","assessmentFirst":"Correction Round 1","assessmentSecond":"Correction Round 2"},"minutes":"minutes","actions":{"open":"Open assessment","cancel":"Cancel assessment","assess":"Assess submission","continue":"Continue assessment","examCorrectionRound":{"open":"Open assessment of correction round {{correctionRound}}","cancel":"Cancel assessment of correction round {{correctionRound}}","assess":"Assess submission in correction round {{correctionRound}}","continue":"Continue assessment in correction round {{correctionRound}}"}},"filters":{"showAll":"Show all","showLocked":"Show locked"},"bonusPointExplanation":"In this exercise there are {{maxPoints}} points and {{maxBonusPoints}} bonus points, so students can achieve a maximum of {{maxPointsWithBonus}} points, which would correspond to a score of {{maxPercentage}}%.","resetFilter":"Reset filter","activeFilter":"Active Filter","unassessedSubmissions":"Showing only unassessed submissions","manuallyAssessedSubmissions":"Showing only manually assessed submissions","semiAutomaticallyAssessedSubmissions":"Showing only submissions assessed with automatic assistance"},"locks":{"home":{"title":"Locked Assessments"},"title":"Assessments locked by you","titleAll":"All locked assessments","exercise":"Exercise","type":"Type","empty":"No assessments locked by you!"}},"assessmentDashboard":{"home":{"title":"Assessment Dashboard"},"title":"Assessment Dashboard","noSubmissionFound":"No submission found","progressDescription":"Progress: {{ percentageAssessed }} % ({{ numberAssessed }} out of {{ numberSubmissions }} submissions assessed)","assessmentInformation":"Assessment Information","submissions":"Submissions","pageHeader":"Assessment Dashboard for course","pageHeaderExam":"Assessment Dashboard for exam","pageHeaderExamTestRun":"Test Run Assessment Dashboard","assessments":"Assessments","assessmentLocks":"Assessment Locks","totalAssessmentsForCorrectionrounds":"Assessments for correction rounds","complaints":"Complaints","totalComplaints":"Total complaints","moreFeedbackRequests":"More Feedback Requests","totalMoreFeedbackRequests":"Total More Feedback Requests","hideFinishedExercises":"Hide Finished","hideOptional":"Hide Optional","exercise":"Exercise","exerciseType":"Exercise type","yourStatus":"Your status","exerciseDueDate":"Exercise due date","assessmentsDueDate":"Assessment due date","actions":"Actions","notReleased":"Not released","readGradingInstructions":"Read grading instructions and click on confirmation button below","trainOnExampleSubmissions":"Train with example submissions","assessStudentsSubmissions":"Review students' submissions","assessStudentsLateSubmissions":"Review students' late submissions","evaluateStudentsComplaints":"Evaluate students' complaints and feedback requests","numberOfOpenComplaints":"Number of open complaints","exerciseTeams":"Exercise Teams","exerciseTable":{"title":"Exercise Table","courseInformation":"Exercise table displays all exercises in this course. In order to see all exercises, including the finished ones, just tick the checkbox below. You can click Exercise Dashboard to view the exercise details and student submissions.","examInformation":"Exercise table displays all exercises in this exam. In order to see all exercises, including the finished ones, just tick the checkbox below. You can click Exercise Dashboard to view the exercise details and student submissions."},"tutorPerformanceIssues":{"title":"Issues with tutor performance","tutor":"Tutor {{ tutorName }} has performance issues","ratings":{"below":"{{tutorName}} has received {{numberOfTutorItems}} ratings with an average of {{averageTutorValue}} ⭐️️ which is below {{threshold}} ⭐."},"score":{"above":"{{tutorName}} has reviewed {{numberOfTutorItems}} submissions with an average score of {{averageTutorValue}}% which is above {{threshold}}%.","below":"{{tutorName}} has reviewed {{numberOfTutorItems}} submissions with an average score of {{averageTutorValue}}% which is below {{threshold}}%."},"complaints":{"above":"{{tutorName}} has received {{numberOfTutorItems}} complaints, having a complaint ratio of {{averageTutorValue}}% which is above {{threshold}}%."}},"tutorLeaderboard":{"courseTitle":"Tutor Course Leaderboard","examTitle":"Tutor Exam Leaderboard","id":"ID","name":"Name","numberOfAssessments":"Assessments","numberOfAcceptedComplaints":"Accepted complaints","numberOfNotAnsweredMoreFeedbackRequests":"Open requests","numberOfComplaintResponses":"Complaint responses","numberOfAnsweredMoreFeedbackRequests":"Answered requests","points":"Points","averageScore":"Average score","averageRating":"Average rating"},"exerciseAverageRating":"Average rating"},"assessmentInstructions":{"instructions":{"instructions":"Instructions","editor":{"addCredits":"[credits] Points","addInstruction":"[instruction] Assessment Instructions","addFeedback":"[feedback] Feedback","addGradingScale":"[gradingScale] Grading Scale","addCountUsage":"[count] Usage Number","addCriterion":"[criterion] Assessment Criterion"}},"problemStatement":"Problem Statement","sampleSolution":"Example Solution","assessmentInstructions":"Assessment Instructions","structuredGradingInstructions":"Structured Assessment Criteria","expandAll":"Expand All","collapseAll":"Collapse All","usageCount":"Usage Count","trainingEvaluationCriteria":{"title":"Assessment Training Evaluation Criteria","description":"In order to successfully complete the training, your assessment should match all of the following criteria:
 1. The number of feedback that you provide should be the same as the instructor's.
 2. Every feedback should have the same usage of assessment instructions and score.
 3. A reason should be provided for feedback with a negative score."}},"assessmentMode":"Assessment Mode","AssessmentType":{"null":"","undefined":"","AUTOMATIC":"automatic","SEMI_AUTOMATIC":"semi-automatic","MANUAL":"manual","forExerciseHeader":{"AUTOMATIC":"automatic","SEMI_AUTOMATIC":"manual"},"tooltip":{"null":"No assessment type set.","undefined":"No assessment type set.","AUTOMATIC":"Instructor-created test cases automatically assess your submission to this exercise and provide immediate feedback.","SEMI_AUTOMATIC":"This exercise is manually graded, but instructor-created test cases help during the assessment and provide immediate feedback.","MANUAL":"This exercise is graded manually."}},"bonus":{"bonusStrategy":{"title":"Select a bonus strategy","helpText":"Grades: First, calculates the target exam grade. Then, applies the bonus to that.
Points: First, applies the bonus to the student's points. Then, calculates the final grade by matching the resulting points to the target exam's grading key.","grades":"Grades","points":"Points"},"discreteness":{"title":"Select discreteness","helpText":"Discrete: (Not available yet) Bumps the student's grade to a better grade step. Final grade will be one of the grade steps in the target exam (e.g. from 1.3 to 1.0 or from B to A).
Continuous: Applies bonus arithmetically to the student's grade. Final grade can be any numeric value between the best and the worst grade step values (e.g. from 1.3 to 1.2).","discrete":"Discrete","continuous":"Continuous"},"calculation":{"title":"Select calculation","helpText":"− (Default option for Grades): Subtracts bonus from target exam's grades/points. Prefer this when lower means better.
+ (Default option for Points): Adds bonus to target exam's grades/points. Prefer this when higher means better."},"bonusSource":{"title":"Select bonus source","helpText":"Exams and courses with \"Bonus\" type grading keys are listed below. The student's grade for the selected course or exam determines the bonus amount.","maxPoints":"Max points","maxPointsCourseHelpText":"The maximum points specified in the course's grading key. This value is only used for example calculations and is not used in the actual bonus calculation. Instead, the bonus is calculated based on the points achievable in the course."},"examples":{"title":"Examples","helpText":"You can try out custom scenarios by editing the last row.","examPoints":"Exam Points","examGrade":"Exam Grade","bonusSourceStudentPoints":"Bonus Source Student Points","bonusGrade":"Bonus","finalPoints":"Final Points","finalGrade":"Final Grade","any":"(Any)","exceedsMax":"The final value exceeds the best possible value so it is capped there. If that is not intended, double check −/+ selection."},"formula":{"title":"Formula","examPoints":"Exam
Grade","bonusSourceStudentPoints":"Bonus Source Student Points","bonusGrade":"Bonus","finalPoints":"Final
Grade","finalGradeLimit":"(You cannot get a final grade better than {{maxPossibleGrade}})","finalGradeFromPoints":"Final points will determine final grade by matching against the non-bonus grade scale."},"title":"Bonus","deleteQuestion":"Do you really want to delete the bonus?","updated":"Bonus updated.","created":"Bonus created.","deleted":"Bonus deleted.","warnStrategyWeightMismatch":"The bonus strategy and weight combination you have chosen would result in a worse grade for the student. Please reconsider your selections above.","helpTextExplanation":"You can find the detailed explanation below."},"buildAgents":{"title":"Build Agents","summary":"Build Agents Summary","details":"Build Agents Details","name":"Name","maxNumberOfConcurrentBuildJobs":"Max # of concurrent build jobs","numberOfCurrentBuildJobs":"# of current build jobs","runningBuildJobs":"Running build jobs","status":"Status","recentBuildJobs":"Recent build jobs","running":"Running","idle":"Idle","onlineAgents":"online agent(s)","of":"of","buildJobsRunning":"build jobs running"},"buildQueue":{"title":"Build Overview","pageTitle":"Build Job Information","queuedBuildJobs":"Queued Build Jobs","runningBuildJobs":"Running Build Jobs","finishedBuildJobs":"Finished Build Jobs","buildJob":{"id":"ID","buildAgent":"Build Agent","name":"Name","participationId":"Participation ID","repositoryName":"Repository Name","repositoryType":"Repository Type","commitHash":"Commit Hash","submissionDate":"Submission Date","buildStartDate":"Build Start Date","courseId":"Course ID","priority":"Priority","buildCompletionDate":"Build Completion Date","buildDuration":"Build Duration","completion":"Completion","start":"Start","duration":"Duration","status":"Status","buildLogs":"Build Logs"},"cancelAll":"Cancel All","filter":{"title":"BuildJobs Filter","buildStatus":{"title":"Build Status","cancelled":"Cancelled","failed":"Failed","error":"Error","successful":"Successful"},"buildAgentAddress":"Build Agent Address","buildStartDate":{"title":"Build Start Date","from":"From","to":"To","invalidDate":"From date must be before to date"},"buildDuration":{"title":"Build Duration (in seconds)","lowerBound":"Lower Bound","upperBound":"Upper Bound","invalidState":"Lower bound must be less than upper bound"},"search":{"title":"Search","placeholder":"Search for build job","loading":"Loading...","tooltip":"Search will be performed on user login, course title, and course short name"},"none":"None","close":"Close","apply":"Apply","open":"Filter ({{ num }})"},"statistics":{"title":"Overview","titleTooltip":"Data for the specified time span is fetched.","totalBuilds":"Number of Builds:","successfulBuildsWithColon":"Successful Builds:","successfulBuilds":"Successful Builds","successfulBuildsPercentage":"Successful Builds %:","failedBuilds":"Failed Builds:","failedBuildsPercentage":"Failed Builds %:","cancelledBuilds":"Cancelled Builds:","cancelledBuildsPercentage":"Cancelled Builds %:","daySpan":"1 day","weekSpan":"7 days","monthSpan":"30 days"}},"codeHint":{"type":"Code Hint","entry":"Entry","entryType":"Type (S/B)","lineOfCode":"1 line of code","linesOfCode":"{{ lines }} lines of code","entryTypeTooltip":"Defines whether this entry has been generated for a structural (S) or behavioral (B) test case.","entryAbbreviation":{"structural":"S","behavioral":"B"},"entries":"Entries","removeEntryQuestion":"Are you sure you want to remove this entry?","noEntries":"This code hint has no Solution Code Snippets.","deleted":"Deleted Code Hint with identifier {{ param }}","management":{"title":"Code Hint Management","previousButton":{"label":"Back"},"nextButton":{"label":"Next","tooltip":"The current step has to be performed to proceed."},"step1":{"name":"Git-Diff Report","description":"The git-diff report is created automatically for the template and solution repositories for every submission to either of the repositories.","notGenerated":"The Git-Diff report has not been generated yet."},"step2":{"name":"Coverage Report","description":"The coverage report is created automatically for every submission to the solution repository.","notGenerated":"The coverage report has not been generated yet."},"step3":{"name":"Solution Code Snippets","description":"This steps allows to edit the individual Solution Code Snippets from which code hints are generated.","notGenerated":"No Solution Code Snippets have been generated yet.","createManualFragmentButton":{"label":"Create manual fragment","tooltip":"Allows to create a manual Solution Code Snippets for a file and test case."},"structuralEntriesButton":{"label":"Generate structural snippets","tooltip":"Generates fragments for structural test cases. Already existing structural fragments will be overwritten."},"behavioralEntriesButton":{"label":"Generate behavioral snippets","tooltip":"Generates fragments for behavioral test cases. Already existing behavioral fragments will be overwritten."},"deleteAllEntriesButton":{"label":"Delete all snippets","tooltip":"Deletes all Solution Code Snippets for this exercise.","question":"Are you sure to delete all Solution Code Snippets for this exercise?","title":"Delete all Solution Code Snippets","success":"Successfully deleted all Solution Code Snippets"},"deleteIndividualEntryButton":{"question":"Are you sure to delete the Solution Code Snippets with ID {{ title }}?"}},"step4":{"name":"Code Hints","description":"This step allows to generate the code hints.","title":"Title","task":"Task","notGenerated":"No code hints have been generated yet.","updateHintsButton":{"label":"Update code hints","tooltip":"Create new code hints by re-assigning the existing Solution Code Snippets. The title, description, and content of the existing hint retain.","success":"Code hints have been updated successfully. The hints will be visible immediately to participating students."},"createHintsButton":{"label":"Create code hints","tooltip":"Creates code hints from the existing Solution Code Snippets.","success":"Code hints have been created successfully. The hints will be visible immediately to participating students."},"recreateHintsButton":{"label":"Recreate code hints","tooltip":"Recreate code hints from the existing Solution Code Snippets. Existing hints will be overwritten.","success":"Code hints have been recreated successfully. The hints will be visible immediately to participating students."},"iris":{"generateDescription":{"label":"Generate description & content","tooltip":"Generates a short and long description and for the code hint based on the Solution Code Snippets using Iris."}}}}},"programmingExerciseSolutionEntry":{"simplifiedName":"Solution Code Snippets","created":"Created Solution Code Snippets with ID {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Solution Code Snippets with ID {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Solution Code Snippets with ID {{ param }}","test":"Test","testOnlyForCurrentTask":"You can only select a test case that the currently selected task contains.","file":"File","changeContentNote":"Note: Changes apply to the fragments in existing code hints that contain this fragment."},"codeOfConduct":{"accept":"Accept","title":"Code of Conduct","tooltip":"The Code of Conduct describes to users how best to communicate and which consequences might be raised if there is misconduct, as well as, contact information for reporting."},"competency":{"created":"Competency created","deleted":"Competency deleted","updated":"Competency updated","competencyButton":"Competencies","title":"Title","description":"Description","taxonomy":"Taxonomy","softDueDate":"Recommended until","optional":"Optional","optionalDescription":"Optional competencies are not required to complete the learning path. They can provide additional practice or may cover material that exceeds the courses requirements.","course":"Course","progress":"Progress","progressDescription":"The progress is influenced by the percentage of completed lecture units and your score in the exercises.","mastery":"Mastery","masteryDescription":"A weighted metric of your progress, which shows your overall advancement towards competency mastery.","masteredStudents":"Mastered students","mastered":"Mastered","competencies":"Competencies","confidenceReasons":{"NO_REASON":"The confidence is roughly the same as the mastery","RECENT_SCORES_LOWER":"Since your recent scores are lower than your average in the competency, the mastery is lower than the progress","RECENT_SCORES_HIGHER":"Since your recent scores are higher than your average in the competency, the mastery is higher than the progress","MORE_EASY_POINTS":"Since you mostly scored your points in easy exercises, the mastery is lower than the progress","MORE_HARD_POINTS":"Since you mostly scored your points in hard exercises, the mastery is higher than the progress","QUICKLY_SOLVED_EXERCISES":"Since you solved some exercises quickly, the mastery is higher than the progress"},"table":{"panelHeader":"Your advancement"},"manage":{"title":"Competency Management","importButton":"Import competencies","importFromCoursesButton":"Import from other courses","importAllButton":"Import all competencies of a course","importStandardizedButton":"Import standardized competencies","createButton":"Create competency","generateButton":"Generate Competencies","empty":"No competencies exist for this course","deleteRelationModalTitle":"Confirm Delete","deleteRelationModalText":"Are you sure you want to delete the relation between \"{{titleTail}}\" and \"{{titleHead}}\"?"},"import":{"title":"Import Competencies","searchTableHeader":"Search Competencies","searchTableEmpty":"Found no competencies matching your search","selectedTableHeader":"Selected Competencies","selectedTableEmpty":"No competencies selected to import","importRelations":"Import Relations?","search":{"title":"Competency Search","labelCompetencyTitle":"Competency Title","labelCompetencyDescription":"Competency Description","labelCourseTitle":"Course title","labelCourseSemester":"Semester","showAdvancedSearch":"Show advanced search","hideAdvancedSearch":"Hide advanced search"},"table":{"TITLE":"Title","DESCRIPTION":"Description","COURSE_TITLE":"Course Title","SEMESTER":"Semester"},"success":"Imported {{ numCompetencies }} competencies."},"generate":{"title":"Generate Competency Recommendations","listTitle":"Competency Recommendations","viewedLabel":"Viewed","deleteModalTitle":"Confirm Delete","deleteModalText":"Are you sure you want to delete \"{{title}}\"?","saveModalTitle":"Confirm Save","saveModalText":"You have not viewed all recommendations, do you still want to continue?","errorWarning":"You may not save because some competencies are invalid","loading":"Generating competency recommendations... This might take a while.","courseDescription":{"title":"Enter a Course Description","placeholder":"Please enter a course description","requiredValidationError":"Course description must not be empty","minlengthValidationError":"Course description must be at least {{min}} characters long","maxlengthValidationError":"Course description is limited to {{max}} characters","regenerate":"Generate again","regenerateTooltip":"Generate additional Competency Recommendations","infoTooltip":"Enter a course description, focusing on the theoretical/practical content and learning objectives. Iris will then use it to generate recommendations for competencies you could add to your course.","success":"Generated {{ noOfCompetencies }} competency recommendations.","warning":"No competency recommendations could be generated. Try using a more detailed course description. If the issue persists, contact the administrators."}},"importAll":{"title":"Import all Competencies from another course","search":"Search for a course:","table":{"TITLE":"Title","SEMESTER":"Semester","SHORT_NAME":"Short Name","doImport":"Select"},"success":"Imported {{ noOfCompetencies }} competencies from course \"{{ courseTitle }}\".","warning":"No competencies were found for course \"{{ courseTitle }}\"."},"create":{"title":"Create a new competency","titlePlaceholder":"Give the competency a title","titleRequiredValidationError":"A competency needs to have a title","titleMaxLengthValidationError":"A competency title is limited to {{max}} characters","descriptionMaxLengthValidationError":"A competency description is limited to {{max}} characters","softDueDate":"Recommended date of completion","softDueDateHint":"Guide students by selecting when you expect them to have mastered this competency. This is not a hard deadline.","connectWithLectureUnits":"Link the competency with lecture units"},"edit":{"title":"Edit a competency"},"link":{"title":"Linked Competencies","lectureUnit":"Optionally link this lecture unit to one or more competencies.","exercise":"Optionally link this exercise to one or more competencies."},"competencyCard":{"connectedLectureUnits":"Linked Lecture Units","connectedLectureUnitsExplanation":"The following lecture units are linked to this competency:","ringsTooltip":"Your route to competency mastery. (Red = Mastery, Green = Progress)","ringsTooltipHideProgress":"You have not yet rated your mastery of this competency, please rate it to see your progress.","exerciseNote":"Please note that we take always the last submission into account for exercise units. Even submissions after the due date. This means for example that you can improve your progress by re-trying a quiz as often as you like. It is therefore normal, that the score here might differ from the score you officially achieved in an exercise.","delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the competency {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the competency for confirmation.","buttonText":"Delete"},"remove":"Remove","achieved":"achieved","progressUnavailable":"Progress calculation is currently only available for competencies linked to lecture units.","noUnitsConnected":"This competency is not linked to any lecture units","progressExplanation":"Progress: You achieved currently {{ progress }}% of {{ points }} points","progressCourseExplanation":"Average Course Progress: The course achieved currently on average {{ progress }}% of {{ points }} points","softDueDate":"Recommended"},"competencyPopover":{"connectedCompetencies":"Linked Competencies","explanation":"This lecture unit helps you to achieve the following competencies: ","noCompetencies":"No competencies are linked with this lecture unit! "},"relation":{"competencyRelations":"Competency Relations","tailCompetency":"Tail Competency","relationType":"Relation Type","headCompetency":"Head Competency","createRelation":"Create Relation","createsCircularRelation":"You can not create circular relations between competencies.","selfRelation":"You can not create a relation between a competency and itself.","relationAlreadyExists":"This relation already exists.","type":{"ASSUMES":"Assumes","EXTENDS":"Extends","MATCHES":"Matches"},"typeExplanation":{"ASSUMES":"The head competency assumes that the student mastered the tail competency and teaches new knowledge that builds upon the tail competency.","EXTENDS":"The head competency assumes that the student mastered the tail competency and deepens that knowledge further.","MATCHES":"The head and tail competency match and cover the same knowledge."}}},"courseCompetency":{"title":"Title","course":"Course","description":"Description","taxonomy":"Taxonomy","softDueDate":"Recommended until","masteryThreshold":"Mastery threshold","manage":{"importAllButton":"Import all of a course"},"importAll":{"title":"Import all Competencies and Prerequisites from another course","success":"Imported {{ noOfCompetencies }} competencies and prerequisites from course \"{{ courseTitle }}\".","warning":"No competencies or prerequisites were found for course \"{{ courseTitle }}\"."},"create":{"titleUniqueValidationError":"There already exists a competency/prerequisite with this title in the course","suggestedTaxonomy":"Suggested","averageStudentScore":"Average student mastery","selectLecture":"Select a Lecture","noLectures":"This course has no lectures","dropdown":"{{lectureTitle}} ({{ noOfConnectedUnits }} unit(s) linked)","lectureUnitTable":{"type":"Type","name":"Lecture Unit","releaseDate":"Release Date","lecture":"Lecture","scoreAchievedByStudent":"Your score","averageScoreAchievedByStudent":"Average score of participant","totalPointsAchievable":"Achievable points","noOfParticipants":"Number of participants","participationRate":"Participation Rate"}},"taxonomies":{"REMEMBER":"Remember","UNDERSTAND":"Understand","APPLY":"Apply","ANALYZE":"Analyze","EVALUATE":"Evaluate","CREATE":"Create","none":"No Taxonomy"},"keywords":{"REMEMBER":"define, duplicate, list, note, repeat, recognize, reproduce, name","UNDERSTAND":"classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, restate, select, translate","APPLY":"execute, implement, solve, use, demonstrate, illustrate, operate, schedule, show, sketch","ANALYZE":"differentiate, examine, experiment, question, relate, test, break down, contrast, distinguish","EVALUATE":"appraise, argue, choose, defend, judge, select, support, value, critique","CREATE":"design, formulate, hypothesize, invent, plan, propose, write, assemble, construct, develop"}},"prerequisite":{"title":"Prerequisites","created":"Prerequisite created","deleted":"Prerequisite deleted","updated":"Prerequisite updated","optional":"Optional","optionalDescription":"Optional prerequisites are not required to complete the learning path. They can provide additional practice or may cover material that exceeds the courses requirements.","manage":{"title":"Prerequisite Management","createButton":"Create prerequisite","importButton":"Import prerequisites","importFromCoursesButton":"Import from other courses","deleted":"Prerequisite deleted","delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the prerequisite {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the prerequisite for confirmation."},"importAllButton":"Import all prerequisites of a course","importStandardizedButton":"Import standardized competencies","empty":"No prerequisites exist for this course"},"import":{"title":"Import Prerequisites","success":"Imported {{ numPrerequisites }} prerequisites.","selectedTableHeader":"Selected Prerequisites","selectedTableEmpty":"No competencies selected to import as prerequisites"},"create":{"title":"Create a new prerequisite","titlePlaceholder":"Give the prerequisite a title","titleRequiredValidationError":"A prerequisite needs to have a title","titleMaxLengthValidationError":"A prerequisite title is limited to {{max}} characters","descriptionMaxLengthValidationError":"A prerequisite description is limited to {{max}} characters","softDueDate":"Recommended date of completion","softDueDateHint":"Guide students by selecting when you expect them to have mastered this prerequisite. This is not a hard deadline.","connectWithLectureUnits":"Link the prerequisite with lecture units"},"edit":{"title":"Edit a Prerequisite"},"importAll":{"title":"Import all Prerequisites from another course","success":"Imported {{ noOfCompetencies }} prerequisites from course \"{{ courseTitle }}\".","warning":"No prerequisites were found for course \"{{ courseTitle }}\"."},"competencyCard":{"delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the prerequisite {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the prerequisite for confirmation."}}},"learningPath":{"learningPathButton":"Learning Paths","breadcrumbs":{"lectureUnit":"Lecture Unit","exercise":"Exercise"},"manageLearningPaths":{"title":"Learning Path Management","health":{"missing":{"title":"Missing Learning Paths","body":"Some students have not generated their learning paths yet. This is not critical. Their learning paths will be created once they request their learning path for the first time.","action":"Generate","hint":"Generate missing Learning Paths"},"noCompetencies":{"title":"No Competencies","body":"You have not created competencies yet. Learning paths are composed of the competencies students have to fulfill. Go to the competency management tab to create new competencies or import existing ones.","action":"Competency Management","hint":"Go to competency management"},"noRelations":{"title":"No Relations","body":"You have not configured relations between competencies. Learning paths use this information about the structure of the learning materials to reliably provide high quality recommendations to students. Go to the competency management tab to configure competency relations.","action":"Competency Management","hint":"Go to competency management"}},"isDisabled":"Learning Paths are currently disabled for this course.","enable":"Enable Learning Paths","enableHint":"The creation of learning paths for every student may take a moment.","search":"Search:","table":{"name":"Name","login":"Login","progress":"Progress"}},"sideBar":{"hide":"Hide Learning Path","show":"Show Learning Path","header":"Learning Path"},"participate":{"viewProgress":"View current progress details","noTaskSelected":"Currently you have no lecture unit or exercise selected.","prevHint":"Go to previous recommendation","nextHint":"Go to next recommendation"},"graph":{"progressNav":{"header":"Learning Path","refresh":"Refresh","center":"Center view"},"legend":{"competencyEnd":{"title":"Competency end","tooltip":"This is the end of a competency. The nodes between the competency start and end help you to master this competency."},"matchStart":{"title":"Branch","tooltip":"It's up to you with which competency you're going to continue. The competencies have been defined as equivalent by your instructor, i.e. mastering one of the competencies is sufficient."},"matchEnd":{"title":"Convergence","tooltip":"Here the different competencies join again. The competencies have been defined as equivalent by your instructor, i.e. mastering one of the competencies is sufficient."},"learningObject":{"title":"Pending lecture unit / exercise","tooltip":"A lecture unit or exercise that has not been sufficiently solved."},"completedLearningObject":{"title":"Completed lecture unit / exercise","tooltip":"A lecture unit or exercise that has been sufficiently solved."}}},"navigation":{"nextButton":"Next","previousButton":"Previous","completeButton":"End of learning path","overview":{"title":"Learning path competencies","showCompetenciesGraphButton":"Competency graph","emptyLearningObjectsLabel":"This competency doesn't contain any learning objects yet!","nextLearningObjectOnPathLabel":"Next","unreleasedLearningObjectLabel":"Unreleased learning unit"},"recapLabel":"Recap learning units"},"competencyGraphModal":{"title":"Learning path competency relations"},"generation":{"title":"Welcome to your learning path!","description":"This feature lets you learn at your own pace with a personalized journey tailored to your performance. It adapts dynamically, ensuring you always have the most relevant content and challenges. Start now and experience a customized path to success!","generateButton":"Start my learning path"},"completion":{"title":"Congratulations!","description":"Congratulations on finishing your current learning path! 🎉 Your hard work has paid off. While new content may be added soon, enjoy this moment of achievement. Stay tuned for more units and keep up the great work!"}},"errors":{"complaintLock":"The complaint is still locked by {{user}} until {{lockEnd}}!","channelNameDuplicate":"Channel with name {{ channelName }} already exists","scheduleOverlapsWithSession":"The schedule overlaps with the following sessions: {{ sessions }}","sessionOverlapsWithSession":"The session overlaps with the following sessions: {{ sessions }}"},"complaint":{"title":"Complaint","info":"The complaint limit refers to open and rejected complaints. If your complaint is accepted it will not count towards this total.","description":"You may submit up to {{ maxComplaintNumber }} complaints in this course.","descriptionExam":"You can submit one complaint for each manually assessed exercise in this exam.","descriptionExtended":"Every student is allowed to complain once per exercise. In total {{ maxComplaintNumber }} complaints are possible in this course. You still have {{ allowedComplaints }} complaints left.","descriptionTeam":"Your team may submit up to {{ maxComplaintNumber }} complaints in this course.","descriptionTeamExtended":"Every team is allowed to complain once per exercise. In total {{ maxComplaintNumber }} complaints are possible in this course. Your team still has {{ allowedComplaints }} complaints left.","exclusivityDisclaimer":"Complaints and More Feedback Requests are exclusive to each other. You can only submit one or the other.","beDescriptive":"Please describe in detail why the assessment is wrong. Your complaint will then be evaluated by a second reviewer.","beDescriptiveTeam":"Please describe in detail why the assessment is wrong. Your submission will then be re-evaluated by your tutor.","alreadySubmittedSubmissionAuthor":"You have already submitted a complaint","alreadySubmittedNotSubmissionAuthor":"The student has already submitted a complaint","submit":"Submit a complaint","created":"Your complaint has been submitted!","moreInfo":"Complain","complaintNotAllowedTooltip":"Currently not allowed: complaint limit reached or assessment review period is over.","responseExists":"Response to your complaint","hint":"Scroll down to review the complaint","accepted":"Accepted","acceptedLong":"Complaint was accepted","rejected":"Rejected","rejectedLong":"Complaint was rejected","tooManyComplaints":"Complaint limit reached. You may not have more than {{ maxComplaintNumber }} open or rejected complaints at the same time.","exceededComplaintTextLimit":"Maximum number of characters for the complaints reached. You can't use more than {{ maxComplaintTextLimit }} characters.","exceededComplaintResponseTextLimit":"Maximum number of characters for the complaint response reached. You can't use more than {{ maxComplaintRespondTextLimit }} characters.","complaintAlreadyHandled":"The complaint has been resolved","listOfComplaints":{"exercise":"Exercise","submissionId":"Submission ID","assessorLogin":"Assessor's Login","assessorName":"Assessor's Name","reviewerLogin":"Reviewer's Login","reviewerName":"Reviewer's Name","studentLogin":"Student's Login","studentName":"Student's Name","actions":"Actions","title":"List of complaints","dateAndTime":"Date and Time","responseTime":"Response time","status":"Status","noReply":"No reply yet","accepted":"Accepted","rejected":"Rejected","showAddressedComplaints":"Show addressed complaints","showOnlyAddressedComplaints":"Only show addressed complaints","hideAddressedComplaints":"Hide addressed complaints","loadAllComplaints":"Load all complaints","loadAllComplaintsExplanation":"The list only shows filed complaints about your assessments. You can load all complaints about all assessors by clicking this button: ","allComplaintsLoaded":"All complaints loaded","noComplaintsToShow":"There are no complaints to show at the moment"},"review":"Review Complaint","oneWeekUnanswered":"Complaints should be answered within one week if possible!"},"moreFeedback":{"title":"More Feedback Request","description":"If something is not clear enough and you need more explanation, you can request the tutor to provide more feedback.","descriptionTeam":"If something is not clear enough and you need more explanation, you can request your tutor to provide more feedback.","beDescriptive":"Please describe in detail what is unclear to you about the assessment. Your request will then be evaluated by the same reviewer.","beDescriptiveTeam":"Please describe in detail what is unclear to you about the assessment. Your tutor will then clarify their assessment.","created":"Your More Feedback Request has been submitted!","button":"Request more feedback","info":"Submitting a feedback request does not affect your number of allowed complaints, but your score will remain unchanged.","review":"Review More Feedback Request","alreadyHandled":"The request has been resolved","alreadySubmittedSubmissionAuthor":"You have already requested more feedback","alreadySubmittedNotSubmissionAuthor":"The student has already requested more feedback","acceptedLong":"Request was answered","responseExists":"Response to your request","notAllowedTooltip":"Currently not allowed: assessment is older than one week","accepted":"Answered","list":{"title":"List of More Feedback Requests","showAnsweredRequests":"Show answered requests","hideAnsweredRequests":"Hide answered requests","loadAllRequests":"Load all requests","loadAllRequestsExplanation":"The list only shows requests about your assessments. You can load all requests for all reviewers using this button: ","allRequestsLoaded":"All requests loaded","noRequestsToShow":"There are no requests to show at the moment"},"hint":"Scroll down to review More Feedback Request"},"locks":{"acquired":"You now have the lock on this complaint for 24 hours!","removeButton":"Remove lock","lockRemoved":"Removed lock from complaint","lockInformation":"Locked by {{user}} until {{endDate}}","lockInformationYou":"Locked by YOU until {{endDate}}","notUnlocked":"Not Locked","lockStatus":"Lock Status","notAllowedToRespond":"You are not allowed to respond to the complaint or more feedback request!\nFor team exercises, the team tutor is the assessor and handles both complaints and feedback requests themself.\nFor individual exercises, complaints are handled by a secondary reviewer and feedback requests by the assessor themself.\nFor exam test runs, the original assessor is allowed to respond to complaints.\nComplaints on automatic assessments can be answered by any tutor."},"complaintResponse":{"title":"Complaint's response","created":"Response to complaint has been submitted","updateAssessment":"Accept complaint","updateAssessmentTooltip":"Send complaint response and update assessment","rejectComplaint":"Reject complaint","rejectComplaintTooltip":"Send complaint response and reject complaint","noText":"Please enter a response message"},"moreFeedbackResponse":{"title":"More Feedback Request's response","created":"Response to More Feedback Request has been submitted","sendResponseTooltip":"Send response to More Feedback Request","provideFeedback":"Provide more feedback"},"consistencyCheck":{"button":"Check Consistency","title":"Consistency Check","text":"The check on programming exercises is being performed. Found inconsistencies will be displayed below.","warning":"For courses with many programming exercises this will take some time.","error":{"type":"Error Type","VCS_PROJECT_MISSING":"Missing VCS project","TEMPLATE_REPO_MISSING":"Missing template repository","SOLUTION_REPO_MISSING":"Missing solution repository","AUXILIARY_REPO_MISSING":"Missing auxiliary repository","TEST_REPO_MISSING":"Missing test repository","TEMPLATE_BUILD_PLAN_MISSING":"Missing template build plan","SOLUTION_BUILD_PLAN_MISSING":"Missing solution build plan","programmingExerciseImportFailed":"Import of programming exercise failed, as the source exercise is inconsistent. Please see the consistency check on the source exercise for more details."},"noInconsistencies":"No inconsistencies found","inconsistenciesFound":"Following inconsistencies have been found","inconsistenciesFoundAlert":"Inconsistencies have been found in this programming exercise. Please see the consistency check for more details."},"messageWarning":{"headerText":"Confidential Information Warning","mainParagraph":"Do not share confidential information like passwords, credit card numbers, or personal identification numbers in the chat. This information is sensitive and could potentially be used for identity theft or fraud if it falls into the wrong hands.","lastParagraph":"Keep your personal information safe by keeping it to yourself and not sharing it online."},"conversationsLayout":{"tabTitle":"Course Messages","breadCrumbLabel":"Messages","others":"{{ count }} others","onlyYou":"Only you","archived":"Archived","sendMessage":"Send","goToExercise":"Go to exercise","goToLecture":"Go to lecture","goToExam":"Go to exam","conversationMessages":{"searchLabel":"Search messages","clearSearch":"Clear search","searchBarPlaceholder":"Search for messages within the current conversation","searchResultsMultiple":"{{ count }} messages found","searchResultsSingle":"1 message found","searchResultsNone":"No messages found"},"threadSideBar":{"label":"Thread","close":"Close thread","reply":"Reply in thread"},"conversationSelectionSideBar":{"header":"Conversations","show":"Show conversations","hide":"Hide conversations","notFound":"No conversation found","favoriteChannels":"Favorites","hiddenChannels":"Hidden","channels":"Channels","generalChannels":"General","exerciseChannels":"Exercises","lectureChannels":"Lectures","examChannels":"Exams","createChannel":"Create channel","browseChannels":"Browse channels","groupChats":"Group Chats","directMessages":"Direct Messages","filterConversationPlaceholder":"Filter conversations","sideBarSection":{"shown":"shown","hidden":"hidden","show":"Show","hide":"Hide","favorite":"Favorite","unfavorite":"Unfavorite","mute":"Mute","unmute":"Unmute","settings":"Settings"}}},"dialogs":{"archiveChannel":{"title":"Archive Channel {{ channelName }} ?","question":"Do you really want to archive the channel {{ channelName }} ?","description":"No one will be able to send messages to the channel. You can unarchive the channel at any time.","confirmButton":"Archive Channel"},"unArchiveChannel":{"title":"Unarchive Channel {{ channelName }} ?","question":"Do you really want to unarchive the channel {{ channelName }} ?","description":"Unarchiving a channel will allow members to post. You can archive the channel again at any time.","confirmButton":"Unarchive Channel"},"deleteChannel":{"question":"Are you sure to delete the channel with name '{{ title }}'? This is a permanent action and cannot be undone.","confirm":"Please enter the title of the channel to confirm."},"grantChannelModerator":{"title":"Make {{ userName }} an moderator of {{ channelName }} ?","question":"Do you really want to make {{ userName }} an moderator of {{ channelName }} ?","description":"This will allow {{ userName }} to manage the channel and its members. They can also edit and delete messages in the channel.","confirmButton":"Grant Moderator Role"},"revokeChannelModerator":{"title":"Revoke moderator role of {{ userName }} in {{ channelName }} ?","question":"Do you really want to revoke the moderator role of {{ userName }} in {{ channelName }} ?","description":"This will revoke the moderator role of {{ userName }} in {{ channelName }}. You can grant the moderator role again at any time.","confirmButton":"Revoke Moderator Role"},"removeUserPrivateChannel":{"title":"Remove user from private channel?","question":"Remove {{ userName }} from private channel {{ channelName }} ?","warning":"This member will not be able to access this channel anymore unless they are invited again.","remove":"Remove user"},"removeUserPublicChannel":{"title":"Remove user from public channel?","question":"Remove {{ userName }} from public channel {{ channelName }} ?","warning":"This member will not be able to access this channel anymore unless they join again.","remove":"Remove user"},"removeUserGroupChat":{"title":"Remove user from group chat?","question":"Remove {{ userName }} from group chat?","warning":"This member will not be able to access this group chat anymore unless they are invited again.","remove":"Remove user"},"conversationSettings":{"settingsUnavailable":"No settings possible","actions":{"leave":"Leave Conversation","archiveChannel":"Archive Channel","unarchiveChannel":"Unarchive Channel"}},"conversationDetail":{"tabs":{"members":"Members","info":"Info","settings":"Settings"},"memberTab":{"findMembers":"Find members","searching":"Searching...","addUsers":"Add users","filter":"Select a Filter","allFilter":"All Members","instructorFilter":"Course Instructors","editorFilter":"Course Editors","tutorFilter":"Course Tutors","studentFilter":"Course Students","channelModeratorFilter":"Channel Moderators","memberRow":{"channelModeratorTooltip":"Channel Moderator that can manage the channel and its members","removeUser":"Remove user","grantModeratorRole":"Grant Moderator Role","revokeModeratorRole":"Revoke Moderator Role"}},"infoTab":{"name":"Name","topic":"Topic","description":"Description","noName":"No name set...","noTopic":"No topic set...","editTopic":"Edit topic","noDescription":"No description set...","editDescription":"Edit description","editName":"Edit name","moreInfo":"More info","createdBy":"Created by","createdOn":"Created on"}},"addUsers":{"addUsersToGroupChat":"Add users to group chat","addUsersToChannel":"Add users to: ","addUsersForm":{"addUsersButton":"Add Users","requiredError":"You must select at least one user","maxError":"You can only add {{ max }} users","addUserLabel":"Search for users in the course","maxUsersNote":"Note: You can add {{ max }} users to this conversation","addIndividualUsers":"Add individual users","addWholeGroups":"Add whole groups","addAllStudents":"Add all students","addAllTutors":"Add all tutors","addAllEditors":"Add all editors","addAllInstructors":"Add all instructors"}},"createOneToOneChat":{"title":"Start a direct conversation with another user","userSelectorLabel":"Select a user to chat with"},"createGroupChat":{"title":"Start a group chat between you and a maximum of 9 other users","userSelectorLabel":"Search for users to add to the group chat","requiredError":"You must select at least one user","maxError":"You can only add {{ max }} users","confirmButton":"Create group chat"},"editChannelTopic":{"topicInput":{"label":"Topic (optional)","topicHelp":"What is the channel currently dealing with? (Displayed in header)","maxLengthValidationError":"The topic can be a maximum of {{ max }} characters long!"}},"channelOverview":{"title":{"general":"All General Channels in course {{ courseTitle }}","exercise":"All Exercise Channels in course {{ courseTitle }}","lecture":"All Lecture Channels in course {{ courseTitle }}","exam":"All Exam Channels in course {{ courseTitle }}"},"otherChannels":"Other Channels","createChannelButton":"Create a new channel","channelItem":{"joined:":"Joined","members":"Members"},"actions":{"view":"View","join":"Join","leave":"Leave"}},"createChannel":{"titlePublicChannel":"Create a public","titlePrivateChannel":"Create a private","titleAnnouncementChannel":"announcement channel","titleRegularChannel":"channel","description":"A channel is a way to group people together around a project, a topic, or just for fun. You can create as many channels as you want. You will become the first channel moderator. You will not be able to leave the channel.","channelForm":{"nameInput":{"label":"Name","placeholder":"e.g. tech-support","requiredValidationError":"Name is required!","maxLengthValidationError":"Name can be max {{ max }} characters long!","regexValidationError":"Names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes. Only Artemis can create channels that start with a $."},"descriptionInput":{"label":"Description (optional)","descriptionHelp":"What's this channel about?","maxLengthValidationError":"Description can be max {{ max }} characters long!"},"isPublicInput":{"label":"Visibility","explanation":"Every user except instructors will need an invitation to join a private channel. Everybody can join a public channel.","public":"Public","private":"Private"},"isAnnouncementChannelInput":{"label":"Channel Type","explanation":"Only instructors and channel moderators can create new messages in an announcement channel. Students can only read the messages and answer to them.","true":"Announcement Channel","false":"Unrestricted Channel"},"createButton":"Create Channel"}}},"course":{"searchForCourse":"Search for a course...","home":{"title":"Courses","createLabel":"Create new course","editLabel":"Edit course"},"created":"Created new course with title {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Course with title {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Course with title {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the course {{ title }}? All associated elements will be deleted, including exams, exercises, repositories and build plans. This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the course to confirm.","icon":"Remove Icon"},"showActive":"Show only active courses","totalScore":"Total Score:","title":"Title","color":"Color","courseIcon":"Course Icon","shortName":"Short Name","maxComplaints":{"title":"Maximum number of complaints per student","description":"Set the maximum number of complaints allowed per student. Accepted complaints do not count toward this quota. This limit applies only to individual exercises."},"maxTeamComplaints":{"title":"Maximum number of complaints per team","description":"Set the maximum number of complaints allowed per team. Accepted complaints do not count toward this quota. This limit applies only to team exercises."},"maxComplaintTimeDays":{"title":"Complaint due date in days after result date","description":"This number refers to days after the result is available (assessment due date or result date, depending on which one is later). Students will not be able to submit any more complaints after this due date."},"maxComplaintTextLimit":{"title":"Maximum number of characters per complaint","description":"This value indicates the maximum number of characters a student may use per complaint."},"maxComplaintResponseTextLimit":{"title":"Maximum number of characters per complaint response","description":"This value indicates the maximum number of characters that may be used for the response per complaint."},"complaintsEnabled":{"title":"Enable complaints","description":"Enabling this allows students to complain about assessments."},"requestMoreFeedbackEnabled":{"title":"Enable more feedback requests","description":"This option allows students to request more feedback without complaining. Asking for further feedback will not count towards the number of complaints, but it will also not allow modification of the assessment. By default, this option is enabled, but it can be disabled if assessment corrections must always be possible."},"maxRequestMoreFeedbackTimeDays":{"title":"More feedback request due date in days after result date","description":"This number refers to days after the result is available (assessment due date or result date, depending on which one is later). Students will not be able to request more feedback after this due date."},"customizeGroupNames":{"title":"Customize group names","description":"Customizing the group names should not be necessary and may cause users to lose access to this course. Make sure you have a good reason for customizing the group names."},"studentGroupName":"Students","teachingAssistantGroupName":"Tutors","editorGroupName":"Editors","instructorGroupName":"Instructors","description":"Course Description","organizations":"Course Organizations","startDate":"Start","endDate":"End","semester":"Semester","ltiConfiguration":"LTI Configuration","recentlyAccessed":"Recently accessed","maxPoints":{"title":"Maximum number of points for course","info":"This value is used for example calculations (e.g. in the grading key) and does not influence the students' grades. The grades are calculated based on the points achievable in the course."},"accuracyOfScores":"Number of decimal places used for calculating the scores","defaultProgrammingLanguage":"Default Programming Language","gradingSystem":"Grading Key","testCourse":{"title":"Test Course","description":"Activate this checkbox for courses used for testing.","plural":"Test Courses"},"accessGroups":"Access Groups","learningPaths":{"label":"Learning Paths Enabled","tooltip":"Enables generation of individualized learning paths for students consisting of competencies and their linked learning materials."},"dashboard":{"label":"Student Course Analytics Dashboard Enabled","tooltip":"Activates the course analytics dashboard for the course for students, tutors and instructors. The dashboard enables users to track their progress and performance in the course."},"restrictedAthenaModulesAccess":{"label":"Access to Restricted Athena Modules Enabled","tooltip":"If this option is selected, the course's exercises can also use restricted Athena modules for feedback generation."},"onlineCourse":{"title":"Online Course","description":"Activate this checkbox for external online courses (e.g. on edX/Moodle) so that students can use this Artemis course (via the LTI interface). This also allows automatic account creation if enabled by the Artemis system administrator. You can further configure this in the LTI Configuration page."},"courseCommunicationSetting":{"communicationEnabled":{"label":"Communication Enabled","tooltip":"Enables communication between course users in private or public channels which can only be created by instructors and tutors. Students can interact with peers and ask questions while moderators can provide course information and answer content-related questions. The communication can happen directly on the page of the respective exercise or lecture or in the dedicated communication space of the course."},"messagingEnabled":{"label":"Direct Messages / Group Chats Enabled","tooltip":"Enables messaging between course users in group chats or direct messages. Every user can start a direct message, private group chat and add other users. A group chat is limited to 10 members. The chats happens in the communication space of the course.","codeOfConduct":"Messaging Code of Conduct"}},"enrollmentEnabled":{"title":"Student Course Enrollment Enabled","description":"Activate this checkbox to allow students to enroll independently in the course if it is active (between start and end of the course). You can optionally enter a message that students have to confirm during enrollment."},"enrollmentStartDate":"Enrollment Start","enrollmentEndDate":"Enrollment End","enrollmentConfirmationMessage":"Enrollment Confirmation Message","unenrollmentEnabled":{"title":"Student Course Unenrollment Enabled","description":"Activate this checkbox to allow students to unenroll independently in the course. You can specify the latest date for unenrollment, otherwise the students can do so until the end of the course."},"unenrollmentEndDate":"Latest date to unenroll","exercises":"Exercises","programmingExercises":"Programming Exercises","quizExercises":"Quiz Exercises","modelingExercises":"Modeling Exercises","textExercises":"Text Exercises","upload":"Upload","uploading":"Uploading...","fileUploadExercises":"File Upload Exercises","exercise":{"search":{"searchButton":"Search","searchPlaceholder":"Search...","resetButton":"Reset","toggleButton":{"true":"Hide Advanced Search","false":"Show Advanced Search"},"cardTitle":"Search Exercises","labelExerciseName":"Search by exercise name","fieldExerciseName":"Exercise name","labelExerciseCategory":"Category","fieldExerciseCategory":"Category","labelExerciseType":"Exercise Type","noResults":"No exercises matching this search query were found","type":{"all":"All Exercises","programming":"Programming Exercises","quiz":"Quiz Exercises","modeling":"Modeling Exercises","text":"Text Exercises","file-upload":"File Upload Exercises"}}},"students":"Students","participations":"Participation","tutors":"Tutors","editors":"Editors","instructors":"Instructors","student":"Student","tutor":"Tutor","reviewer":"Reviewer","editor":"Editor","instructor":"Instructor","form":{"shortname":{"minlength":"Short Name must contain at least 3 characters.","forbidden":"Short Name must start with a letter and cannot contain special characters."},"startDate":{"invalid":"Must be before the end date of the course"},"endDate":{"invalid":"Must be after the start date of the course"},"enrollmentStartDate":{"invalid":"Can't be after the start date of the course and must be before the enrollment end date"},"enrollmentEndDate":{"invalid":"Can't be after the end date of the course and must be after the enrollment start date"},"unenrollmentEndDate":{"invalid":"Must be after enrollment end date and can not be after the end date of the course"},"invalidForm":"Please fill in all required fields."},"courseDashboard":"Course Dashboard","instructorDashboard":"Instructor Course Dashboard","courseGroup":{"outOf":"out of","usersPerPage":"{{number}} users per page","showAllUsers":"Show all users","searchForUsers":"Add a user to this group by searching for login or name","searchNoResults":"No users found","login":"Login","registrationNumber":"Registration Number","name":"Name","email":"Email","removeFromGroup":{"modalQuestion":"Are you sure you want to remove the user with login {{ title }} from this course group?"}},"averageScore":"Average Score","releasedSoon":"Released Soon","currentWorking":"Currently In Progress","inAssessment":"Currently In Assessment","pastExercises":"Past Exercises ({{ amount }} of {{ total }})","noExercises":"No active exercises to display","assessmentProgress":"Assessments","releaseDate":"Release","dueDate":"Due","assessmentDueDate":"Assessment Due","cleanup":{"title":"Cleanup","question":"Are you sure you want to clean up the course {{ title }}? This will delete all student programming exercise repositories for course exercises and exams. This action can NOT be undone!"},"detail":{"title":"Course Details:","sections":{"general":"General Information","mode":"Mode","enrollment":"Enrollment","messaging":"Messages & Communication"},"assessmentsTitle":"Total Assessments","complaintsTitle":"Total Complaints","moreFeedbackTitle":"More Feedback Requests","averageStudentScoreTitle":"Average Student Score"},"activeStudents":"Active students: {{ students }}","notStartedYet":"The course has not officially started yet. Official course start:","noOrganizations":"No Organizations","organizationAddingHint":"Administrators can add organizations to courses.","imageCropper":{"title":"Crop your image","uploadTitle":"Add an icon"}},"courseStatistics":{"statistics":"Statistics","course":"Course","courseAverage":"Course average","exerciseAverage":"exercise average","amountOfStudents":"# of students","activeStudents":"Active students","activeStudentsExplanation":"Active students are students that submitted at least once in the corresponding week.","average":"Average: ","exerciseType":"Exercise type","programming":"Programming","quiz":"Quiz","modeling":"Modeling","text":"Text","file-upload":"File Upload","chartLegend":{"lowest":"Lowest performing third","average":"Average performing third","best":"Best performing third"},"calendarWeek":"Calendar Week","scopeButton":{"period":"{{ amount }}W","periodTooltip":"Activity of the last {{ amount }} weeks.","overview":"Max","overviewTooltip":"Activity since the course start date till now."}},"courseExamArchive":{"archiveCourse":"Archive Course","archiveExam":"Archive Exam","archiveCourseSuccess":"The course has been archived!","archiveExamSuccess":"The exam has been archived!","archiveSuccessWithWarnings":"The archival process has completed with the following warnings:","archiveCourseError":{"NOTHING_TO_EXPORT":"Did not archive course '{{ courseName }}': Nothing to export.","DIR_NOT_CREATED":"Failed to archive course '{{ courseName }}': Directory not created."},"archiveExamError":"Failed to archive the exam '{{ examName }}': Directory not created.","archiveDownloadError":"There was a problem downloading the archive","downloadArchive":"Download Archive","popup":{"course":{"title":"Confirm Archive Course Operation","question":"Are you sure you want to archive the course {{ title }}?","statement1":"The process will compress all student code repositories, file upload exercises, modeling exercises, and text exercises in the course and in all its exams."},"exam":{"title":"Confirm Archive Exam Operation","question":"Are you sure you want to archive the exam {{ title }}?","statement1":"The process will compress all student code repositories, file upload exercises, modeling exercises, and text exercises in the exam."},"statement2":"This process can take several hours depending on the number of students and programming exercises and will take up many server resources. Please start this process only once when the server load is low (e.g. early in the morning)","footerStatement":"You will receive a notification when the process is finished. Then you can download the archive as zip file on this page."},"confirmArchive":{"title":"Warning: an archive already exists!","message":"Warning! The course has already been archived. If you continue, the archive will be overwritten! Are you sure you want to continue?"}},"courseScoreCalculation":{"scoreAggregation":"Score Aggregation","myScore":"My Points","myRelativeScore":"My Relative Score (%)","maxScore":"Max Points","forQuizzes":"Points for quizzes","forProgramming":"Points for programming exercises","forModeling":"Points for modeling exercises","total":"Total points for this course","eist":{"forHomework":"Points for homework","forInClass":"Points for in-class exercises"},"gradingSystemGrade":"Grades","gradingSystemBonus":"Bonus Points"},"courseStudentDashboard":{"noMetrics":"No metrics are available for you in this course yet.","overallPerformance":{"title":"Overall Performance"},"exercisePerformance":{"title":"Exercise Performance","info":"This shows how well you did in each exercise as a percentage of the total points possible. You can also see the average score of all students to compare your performance with your peers.","noData":"No scores are available for you in this course yet.","yourScoreLabel":"Your score","averageScoreLabel":"Average score","xAxisLabel":"Exercises","yAxisLabel":"Score (%)"},"exerciseLateness":{"title":"Exercise Lateness","info":"This shows how much time you used to complete and submit each exercise as a percentage of the total time available. Compare your submission times with the average to see if you're earlier or later than most students.","noData":"You have not submitted any exercises in this course yet.","yourLatenessLabel":"Your lateness","averageLatenessLabel":"Average lateness","xAxisLabel":"Exercises","yAxisLabel":"Relative lateness (%)"},"judgementOfLearning":{"title":"How would you rate your mastery?","info":"Rate how well you understand and can apply the skills from this competency. Artemis also provides a rating based on your performance to help you see where you stand.","artemisRating":"Artemis rates your mastery as","error":"An error occurred while saving your rating.","redirectButton":"Rate mastery on dashboard"}},"breadcrumb":{"title":"Tutorial Groups"},"pages":{"courseTutorialGroups":{"title":"Your Tutorial Groups","noRegistrations":"You are not registered to any tutorial group in this course."},"courseTutorialGroupDetail":{"title":"Tutorial Group Details","sections":{"general":"General Information"}},"courseTutorialGroupOverview":{"title":"Tutorial Groups Overview","sidePanel":{"header":"Course Information","numberOfGroups":"Number of Tutorial Groups: ","numberOfRegistrations":"Number of Registrations: "},"freeDaySidePanel":{"header":"Days without Tutorial Groups"}},"tutorialGroupsManagement":{"intro":"Welcome to the tutorial group management page! A beta feature of Artemis that allows you to manage online and offline weekly tutorial groups. Start by either importing tutorial groups from a CSV file or by creating a new tutorial group manually.","title":"Tutorial Groups Management","freePeriodsButtons":"Holidays","creatTutorialGroupButton":"Create New Tutorial Group","editConfigurationButton":"Edit Global Configuration","rowButtons":{"sessions":"Sessions","registrations":"Registrations"},"deleteDialog":{"question":"Are you sure to delete the Tutorial Group with title {{ title }}?","confirm":"Please enter the title of the tutorial group to confirm."}},"checklist":{"title":"Tutorial Group Checklist","explanation":"Before you can start using the tutorial groups feature, you must perform some configuration steps","timeZone":"The course has a time zone configured","timeZoneExplanation":"The course needs a time zone configured so that the tutorial groups can be scheduled correctly according to that time zone.","editCourse":"Edit Course","configurationExplanation":"The course needs a course wide configuration for the tutorial groups. This configuration contains default settings for all tutorial groups.","configuration":"The course has a tutorial group configuration","createConfiguration":"Create Configuration","continueToManagement":"Continue to Tutorial Group Management"},"createTutorialGroup":{"title":"Create Tutorial Group"},"editTutorialGroup":{"title":"Edit Tutorial Group"},"tutorialGroupDetail":{"title":"Tutorial Group Detail","teachingAssistantNotSet":"Tutor not set","capacityNotSet":"Capacity not set","campusNotSet":"Campus not set","additionalInformationNotSet":"No additional Information set","scheduleNotSet":"No schedule set","sessionsNotFound":"No sessions found"},"tutorialFreePeriodsManagement":{"explanation":"Define course wide days on which no tutorial groups should take place. This can be used to define holidays or other days on which no tutorial groups should take place.","title":"Tutorial Free Periods Management","createFreePeriodButton":"Add New Free Period","timeZoneExplanation":"Every day displayed in the time zone {{ timeZone }}","deleteDialog":{"question":"Are you sure that you want to delete the tutorial group free day: {{ title }}?"}},"createTutorialFreePeriod":{"title":"Add Tutorial Free Day"},"editTutorialFreePeriod":{"title":"Edit Tutorial Free Day"},"tutorialGroupSessionManagement":{"title":"Tutorial Group Session Management","currentDate":"Current Date:","createSessionButton":"Create New Tutorial Group Session","timeZoneExplanation":"Every session displayed in the time zone {{ timeZone }}","divider":"Next Session: ↑","cancelled":"Session Cancelled","noReason":"No reason given","showAll":"Show All Sessions ↓ ","differsFromSchedule":"This session has a different date or location than the schedule!","rowButtons":{"sessions":"Sessions","registrations":"Registrations","cancel":"Cancel Session","activate":"Activate Session"},"columns":{"notes":"Notes","isCancelled":"Is Cancelled?"},"deleteDialog":{"question":"Are you sure that you want to delete the tutorial group session: {{ title }}?"},"cancelActivateModal":{"cancelSession":{"title":"Cancel Session","question":"Do you really want to cancel the session {{label}}?","explanation":"Give a reason for cancelling the session:","maxLengthValidationError":"Reason can be max {{ max }} characters long!"},"activateSession":{"title":"Activate Cancelled Session","question":"Do you really want to activate the cancelled session {{label}}?"}}},"registeredStudents":{"title":"Registered Students","header":"Registered Students for Tutorial Group {{ title }}","capacityWarning":"The capacity of this tutorial group of {{ capacity }} has been reached. Are you sure you want to register more students?"},"createTutorialSession":{"title":"Add Session to tutorial group "},"editTutorialSession":{"title":"Edit Session"},"createTutorialGroupsConfiguration":{"title":"Create global Tutorial Groups Configuration","explanation":"Before you can start creating tutorial groups, you must specify some properties that concern all tutorial groups. This can also be changed later."},"editTutorialGroupsConfiguration":{"title":"Edit global Tutorial Groups Configuration"}},"tutorialGroupCard":{"teachingAssistant":"Tutor: {{ name }}"},"userSelector":{"searchingText":"Searching for users...","searchFailedText":"Search failed","helpText":"Type at least 3 characters to search for users by name or login","placeholderText":"ex. Stefan"},"dataExport":{"title":"Data export","titleDownload":"Download data export","description":"Here you can request a data export in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR Right of Access. Once the export has been created, you will receive an email. In the following seven days you can download the export. Afterward, it will be deleted.","descriptionDownload":"Here you can download your requested data export.","request":"Request data export","download":"Download data export","requestSuccess":"Successfully requested data export","requestForUserSuccess":"Successfully requested data export for {{ login }}","typeLoginToConfirm":"Please enter your login to confirm the data export request","typeUserLoginToConfirm":"Please enter the login of the user to confirm the data export request","confirmationQuestion":"Do you really want to request a data export?","confirmationHeader":"Request data export","requestForAnotherUser":"Request data export for another user","requestError":"Failed to request data export. Please try again later.","requestForUserError":"Failed to request data export for {{ login }}. Please try again later.","downloadError":"Failed to download the data export. Please try again later.","recentlyRequested":"A data export has already been requested recently. Please try again later.","notDownloadable":"This data export can no longer be downloaded because it doesn't exist (anymore).","mostRecentNotDownloadable":"Your requested data export can not be downloaded because it either has already been deleted or has not yet been created.","isBeingCreated":"Your recently requested data export is currently being created.","lastRequestDate":"You requested your last data export on","nextRequestDate":"You can request again on","loginOrName":"Login or name of the user","searchQueryTooShort":"Please enter at least {{ length }} characters."},"dataTable":{"search":{"failed":"Search failed","noResults":"No results","minQueryLengthHint":"Please enter at least {{ length }} characters"}},"DiagramType":{"null":"","undefined":"","ClassDiagram":"Class Diagram","ObjectDiagram":"Object Diagram","ActivityDiagram":"Activity Diagram","UseCaseDiagram":"Use Case Diagram","CommunicationDiagram":"Communication Diagram","ComponentDiagram":"Component 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Assignments","createLabel":"Create a new Drag And Drop Assignment"},"created":"Created new Drag And Drop Assignment with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag And Drop Assignment with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag And Drop Assignment with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag And Drop Assignment {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag And Drop Assignment"},"item":"Item","location":"Location","submittedAnswer":"Submitted Answer"},"dragAndDropMapping":{"home":{"title":"Drag And Drop Mappings","createLabel":"Create a new Drag And Drop Mapping"},"created":"Created new Drag And Drop Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag And Drop Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag And Drop Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag And Drop Mapping {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag And Drop Mapping"},"dragItemIndex":"Drag Item Index","dropLocationIndex":"Drop Location Index","invalid":"Invalid","dragItem":"Drag Item","dropLocation":"Drop Location","submittedAnswer":"Submitted Answer","question":"Question"},"dragAndDropQuestion":{"home":{"title":"Drag And Drop Questions","createLabel":"Create a new Drag And Drop Question"},"created":"Created new Drag And Drop Question with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag And Drop Question with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag And Drop Question with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag And Drop Question {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag And Drop Question"},"backgroundFilePath":"Background File Path","dropLocations":"Drop Locations","dragItems":"Drag Items","correctMappings":"Correct Mappings","randomizeOrder":"Present Drag Items in Random Order","selectBackgroundPicture":"Select Background","upload":"Upload","uploading":"Uploading...","disabledPreviewTooltip":"To show a preview, please upload a background picture first.","uploadBackgroundInstructions":"Please upload a background picture.","drawOnBackgroundInstructions":"Draw on the background picture to define drop locations.","noBackgroundPicture":"No Background Picture","addDragItemsInstructions":"Add Drag Items using the buttons below.","addMappingsInstructions":"Drag items onto drop locations to define correct solutions.","addDragItemPicture":"Add Picture Drag Item","addDragItemText":"Add Text Drag Item","studentInstructions":"Drag & Drop: Place the suitable items on the correct areas.","showingYourAnswer":"Your Submission:","showingSampleSolution":"Sample Solution:","changeBackgroundPicture":"Change Background","changeDragItemPicture":"Upload Picture for Drag Item Change","invalid":{"dragItem":"Invalid Drag Item","dropLocation":"Invalid Drop Location"}},"dragAndDropQuestionStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Drag And Drop Question Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Drag And Drop Question Statistic"},"created":"Created new Drag And Drop Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag And Drop Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag And Drop Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag And Drop Question Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag And Drop Question Statistic"},"dropLocationCounters":"Drop Location Counters"},"dragAndDropSubmittedAnswer":{"home":{"title":"Drag And Drop Submitted Answers","createLabel":"Create a new Drag And Drop Submitted Answer"},"created":"Created new Drag And Drop Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag And Drop Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag And Drop Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag And Drop Submitted Answer {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag And Drop Submitted Answer"},"assignments":"Assignments"},"dragItem":{"home":{"title":"Drag Items","createLabel":"Create a new Drag Item"},"created":"Created new Drag Item with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drag Item with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drag Item with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drag Item {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drag Item"},"pictureFilePath":"Picture File Path","text":"Text","correctScore":"Correct Score","incorrectScore":"Incorrect Score","correctLocation":"Correct Location","question":"Question"},"dropLocation":{"home":{"title":"Drop Locations","createLabel":"Create a new Drop Location"},"created":"Created new Drop Location with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drop Location with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drop Location with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drop Location {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drop Location"},"posX":"Pos X","posY":"Pos Y","width":"Width","height":"Height","invalid":"Invalid","question":"Question"},"dropLocationCounter":{"home":{"title":"Drop Location Counters","createLabel":"Create a new Drop Location Counter"},"created":"Created new Drop Location Counter with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Drop Location Counter with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Drop Location Counter with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Drop Location Counter {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Drop Location Counter"},"dropLocation":"Drop Location","dragAndDropQuestionStatistic":"Drag And Drop Question Statistic"},"editor":{"home":{"title":"Code Editor"},"breadCrumbTitle":"Code Editor","title":"Code Editor for Exercise:","instructions":"  Instructions  ","unsavedChanges":"Unsaved.","savingChanges":"Saving...","savingFile":"Saving file.","changesSaved":"Saved.","failedToSave":"Failed to save file.","changesUndefined":"Fetching...","changesUndefinedTooltip":"Fetching submission status.","changesError":"Error.","changesErrorTooltip":"Submission status could not be retrieved.","changesSubmitted":"Submitted.","changesSubmittedTooltip":"All changes submitted.","unsubmittedChanges":"Unsubmitted.","unsubmittedChangesTooltip":"There are unsubmitted changes.\nYou have to submit the saved changes manually.","changesConflict":"Conflict","changesConflictTooltip":"Your repository is in a conflict state. Resolve the conflict to continue working.","submittingChanges":"Submitting...","submittingChangesTooltip":"Submitting changes.","preparingForSubmit":"Preparing...","preparingForSubmitTooltip":"Preparing for submit.","refreshingFiles":"Refreshing...","submit":"Submit","submitDescription":"Stage, commit, push, build and test your changes.","buildOutput":"  Build Output","building":"Building and testing...","buildFailed":"Build failed","noBuildOutput":"No build results available","selectFile":"Select a file to get started!","binaryFileSelected":"This is a binary file that cannot be displayed.","downloadBuildResult":"Download Build Result","saving":"Saving","saveFiles":"Save","refreshing":"Refreshing","loadingFile":"Loading selected file","loadingFiles":"Loading files","fileLoadedSuccess":"File loaded successfully","fetchingParticipation":"Your participation is being loaded, please wait a moment...","tabSize":"Tab size:","conflict":{"resetRepository":"Reset your repository to continue with your participation","resolveConflict":"Resolve conflict","conflictExplanationShort":"Resolve the conflict state of your repository.","conflictExplanationLong":"Your repository is in a conflict state. This can happen when you work both locally and in the Artemis online editor. If you are familiar with git, the state of your repository is a merge or checkout conflict. You can click the button below to reset your repository to the last commit.","conflictWarning":"This will delete all uncommitted changes (the changes from your last submit in the online editor)!"},"refresh":{"refreshFilesDescription":"Refresh all files. This will overwrite all unsaved changes.","performRefresh":"Refresh files","refreshExplanationShort":"Refresh and load all files from your repository.","refreshExplanationLong":"You have unsaved or uncommitted changes in the online editor. When you click the button below, these changes will be reset and overwritten with the last commit on the repository server. This can not be undone!"},"fileBrowser":{"fileBrowser":"File browser","deleteFileTitle":"Delete file","deleteFolderTitle":"Delete folder","deleteFileConfirm":"Are you sure you want to delete the file {{filename}}?","deleteFolderConfirm":"Are you sure you want to delete the folder {{filename}} and all its contents?","delete":"Confirm delete","unsavedChanges":"File contains unsaved changes","createFolderRoot":"Create folder on root level","createFileRoot":"Create file on root level","createFolder":"Create folder","createFile":"Create file","renameFolder":"Rename folder","renameFile":"Rename file","renameFolderDisabledTooltip":"To rename this folder, deactivate the combining of folders in the toolbar above.","deleteFolder":"Delete folder","deleteFile":"Delete file","compressTree":"Combine empty folders","fileBadgeTooltips":{"feedbackSuggestions":"Number of feedback suggestions in this file/folder"}},"errors":{"participationNotFound":"Your participation could not be found.","exerciseNotFound":"The exercise could not be found.","saveFailed":"Saving failed. {{ connectionIssue }}","submitFailed":"Submitting failed. {{ connectionIssue }}","refreshFailed":"Refresh failed. {{ connectionIssue }}","loadingFailed":"Loading file failed. {{ connectionIssue }}","noPermissions":"You don't have the necessary permissions.","checkoutFailed":"The checkout of your git repository failed.","fileExists":"File/Directory name already exists. Please choose a different name.","unsupportedFile":"File with this extension not supported.","fileOperationFailed":"File operation could not be executed. Please try again later.","participationCouldNotBeDeleted":"Participation could not be deleted and might now be corrupted .","participationCouldNotBeCreated":"Participation could not be created.","couldNotBeRetrieved":"The repository status could not be retrieved.","problemStatementCouldNotBeUpdated":"The problem statement of this exercise could not be updated.","failedToLoadBuildLogs":"The build logs could not be retrieved.","repositoryInConflict":"Your repository has entered a conflict state.","notAllowedExam":"You may not submit (anymore)","resetFailed":"Your repository could not be reset.","submitBeforeStartDate":"You cannot submit before the start date of the exercise.","submitAfterDueDate":"You cannot submit after the due date of the exercise.","submitAfterReachingSubmissionLimit":"You reached the submission limit and cannot participate anymore.","InternetDisconnected":"Please make sure you have a stable internet connection and try again."},"testStatusLabels":{"noResult":"No results","noTests":"No tests","testPassing":"Test passing","totalTestsPassing":"{{passedTests}} of {{totalTests}} tests passing"},"repoSelect":{"assignmentRepo":"Assignment Repository","createAssignmentRepo":"Create Assignment Repository","deleteAssignmentRepo":"Delete Assignment Repository","templateRepo":"Template Repository","solutionRepo":"Solution Repository","testRepo":"Test Repository","loadingExercise":"Loading Exercise","solutionWarning":"The Solution Repository does not fulfill one or more test cases. This could indicate an issue with the Solution Repository.","solutionSuccess":"The Solution Repository fulfills all test cases.","solutionInfo":"No result found for the Solution Repository.","templateWarning":"The Template Repository already fulfills one or more test cases. This could indicate an issue with the Template Repository.","templateSuccess":"The Template Repository fulfills no test cases.","templateInfo":"No result found for the Template Repository.","exerciseHasNoIssues":"No issues were identified in the repositories."},"orion":{"testLocally":"Test Locally"},"switchEditors":"Switch code editor"},"exam":{"detail":{"sections":{"general":"General Information"}},"examUsers":{"uploadImage":"Upload images","uploadImageTooltip":"Upload images for the registered students","introText":"This dialog can be used to upload pdf file and extract images for registered students.","dialogText":"Each entry in the input file must contain a value for either matriculation number, login or email.\nValues for last and first name are optional.","pdfExampleText":"Example of a valid PDF file format:","pdfFile":{"label":"Select .pdf file","tooltip":"Please select a .pdf file containing registered students image and matriculation number."},"dialogTitle":"Upload images","allImagesSaved":"All images were saved successfully.","plannedSeat":"Planned Seat","plannedRoom":"Planned Room","actualSeat":"Actual Seat","actualRoom":"Actual Room","room":"Room","seat":"Seat","saveImages":"Save Images","numberOfImagesSaved":"Images saved","attendanceStatus":"Status","attendanceStatusTitle":"Exam Attendance Status","attendanceCheckFailed":"Attendance check failed","attendanceCheckPassed":"Attendance check passed","didNotAttend":"Did not attend"},"overview":{"start":"Start: {{start}}","duration":"Working Time:","maxPoints":"Attainable Points: {{points}}","upcoming":"Upcoming Exam","imminent":"The Exam starts in","imminentExplanation":"You can already open this exam","conducting":"Exam in Progress","timeExtension":"The normal working time is over","timeExtensionExplanation":"In case you have an ongoing time extension, you can continue with the exam","closed":"Exam Closed","review":"Exam Review Open","reviewExplanation":"You can review the assessment until ","realExamsHeading":"Exams","testExamsHeading":"Test Exams","noExams":"No exams present","goToExercises":"Go to exercises","testExam":{"upcoming":"Upcoming Test Exam","imminent":"The Test Exam will start ","imminentExplanation":"You can already open this test exam","conducting":"Start New Test Exam","closed":"Test Exam Closed","notSubmitted":"You have not submitted your Test Exam on time!","reviewAttempt":"Attempt #{{attempt}}","resumeAttempt":"Resume Attempt #{{attempt}}","workingTimeLeft":"Working time left: ","workingTimeCalculated":"Used working time: ","submissionDate":"Submitted on: ","available":"Available from {{startDate}} until {{endDate}}","showMoreAttempts":"Show all attempts","showLessAttempts":"Show latest attempts","noMoreAttempts":"No More Attempts","noMoreAttemptsExplanation":"There are currently no further attempts available"}},"examSummary":{"backToOverview":"Back to overview","examResults":"Exam Results","generalInformation":"General Information","youAreViewingAnUnsubmittedExam":"You are viewing an unsubmitted exam","exportPDF":"Export PDF","noSubmissionFound":"You didn't submit any solution for this exercise.","submissionLinkedToCommit":"The submission is linked to commit","noCommitHash":"No commit was made","studentSubmissionTo":"{{studentName}}'s submission to {{examTitle}}","showExampleSolution":"Show Example Solution","hideExampleSolution":"Hide Example Solution","yourSubmission":"Your Submission","problemStatement":"Problem Statement","assessment":"Assessment","youAreViewingTheExampleSolution":"You are viewing the example solution","missingResultNotice":"There is currently no result for this quiz exercise, although the results have already been published. Please inform your instructor.","points":{"exercise":"Exercise","overview":"Result Overview","total":"Total","yourPoints":"Your Points","maxPoints":"Achievable Points","achievedPercentage":"Achieved Percentage","maxBonus":"Achievable Bonus Points","youAchievedWithBonus":"You achieved {{achievedPoints}} out of a maximum {{normalPoints}} possible points (including bonus points).","youAchieved":"You achieved {{achievedPoints}} out of {{normalPoints}} possible points.","youAchievedFromBonus":{"GRADES_CONTINUOUS":"You got a grade bonus of {{achievedBonus}} from {{bonusFromTitle}}.","GRADES_DISCRETE":"You got a grade bonus of {{achievedBonus}} step(s) according to the grading scale which equals {{gradePointDiff}} from {{bonusFromTitle}}.","POINTS":"You received {{achievedBonus}} additional bonus points from {{bonusFromTitle}}."},"maxPointsNotSet":"The maximum number of points in the exam is not set."},"grade":"Grade","gradeBeforeBonus":"Grade before bonus","gradeAfterBonus":"Grade after bonus","bonus":"Bonus points for the final exam","interval":"Interval (%)","intervalPoints":"Interval (Points)","gradeKeyButton":"View Grading Key","gradeKey":"Grading Key","gradeKeyButtonBonus":"View Bonus Rules","bonusGradeKey":"Bonus Grading Key","resultTable":"Result Table"},"title":"Exam","startExam":"Start Exam","endExam":"Finish","date":"Date","time":"Time","workingTime":"Working Time","examinedStudent":"Examined Student","moduleNumber":"Module Number","resultInformation":"Your result will be published here as soon as the correction is finished. You can get to this page by clicking on this exam in the exam overview of this course.","course":"Course","exercises":"Exercises","points":"Points","summary":"Summary","visible":"Visible","startDate":"Start Date","endDate":"End Date","publishResultsDate":"Release Date of Results","examStudentReviewTimespan":"Review Timespan","examStudentReviewStart":"Begin of Student Review","examStudentReviewEnd":"End of Student Review","studentReviewEnabled":"Review is open","exampleSolutionPublicationDate":"Example Solution Publication Date","duration":"Duration","nrOfStudents":"Registered Students","created":"New exam created","updated":"Exam updated","imported":"Exam imported","deleted":"Deleted exam \"{{ param }}\"","startCheckBoxText":"I confirm that I have read the rules above and that I will comply with these rules during the exam.","endCheckBoxText":"I confirm that I have completed the exam and am ready to submit my answers.","startConsentText":"I hereby confirm with my full name, representing my signature, that I have read the conditions of participation and will adhere to them for the duration of the exam.","endConsentText":"I hereby confirm with my full name, representing my signature, that this exam is my own work and I have only used the indicated aids.","notConfirmed":"Please tick the checkbox to continue.","falseName":"Entered name is incorrect. Please try again!","notSet":"Not set","startExamToolTip":"Button will be activated 5 minutes before the exam start.","cleanup":{"title":"Cleanup","question":"Are you sure you want to clean up the exam {{ title }}? This will delete all student programming exercise repositories in the exam. This action can NOT be undone!"},"validation":{"startAndEndMustBeSet":"The start and end date must be set for the exam","atLeastOneExercisePerExerciseGroup":"All exercise groups must have at least one exercise.","allExercisesInExerciseGroupOfSameIncludedType":"All exercises in an exercise group need to have the same meaning for the exam score calculation (normal exercise, bonus exercise, not included).","allExercisesInExerciseGroupGiveSameNumberOfPoints":"All exercises in an exercise group need to give the same number of points or bonus points","tooManyMaxPoints":"Check that you have correctly set the maximum points in the exam! The maximum points a student can earn in the mandatory exercise groups is too high","tooFewMaxPoints":"Check that you have correctly set the maximum points in the exam! The maximum points a student can earn in the exercise groups is too low","numberOfExercisesMustBeSet":"The number of exercises must be set for the exam.","numberOfExercisesInExamNotSet":"The number of exercises in the exam is not set.","tooFewExerciseGroups":"The number of exercise groups is too small.","tooManyMandatoryExerciseGroups":"The number of mandatory exercise groups is too large.","maxPointsNotSet":"The exam max points are not set."},"error":{"cannotRegisterInstructor":"You cannot register instructors or administrators for exams.","cannotShowExampleSolution":"Example solution could not be found","cannotDisplayExerciseDetails":"Exercise {{ exerciseGroupTitle }} cannot be displayed properly"},"problemStatementUpdate":{"showDiff":"Show Difference","showNew":"Only show new Version"},"editWorkingTime":{"absolute":"Absolute","relative":"Change relative to regular working time"},"events":{"button":"Notifications","type":{"examWideAnnouncement":"Exam-Wide Announcement","workingTimeUpdate":"Working Time Update","examAttendanceCheck":"Attendance Check","problemStatementUpdate":"Problem Statement Update"},"from":"from","acknowledge":"Acknowledge","acknowledgeAll":"Acknowledge all","navigateToExercise":"Navigate to exercise","messages":{"workingTimeUpdate":{"titleEveryone":"The working time of the exam has been changed.","titlePersonal":"Your personal working time of the exam has been changed.","old":"Previous working time","new":"New working time"},"examAttendanceCheck":{"description":"An exam supervisor has triggered the attendance check for you. Please follow the instructions of the supervisor."},"problemStatementUpdate":{"description":"The problem statement of the exercise '{{ exerciseName }}' was updated. Please open the exercise to see the changes.","instructorMessage":"Instructor's message:"}}}},"examScores":{"xAxes":"Score in %","xAxesSuffixNoBonus":" + {Grade Name}","xAxesSuffixBonus":" + {Bonus Points}","yAxes":"Number of Participants","highlightPassedMedian":"Highlight median of passed exams in chart: {{ median }}%","highlightOverallMedian":"Highlight median of all exams in chart: {{ median }}%","criticalPerformance":"Critical performance","uncriticalPerformance":"Uncritical performance","noGradingScaleExplanation":"A student performance is considered to be critical if its corresponding score is below 40% and therefore in most cases would lead to failing the exam. A performance is considered to be uncritical otherwise.","sufficientPerformance":"Sufficient performance","insufficientPerformance":"Insufficient performance","gradingScaleExplanationNotBonus":"A student performance is considered to be insufficient if it does not lead to passing the exam. A performance is considered to be sufficient otherwise.","gradingScaleExplanationBonus":"A student performance is considered to be critical if its corresponding score achieves no bonus points. A performance is considered to be uncritical otherwise.","maxPoints":"Maximum Points","title":"Exam Scores","examStatisticsTitle":"Exam Statistics","ExerciseGroupsTitle":"Exercise Groups & Exercise Statistics","averagePointsTooltip":"Average points","studentResultsTitle":"Student Results","firstCorrectionColumn":"First correction","secondCorrectionColumn":"Second correction","titleExerciseGroupColumn":"Exercise Group","titleExerciseColumn":"Exercise","averagePointsColumn":"Average Points","averageGradeColumn":"Average Grade","averageBonusColumn":"Average Bonus Points","medianGradeColumn":"Median Grade","medianBonusColumn":"Median Bonus Points","participantsColumn":"Participants","averageExerciseTooltip":"(Average / Maximum) points achieved for the exercise. The activated filters affect the average.","averageExerciseGroupTooltip":"(Average / Maximum) points achieved for the exercise group. The activated filters affect the average.","participantsExerciseTooltip":"(Filtered / Total) number of participants for the exercise. The activated filters only affect the first value.","participantsExerciseGroupTooltip":"(Filtered / Total) number of participants for the exercise group. The activated filters only affect the first value.","nameColumn":"Name","loginColumn":"Login","eMailColumn":"E-Mail","registrationNumberColumn":"Matriculation Number","overallPointsColumn":"Overall Points","overallScoreColumn":"Overall Score (%)","overallGradeColumn":"Overall Grade","overallBonusColumn":"Overall Bonus Points","bonusGradeColumn":"Bonus Grade","bonusPointsColumn":"Bonus Points","finalGradeColumn":"Final Grade","passedColumn":"Passed","mostSeverePlagiarismVerdictColumn":"Plagiarism Verdict","mostSeverePlagiarismVerdictInBonusColumn":"Plagiarism Verdict in Bonus","presentationScoreThresholdColumn":"Presentation Score Threshold: {{ threshold }}","exportCSV":"Export Results as CSV","filterForSubmittedExams":"Include only submitted exams","filterForNonEmptySubmissions":"Include only exercises with at least one non-empty submission","medianColumn":"Median Points","standardDeviationColumn":"Standard Point Deviation","standardGradeDeviationColumn":"Standard Grade Deviation","noOfExams":"Exams","registered":"Registered Students","noExerciseGroups":"Exercise Groups","submittedColumn":"Submitted","totalColumn":"Total","exerciseGroupTitle":"Average scores of exercise group \"{{ groupTitle }}\" in comparison","gradesBeforeBonus":"Grades before bonus","gradesAfterBonus":"Grades after bonus","noStudentResultAvailable":"No student results available","noExerciseGroupAvailable":"No exercise groups available"},"examParticipation":{"timer":"Time left: ","timerEndView":"Time left to submit: ","exerciseOverview":"This is the exercise overview","connected":"Your answers will be saved every 30s.","ideConnected":"Your answers have to be submitted manually.","disconnected":"You are disconnected. Please check your internet connection. You can continue working, but you need to be connected in order to save changes!","disconnectedCodeEditorAndOfflineIDE":"You are disconnected. Please check your internet connection. You can still work offline by cloning the repository.","disconnectedCodeEditorNoOfflineIDE":"You are disconnected. Please reconnect in order to continue working in the online code editor.","disconnectedNoCodeEditor":"You are disconnected. Please check your internet connection.","waitForStart":"Please wait until the exam \"{{ title }}\" begins.","timeUntilPlannedStart":"Time until planned start:","finishExam":"Finish","progress":"Exercise {{ current }} of {{ all }}","progressSmall":"{{ current }}/{{ all }}","exerciseType":"Type","examOverview":"Exam Overview","examStatus":"Status","examExercises":"Exam Exercises:","exercisePoints":"Points","exerciseName":"Name","noStudentExam":"You are not registered for the exam. Please contact your instructor.","noFurtherAttempts":"Currently no further attempts for the Test Exam are possible. To review your submission, navigate back to the Exam page","atLeastTutorStudentExam":"Since you are not a student, you cannot participate in this exam:","goToExamManagement":"Go to exam management page","goToExamBack":"Go back to continue the exam","submitProgrammingExercise":"Continue","submitOtherExercise":"Save & continue","submitLastExercise":"Save","uploadFile":"Upload","greeting":"Welcome to {{ title }}.","finish":"This is the end of {{ title }}.","nameDisplay":"Your full name is: {{ fullName }}","submitFinalExam":"Please confirm and click on 'Finish' within the time limit.","preparingParticipation":"Preparing exercise. This may take a few seconds.","generateParticipationFailed":"The preparation of the exercise failed.","generateParticipationRetry":"Retry","points":"Points","bonus":"Bonus Points","synced":"Exercise saved","notSynced":"Exercise not saved","notStarted":"Exercise not started","submitted":"You have submitted a solution for this exercise. You can still work on it and submit again.","submittedSubmissionLimitReached":"You have submitted a solution for this exercise. You cannot submit again as you have reached the submission limit.","notSubmitted":"Exercise not submitted","notSavedOrSubmitted":"You have unsubmitted changes","saveSubmissionError":"Your changes could not be saved! Please make sure that you are online and try saving again.","pendingChanges":"All unsaved changes will be lost when leaving the exam! Are you sure that you want to continue?","handInEarly":"Hand in Early","continueAfterHandInEarly":"Back","attendanceCheck":"Attendance check","continueAfterHandInEarlyDescription":"To continue working on the exam, click on the 'Back' button.","handInEarlyNotice":"You are about to hand in your submission before the end of the exam. After finishing the exam you cannot participate any longer.","attendanceNotVerifiedWarning":"Your attendance has not been checked yet. Please wait for your attendance to be checked or contact your instructors if you believe this is a mistake.","namePlaceholder":"Enter your full name here","numberOfSavedExercises":"Number of saved exercises","submissionSuccessful":{"title":"Your exam has been submitted successfully!","noActionRequired":"Artemis does not require any further action and this window can be closed.","followExamProtocol":"Be sure to follow your instructor's exam protocol.","button":"Show exam summary{{countdown}}"}},"exerciseGroup":{"created":"New exercise group created","updated":"Exercise group updated","deleted":"Deleted exercise group with title {{ param }}"},"examSession":{"id":"ID","sessionToken":"Token","userAgent":"User Agent","browserFingerprintHash":"Browser Fingerprint","instanceId":"Browser Instance ID","ipAddress":"IP Address","createdDate":"Created Date","studentExamId":"Exam ID","userLogin":"Login"},"studentExams":{"title":"Student exams","generateStudentExams":"Generate individual exams","generateMissingStudentExams":"Generate missing individual exams","startExercises":"Prepare exercise start","evaluateQuizExercises":"Evaluate quizzes","assessUnsubmittedStudentExams":"Assess unsubmitted exams","unlockAllRepositories":"Unlock all repositories","lockAllRepositories":"Lock all repositories","unlockAllRepositoriesModalText":"All repositories will be immediately unlocked! Students will be able to clone & push even if the exam is not started yet!\n\nThis operation is automatically performed 5 minutes before the exam starts, therefore this operation should only be used manually if the automatic unlock failed!","lockAllRepositoriesModalText":"All repositories will be immediately locked! Students will be no longer be able to push even if the exam is still running!\nThis will also affect students with extended working time!\n\nThis operation is automatically performed once the exam is over, therefore this operation should only be used manually if the automatic lock failed!","searchForStudents":"Search for students by login or name (comma separated)","student":"Student","workingTime":"Working time","started":"Started","submitted":"Submitted","examSessions":"Sessions","submissionDate":"Submission date","grade":"Grade","gradeBeforeBonus":"Grade before bonus","gradeAfterBonus":"Grade after bonus","bonus":"Bonus Points","passed":"Passed","participationStatus":"Participation status","summary":"Student Summary","result":"Result","created":"Created","view":"View","assessment":"Assessment","id":"ID","exam":"Exam","examTimeline":"Exam timeline","studentExamGenerationSuccess":"{{number}} student exams successfully generated!","studentExamGenerationError":"There was an error during student exam generation:\n {{message}}","missingStudentExamGenerationSuccess":"{{number}} missing student exams successfully generated!","missingStudentExamGenerationError":"There was an error during the missing student exam generation:\n {{message}}","startExerciseSuccess":"The exercises will now be prepared. This may take a while.","startExerciseFailure":"There was an error during the preparation of the exercises:\n {{message}}","studentExamGenerationModalText":"Some student exams already exist. If you continue, those individual exams will be deleted and new student exams generated.\n\nNote that existing participations and submissions will also be removed!","studentExamStatusSuccess":"All registered students have an individual exam","studentExamStatusWarning":"Not all registered students have an individual exam","studentExamStatusWarningTooltip":"Click on the button 'Generate missing individual exams' to create the missing student exams. Alternatively, click the button 'Generate individual exams' to delete and re-create exams for all students","studentExamStatusTestExam":"Student exams are automatically created once a student requests to start a test exam","evaluateQuizExerciseSuccess":"{{number}} quiz exercises successfully evaluated!","evaluateQuizExerciseFailure":"There was an error during the evaluation of the quiz exercises:\n {{message}}","assessUnsubmittedStudentExamsSuccess":"Reviewed all student exams and assessed the unsubmitted or empty modeling and text exercises with 0 points.","assessUnsubmittedStudentExamsFailure":"The exam is not over yet for all students","assessUnsubmittedStudentExamsIdFailure":"Unsubmitted exams could not be evaluated due to a missing course ID or exam ID","unlockAllRepositoriesSuccess":"Repositories of {{number}} programming exercises were unlocked.","unlockAllRepositoriesFailure":"There was an error during the unlocking of the programming exercises:\n {{message}}","lockAllRepositoriesSuccess":"Repositories of {{number}} programming exercises were locked.","lockAllRepositoriesFailure":"There was an error during the locking of the programming exercises:\n {{message}}","setWorkingTime":"Absolute:","usedWorkingTime":"Used working time","setWorkingTimeRelative":"Addition relative to regular working time:","removeAllStudents":{"title":"Remove all students","question":"Are you sure you want to remove all students from the exam?","confirmationText":"Please enter the name of the exam to confirm removing all students from the exam!"},"confirmDialog":{"titleToUnsubmitted":"Change Student Exam to Unsubmitted","titleToSubmitted":"Change Student Exam to Submitted","question":"Are you sure you want to change the submission state?","submitText":"This will set the submission date of the exam to this moment, and the submission state to 'submitted'. You will be allowed to un-submit the exam later.\n","unSubmitText":"This will delete the submission date and set the submission state to 'unsubmitted'.","warningRemove":"Recovering the original submission date will not be possible after deletion!","submit":"Submit","unsubmit":"Unsubmit"},"exercisePreparationProgress":{"label":"Exercise preparation progress:","failed":"failed","remaining":"remaining","finished":"Finished","noeta":"No ETA","participations":"Participations","exams":"Exams"}},"examManagement":{"reviewDatesInvalidWarning":"End of Student Review is set incorrect or missing","reviewDatesInvalidExplanation":"If the Begin of Student Review is set, the End of Student Review has to be set as well. Furthermore, the End of Student Review has to be chronologically after its Begin.","sections":{"configuration":"Exam Configuration","conduction":"Exam Conduction","assessment":"Exam Assessment and Student Review","assessmentEmptyDates":"If you leave a date blank, this exam step will not take place","exercises":"Exam Exercises","text":"Exam Texts","examSolutions":"Exam Solutions"},"title":"Exam Management","createExam":"Create a new exam","importExam":"Import an exam","editExam":"Edit an existing exam","courseTitle":"Course Title","examId":"Exam ID","examTitle":"Exam Title","visibleDate":"Visible from","visibleDateTooltip":"Students can see the exam and open the start page from this time onwards, but cannot access the exercises","startDate":"Start of working time","startDateTooltip":"Students can participate in the exam from this time onwards","endDate":"End of working time","endDateTooltip":"Students can participate in the exam until this time","workingTime":"Working Time (minutes)","workingTimeTooltip":"The working time is computed based on the start and end time","publishResultsDate":"Release Date of Results","gracePeriod":"Grace period (seconds)","gracePeriodTooltip":"The time given to students to hand in their exam after the working time. No new submissions are possible during the grace period","examiner":"Examiner","moduleNumber":"Module number","courseName":"Course name","examStudentReviewStart":"Begin of Student Review","examStudentReviewEnd":"End of Student Review","exampleSolutionPublicationDateTooltip":"Students can see the example solutions for all exercises in the exam from this time onwards if they participated in the exam. Leave blank to disable.","maxPoints":{"title":"Maximum number of points for exam","warning":"Updating this field will update the grading scale for the exam if such exists, such that the points values for the grade steps still match the percentages, adjusted for the new maximum points value. This also affects all students' grades in the exam!"},"numberOfExerciseGroups":"Number of exercise groups:","numberOfExercisesInExam":"Number of exercises in exam","numberOfCorrectionRoundsInExam":"Number of correction rounds in exam","randomizeQuestionOrder":"Randomize order of exercise groups","examWithAttendanceCheck":"Exam with attendance check","startText":"Exam start text","endText":"Exam end text","confirmationStartText":"Exam start confirmation text","confirmationEndText":"Exam end confirmation text","assessmentDashboard":"Assessment","examChecklist":"Exam Checklist","studentExams":"Student Exams","students":"Students","gradingSystem":"Grading Key","bonus":"Bonus","testExam":{"realExam":"Exam","testExam":"Test Exam","examMode":"Mode","examModeTooltip":"Students can start working on a Test Exam once within the working window, the selected working time will be available during the conduction. Students recieve automated feedback after submitting. NOTE: This cannot be changed later on!","startDate":"Start of working window","endDate":"End of working window","workingTimeTooltip":"The working time allowed to the students per run"},"import":{"search":"Search for exam"},"testRun":{"testRun":"Test Run","title":"Test Run Management: ","setup":"Create a Test Run","author":"Author","setWorkingTime":"Set a working time (minutes and seconds):","setupHint":"Select an exercise for every exercise group by clicking on it.\nNote: If you have already created a test run with one of the exercises, the exercise will already contain a submission and result.","assess":"Assess Your Test Runs","manage":"Manage Working Time","text":"Here you can create a test run for the exam. Pick which exercises your exam should contain and begin. Afterwards you will be able to assess your submissions and grade them as a tutor. You have the option to view the results and complain as a student. Additionally, you can also respond to the complaints about the assessment as a tutor.\nNote: Submissions made within test runs do not count towards the exam scores.","reminderToDelete":"Make sure to delete all Test Runs before conducting the exam. All test runs are automatically deleted if you assess the unsubmitted student exams and empty submissions.","secondCorrectionHint":"Hint: The second correction does not apply to test runs.","createTestRunDisabled":"No exercises found","assessTestRunDisabled":"None of your test runs have ended","delete":{"question":"Should the {{ title }} really be deleted? All associated elements will also be deleted, if they are not referenced by any other test run.","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type: Test Run to confirm."}},"examStudents":{"imageChecked":"Image was checked successfully","imageNotChecked":"Image was not checked","loginChecked":"Login was checked successfully","loginNotChecked":"Login was not checked","nameChecked":"Name was checked successfully","nameNotChecked":"Name was not checked","registrationNumberChecked":"Registration number was checked successfully","registrationNumberNotChecked":"Registration number was not checked","noSignature":"No signature","registeredStudents":"Registered students","notCheckedStudents":"Number of students not checked","allStudentsCheckedPassed":"All the students have been checked successfully","searchResults":"search results","usersPerPage":"{{number}} students per page","showAllUsers":"Show all students","searchForUsers":"Register a student for this exam by searching for login or name","checks":"Checks","attendanceChecks":"Attendance Checks","searchStudents":"Search students by name or login","searchNoResults":"No students found","login":"Login","name":"Name","firstName":"First name","lastName":"Last name","email":"Email","registrationNumber":"Matriculation number","registerAllFromCourse":"Register course students","registerAllFromCourseTooltip":"Register all students enrolled in this course","verifyAttendanceTooltip":"Verify the attendance check of the students","verifyAttendanceBtn":"Verify Attendance","examNotStarted":"The exam has not started yet","verifyChecks":"Verify Attendance","removeFromExam":{"modalQuestion":"Are you sure you want to unregister the student with login {{ title }} from this exam?","deleteParticipationsAndSubmission":"Additionally delete this student's participation and submissions in the associated exam? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the login of the student to confirm."}},"exerciseGroups":"Exercise Groups","exerciseGroup":{"create":"Create new Exercise Group","import":"Import Exercise Group","update":"Edit Exercise Group","selectExerciseGroup":"Select Exercise Groups","selectExerciseGroupExplanation":"Select the individual exercises, which should be imported alongside the exercise groups, by clicking on it","noExerciseGroup":"The selected exam {{examTitle}} has no exercise groups","type":"Type","title":"Title","points":"Points","mandatory":"Mandatory","optional":"Optional","noExercises":"No exercises have been added yet.","titleInfo":"The title of the exercise group is shown to the students as the name of the exercise.","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the exercise group {{ title }}? All associated exercises will also be deleted.","questionLocalVC":"Are you sure you want to delete the exercise group {{ title }}? All associated exercises will be deleted.
All student, template, solution, test, and auxiliary repositories and build plans will also be deleted.
Be careful: this can NOT be undone!
Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first! ","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exercise group to confirm."},"orderCouldNotBeSaved":"The order could not be saved","importModal":{"title":"Import Exam Exercises","explanation":"Select the individual exercises, which should be imported alongside the exam, by clicking on it","selected":"Selected","exerciseGroupTooltip":"The title of an exercise group can be changed before the import","exerciseTitleTooltip":"The title of an exercise can be changed before the import. Further changes are possible after the import","shortNameTooltip":"The shortname of a programming task must be unique. The short name of the exercise can NOT be edited after creating the exercise! The short name must begin with a letter, must not contain any special characters and must be at least 3 characters long","invalidKey":"The chosen short name and title of {{ number }} programming exercise(s) already exists. Please insert a new short name and title for the corresponding programming exercise(s)","duplicatedProgrammingExerciseShortName":"Multiple programming exercises in the exam have the same short name. Please choose a different short name!","duplicatedProgrammingExerciseTitle":"Multiple programming exercises in the exam have the same title. Please choose a different title!","invalidExerciseConfiguration":"One or more of the values specified are invalid. Please change them before importing","isImporting":"The import of the exercise groups and the exercises is currently done on the server. This may take some time","infoProgrammingExercises":"Programming exercises are imported using their initial configuration. This import functionality cannot be used for changing the submission policy, for activating / deactivating the static code analysis or for creating new build plans. In this case, please import the exercises individually into the exercise groups."},"importSuccessful":"Exercise Groups successfully imported!"},"quizPool":"Quiz Pool","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the Exam {{ title }}? All associated elements will be deleted including the Student Exams. This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exam to confirm."},"reset":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently reset the Exam {{ title }}? All Student Exams will be deleted. Registered students and the exercise configurations will remain. This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exam to confirm.","success":"The exam has been successfully reset."},"checklist":{"title":"Exam Checklist","conductionPlannedFromTo":"The conduction is planned from {{ from }} to {{ to }}","introduction":"This page gives an overview over the various steps when conducting an exam. In the","linkDescription":"external documentation","introductionPart2":"you can find more details about the individual steps.","checklistItem":"Task","description":"Description","status":"Current status","goTo":"Page","testExam":{"title":"Test Exam Checklist","introduction":"This page gives an overview over the various steps when creating a test exam.","detailsHintForTestExams":"For test exams, the following applies","studentRegistration":"Students are automatically registered for the test exam when starting a test exam","instantResults":"The results are automatically published once a student submits the exam"},"tableItem":{"register":"Register students for the exam","exerciseGroups":"Create at least one exercise group with exercises","generateStudentExams":"Generate all student exams","prepareExerciseStart":"Prepare exercise start","examDetails":"Fill out all exam details","conductExam":"Conduct the exam","assessAllSubmissions":"Assess all submissions","publishResults":"Publish the exam results","examReview":"Plan the exam review","resolveComplaints":"Resolve all complaints","testRun":"Conduct a test run","exportResults":"Export the exam results","editWorkingTime":"Edit the exam duration","createAnnouncement":"Create an announcement","suspiciousBehavior":"Check for suspicious behaviour"},"descriptionItem":{"register":"You can register students for the exam in three different ways: via a .csv file, manually, or by importing all students registered in the course.","exerciseGroups":"You can create exercise groups with multiple exercise variants to make cheating for students more difficult. The points in all exercises within a given exercise group must be identical, and the number of exercise groups must equal the exam's number of exercises.","generateStudentExams":"You need to generate exams for all registered students before starting the exam. Their working time can be adjusted individually.\nAdditionally, the commits of the templates in programming exercises will be combined into one commit.","prepareExerciseStart":"You need to prepare the exercises before the exam starts.","examDetails":"Before conducting an exam, please make sure to have filled out all exam details. (Start text, dates, etc.)","conductExam":"On the student exam page you can see which students have already submitted their exam.","assessAllSubmissions":"The number of correction rounds per exercise depends on the exam's number of correction rounds.","publishResults":"Publishing the results makes them available to students. Student exams are published on the publishing date for results within the exam.","examReview":"Make sure to have all dates specified correctly.","resolveComplaints":"Complaints can be resolved from the Assessment Dashboard.","testRun":"Try out different combinations of exercise variants from the student perspective.","exportResults":"Exports the exam results as a .csv file.","editWorkingTime":"Until one minute before the end of the exam, you can extend its duration.","createAnnouncement":"To communicate important information to all students working on the exam right now, you can make an announcement. It will be distributed and displayed to all students immediately.","suspiciousBehavior":"Check for suspicious behaviour and plagiarism in the suspicious behavior dashboard."},"textitems":{"leastoneexercisegroup":"At least one exercise group","numberofexercisegroupsequal":"Number of exercises in the exam equals the number of exercise groups","numberofexercisegroupsinbetween":"Number of exercises in the exam is between the number of mandatory exercise groups and the total number of exercise groups","eachexercisegroup":"Each exercise group contains at least one exercise","pointsexercisegroupequal":"Points in exercises of each exercise group are identical","totalpointspossible":"Maximum number of points in exam can be attained with the current exercise group configuration","hasExercises":"has","zeroexercises":"0","exerciseStart":"Exercise Group","exercise":"exercise variant.","exercises":"exercise variants.","leastonestudent":"At least one student registered","studentsregistered":"Current number of students registered:","allexamsgenerated":"All exams generated for registered students","pulishingdateset":"Publishing date for results set","startdatereviewset":"Start date of exam review set","enddatereviewset":"End date of exam review set","testruns":"Current number of test runs:","allExercisesPrepared":"All exercises prepared for all students","noSubmissions":"There are currently no submitted exams.","noComplaints":"There are currently no complaints.","correctionRound":"Correction Round","startedExam":"Started Exam","submittedExam":"Submitted Exam","exerciseTablePlural":"Exercises","exerciseTableSingular":"Exercise","points":"Points","numberParticipants":"Participants","variants":"Variants","assessmentCheckType":"Check Type","assessmentStatus":"Status","assessmentAction":"Action","checkUnfinishedAssessments":"Unfinished Assessments","checkUnassessedQuizzes":"Unassessed Quiz Exercises","checkUnsubmittedExercises":"Unsubmitted Exercises"}},"editWorkingTime":{"title":"Edit Exam Duration","label":"Change exam duration","duration":"The new duration of the exam will be {{ duration }}.","question":"This will change the working time for all students. Do you really want to edit the duration of the exam {{ title }}?","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exam to confirm."},"announcementCreate":{"button":"Create Announcement","title":"Make Live Exam Announcement","task":"Enter your announcement below. You can use Markdown text formatting.","preview":"Preview","sendButton":"Send Announcement","sending":"Sending announcement...","sent":"Announcement sent!"},"suspiciousBehavior":{"title":"Suspicious Behavior","examSessionDescription":"Whenever a student enters a exam, a session is created for the student. This session is the combination of IP address, session token, user agent, browser fingerprint, browser instance ID and a timestamp.","suspiciousSessionDescription":"A session will be flagged as suspicious if it fulfills one of the following criteria:","suspiciousSessionCriterionIpAddress":"Multiple sessions with the same IP address belong to different students' exams","suspiciousSessionCriterionBrowserFingerprint":"Multiple sessions with the same browser fingerprint belong to different students' exams","suspiciousSessionCriterionDifferentIpAddress":"Sessions for the same student exam, that do not have the same IP address","suspiciousSessionCriterionDifferentBrowserFingerprint":"Sessions for the same student exam, that do not have the same browser fingerprint","suspiciousSessionCriterionIpOutsideOfRange":"The IP address of a session is outside of the specified IP range","subnet":"Subnet in CIDR notation","subnetHelp":"The subnet in CIDR notation, e.g. If you enter a IPv4 subnet, only IPv4 addresses will be compared. If you enter a IPv6 subnet, only IPv6 addresses will be compared.","analyzeSessions":"Analyze Sessions","suspiciousSessions":{"title":"Suspicious Sessions","view":"View Suspicious Sessions","number":"This exam has {{ numberOfSuspiciousSessions }} cases.","reasons":"Suspicious because of:","case":"Case","sameBrowserFingerprintDifferentStudentExams":"Different student exams with the same browser fingerprint","sameIpAddressDifferentStudentExams":"Different student exams with the same IP address","differentIpAddressesSameStudentExam":"Different IP addresses for the same student exam","differentBrowserFingerprintsSameStudentExam":"Different browser fingerprints for the same student exam","ipOutsideOfRange":"IP address outside of range {{ range }}"}},"plagiarismCasesOverview":{"title":"Plagiarism Cases Overview","exerciseName":"Exercise","numberOfResults":"Number of potential plagiarism cases","numberOfCases":"Number of plagiarism cases","actions":"Actions","viewResultsOrRunDetection":"View Results or Run Detection","viewCases":"View Cases"},"dateChange":{"title":"Confirm working time change","message":"The exam conduction is currently in progress. Changing the times of an active exam will notify all active students about the duration change!","label":"The exam conduction is currently in progress"}},"studentExamDetail":{"studentExam":"Student exam ({{ examTitle }})","testRun":"Test Run ({{ examTitle }})","exercises":"Exercises","overview":"Overview","downloadPDF":" Download PDF","student":"Student","name":"Name: ","login":"Login: ","email":"Email: ","matriculationNumber":"Matriculation number: ","id":"ID","type":"Type","title":"Title","result":"Your points","reviewer":"Reviewer","openSubmission":"Open Submission","openAssessment":" Open Assessment","openLatestAssessment":"Open latest Assessment","cancelAssessment":" Cancel Assessment","workingTimeCouldNotBeSaved":"The working time could not be saved.","saveWorkingTimeSuccessful":"The working time was saved successfully.","endOfIndividualWorkingTime":"End of individual working time:","disabledChangeSubmissionStateButtonExplanation":"Cannot be changed before the end of the working time and the respective grace period.","toggleSuccessful":"The submitted status was changed successfully.","togglefailed":"The submitted status could not be changed!","hasComplaint":"Has Complaint","noSessions":"No Sessions"},"studentExam":{"alreadySubmitted":"You have already submitted.","submissionNotInTime":"You have not submitted your exam on time. It will not be graded!","handInFailed":"Submission of your exam failed. Please try again!","deleted":"Deleted test run"},"examTimeline":{"title":"Exam timeline of {{ username }}","breadcrumb":"Exam timeline","disabledTooltip":"You cannot view the exam timeline if the student exam has not been submitted."},"examStatus":{"columnTitle":"Exam status","preparation":{"examPreparation":"Exam preparation","configureExercises":"Configure exercises: {{ amount }} exercise groups","registerStudents":"Register students: {{ registered }} registered","generateStudentExams":"Generate student exams: ","registered":"{{ generated }} of {{ total }}","notRegistered":"No students registered","prepareExerciseStart":"Prepare exercise start","testExam":{"examPreparation":"Test Exam preparation","maxPointsCorrect":"Exam Points correctly set to ","maxPointsWrong":"Exam Points should be set to {{ points }}"}},"conduction":{"examConduction":"Exam conduction","workingTime":"Working Time","startedExams":"Started exams","submittedExams":"Submitted exams","conductionSuspended":"Students cannot start their Exam!","testExam":{"examConduction":"Test Exam conduction","numberOfStudents":"Number of students","startedExams":"Started Test Exams","submittedExams":"Submitted Test Exams","conductionSuspended":"Students cannot start a Test Exam!"}},"correction":{"examCorrection":"Exam correction","correctionRoundProgress":"Correction progress in round {{ index }}","publishResultDate":"Publishing results","notSet":"Unset","examReview":"Exam review","unset":"Unset","planned":"Planned","running":"Running","finished":"Finished","complaints":"Complaints","complaintsCount":"({{ done }} out of {{ total}})"}},"exampleSubmission":{"home":{"title":"Example Submissions","editor":"Example Submission Editor","assessmentTraining":"This is an Assessment Training"},"legend":{"title":"Legend","positiveScore":"Positive score","negativeScore":"Negative score","incorrectAssessment":"Incorrect assessment️","feedbackWithoutScore":"Feedback without score"},"feedback":{"CORRECT":"Correct assessment 👍","INCORRECT_SCORE":"Incorrect score","UNNECESSARY_FEEDBACK":"Unneccessary feedback","MISSING_GRADING_INSTRUCTION":"Missing assessment instruction","INCORRECT_GRADING_INSTRUCTION":"Incorrect assessment instruction","EMPTY_NEGATIVE_FEEDBACK":"Feedback is required for negative score"},"submissionValidation":{"missing":"Not enough feedback provided. The instructor provided more feedback.","wrong":"Incorrect assessment. There are {{mistakeCount}} mistake(s).\nPlease carefully review the grading criteria and submit your improved assessment."},"correctTutorAssessment":"Congratulations! This is a good assessment!","submitSuccessful":"Your example submission has been successfully submitted","saveSuccessful":"Your example submission has been saved","readSuccessfully":"You have successfully read and understood this example submission","createNew":"Create new","pageHeader":"Example Text Submission for Exercise","assessmentTraining":"Assessment Training","selectModel":"Select Assessment Training Mode:","selectModelExplanation":"You can select the assessment training mode here. The assessment training mode defines how the tutor has to confirm that the example was understood.","readAndConfirm":"Read and Confirm","assessCorrectly":"Assess Correctly","createNewSubmission":"Create new example submission","editExampleSubmission":"Edit example submission","modelElementHint":"Hint: Model elements which assessment you missed are highlighted in blue.","textHint":"Hint: Text blocks that you need to assess are highlighted in blue.","editExampleSubmissionConfirmationQuestion":"Are you sure you want to edit the example submission? The current assessment will be permanently deleted and you have to assess the submission again.","updateExampleSubmission":"Update example submission","problemStatement":"Problem Statement","sampleSolution":"Example Solution","exampleAssessment":"Example Assessment","createNewAssessment":"Create new assessment","saveNewAssessment":"Save new assessment","updateAssessment":"Update assessment","youNeedToCreate":"You must create the example text submission before creating the example assessment","score":"Points","submitAssessment":"Submit Assessment","readAndUnderstood":"I have read and understood the example","exampleSubmission":"Example Submission","exampleSubmissions":"Example Submissions for Assessment Training","assessmentInstruction":"Double-click on a model element to view and edit the element's assessment.","deleted":"Example submission deleted successfully","assessmentExplanation":"Example assessment explanation","assessmentExplanationInfo":"Additional explanation for this example assessment","useAsExampleSubmission":"Use as Example Submission","useAsExampleSubmissionLabel":"Use as an Example Submission","searchSubmission":"Search for Submission","submissionSize":"Submission Size","textSubmissionSizeHint":"This value shows the number of words in the text.","modelingSubmissionSizeHint":"This value shows the number of elements used in the model.","exampleAssessmentCreated":"Example Assessment Created","exampleAssessmentWarning":"You need to complete the assessment to use this submission in the assessment training."},"tutorParticipation":{"deleted":"The tutor participation was deleted successfully"},"exerciseActions":{"practice":"Practice","openQuiz":"Open quiz","startQuiz":"Start quiz","resumeQuiz":"Resume quiz","viewSubmissions":"View submission","viewResults":"View result","statistics":"Quiz Statistics","startExercise":"Start exercise","resumeExercise":"Resume exercise","requestManualFeedback":"Request feedback","requestManualFeedbackTooltip":"Send a manual feedback request before the due date for review.","requestAutomaticFeedback":"Request AI feedback","requestAutomaticFeedbackTooltip":"AI-Based Feedback can include mistakes. Consider checking important information.","resumeExercisePractice":"Resume practice in exercise","resumeExerciseError":"Error trying to resume the exercise","openCodeEditor":"Open code editor","openPracticeCodeEditor":"Open code editor for practice","openGradedCodeEditor":"Open code editor","choseGradedMode":"Graded participation chosen","openModelingEditor":"Open modeling editor","importIntoIDE":"Open in your IDE","openOnlineIDE":"Open online IDE","practiceMode":{"title":"Practice Mode","explanation":"The practice mode allows you to keep working on the exercise after the submission due date for self-practice. This will not affect your grading! Artemis will setup a separate repository for you to clone as usual.","repositoryChoice":"You already have a graded participation from before the due date. Therefore you can choose if the code in the separate repository should be the template repository of this exercise or your graded participation.","practiceWithTemplate":"Practice with template repository","practiceWithGradedParticipation":"Practice with graded participation"},"resetRepository":{"label":"Reset Repository","titleGraded":"Reset graded participation","titlePractice":"Reset practice participation","explanation":"You can reset your repository back to its initial state and start working again from there. This will override any changes you made so far! But the submitted changes will remain in the history.","offlineIDEExplanation":"After you reset the repository you have to pull the changes on your local machine in order to start working again.","repositoryChoice":"You already have a graded participation from before the due date. Therefore you can choose if you want to reset your practice repository to the template of this exercise or the code of your graded participation.","questionGraded":"Are you sure you want to reset the graded repository of exercise {{ title }}?","questionPractice":"Are you sure you want to reset the practice repository of exercise {{ title }}?","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exercise to confirm.","resetToTemplate":"Reset to exercise template","resetToGradedParticipation":"Reset to graded participation","success":"Resetting repository was successful. You can start over now."},"practiceModeTooltip":"The practice mode allows you to keep working on the exercise after the submission due date for self-practice. This will not affect your grading! Artemis will setup a separate repository for you to clone.","code":"Code","cloneRatedRepository":"Clone your repository for this exercise:","clonePracticeRepository":"Clone your practice repository for this exercise:","cloneExerciseRepository":"Clone a repository for this exercise","repositoryPassword":"Your Password is:","hoverToShow":"(hover to show)","cloneSourceTree":{"button":"Clone in Git client","helpIcon":"This opens the repository in Sourcetree or Tower. If you do not have them, you can still clone the repository using your IDE or terminal."},"cloneVSCode":{"button":"Clone in VSCode","helpIcon":"Clone this repository in Visual Studio Code."},"cloneIntelliJ":{"button":"Clone in IntelliJ","helpIcon":"Clone this repository in IntelliJ IDEA. This feature requires the Jetbrains Toolbox."},"goToBuildPlan":"Go to build plan","openTextEditor":"Open text editor","copyUrl":"Copy URL","copiedUrl":"Copied URL","uploadFile":"Upload a file","viewTeam":"Team","sshKeyTip":"To use ssh, you need to add an ssh key to your account {link:here}.","startExerciseBeforeStartDate":"You cannot participate before the start date of the exercise.","deleteMultipleExercisesQuestion":"Are you sure you want to delete the selected exercises?"},"exercise":{"home":{"title":"Exercises","createLabel":"Create a new Exercise"},"sections":{"general":"General","mode":"Mode","grading":"Grading","problem":"Problem","solution":"Solution"},"details":"Exercise details","addCriterion":"Add a Grading Criterion","resultsPerPage":"{{number}} results per page","showAllResults":"Show all results","searchForStudents":"Search for students by login or name (comma separated)","searchForTeams":"Search for teams by (short) name or for students by login/name (comma separated)","created":"Created new Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the exercise {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exercise to confirm."},"reset":{"question":"Are you sure you want to reset the exercise {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!"},"detail":{"title":"Exercise"},"import":{"attention":"Attention! ","markdownWarning":"You can edit the problem statement after importing the exercise.","embeddedFilesWarning":"All embedded files are available in the problem statement after the import.","search":"Search for exercise","loading":"Loading...","searchInCourses":"Search in courses?","searchInExams":"Search in exams?","table":{"title":"Title","language":"Language","course":"Course","exam":"Exam","examQuestion":"Exam Question","doImport":"Import"},"tabTitle":"From instance"},"importFromFile":{"tabTitle":"From file","notSupportedExerciseType":"The exercise type {{ exerciseType }} is not supported for importing from file."},"exercise":"Exercise","results":"Results","actions":"Actions","notStarted":"You have not started this exercise yet.","problemStatement":"Problem Statement","emptyProblemStatement":"(No problem statement)","instructions":"Instructions","exampleSolution":"Example Solution","emptyExampleSolution":"(No example solution)","exampleSolutionPublicationDateError":"For graded exercises, Example Solution Publication Date must be after Release, Start and Due Date if set. Please check your selection again","exampleSolutionPublicationDateWarning":"Example Solution Publication Date is before Due Date!","feedbackSuggestionsEnabled":"Enable feedback suggestions from Athena","feedbackSuggestionsEnabledTooltip":"If enabled, Athena will suggest feedback to tutors on some submissions.","assessmentCriterion":"Assessment Criterion","assessmentInstructions":"Assessment Instructions","assessmentInstruction":"Assessment Instruction: ","structuredAssessmentInstructions":"Structured Assessment Instructions","addAssessmentCriterion":"Add assessment criterion","deleteAssessmentCriterion":"Delete this criterion","resetAssessmentCriterionTitle":"Reset assessment criterion title","resetAssessmentInstruction":"Reset assessment instruction","deleteAssessmentInstruction":"Delete assessment instruction","addAssessmentInstruction":"Add new assessment instruction","limit":"Limit","usageCountHint":"This number specifies how many times the score of this instruction may be included in the final score.","creditsHint":"This number specifies the score for this instruction.","gradingScaleHint":"The scale describes the performance level for the instruction. Some examples are: excellent, good, average, poor.","descriptionHint":"The description of a particular performance level may include additional notes about when to apply this instruction.","feedbackHint":"Feedback is an explanatory text for the students in order to better understand their performance level.","dragDropInstruction":"Drag & Drop the assessment instruction to feedback element","gradingScale":"Scale","instructionDescription":"Description","credits":"Credits","feedback":"Feedback","editText":"Edit as Text","title":"Title","shortName":"Short Name","release":"Release","releaseDate":"Release Date","start":"Start","startDate":"Start Date","due":"Due","dueDate":"Due Date","dueDateError":"Due Date must be after Release Date and Start Date if present. Please check your selection again.","startDateError":"Start Date must be after Release Date. Please check your selection again.","assessmentDue":"Assessment Due","assessmentDueDate":"Assessment Due Date","assessmentDueDateError":"Assessment Due Date must be after Release, Start and Due Date. Please check your selection again.","noReleaseDateWarning":"You have not defined a release date for this exercise, this means that it will be immediately published and made visible to the students. But they can only participate after the currently defined start date.","noReleaseAndStartDateWarning":"You have not defined a release and start date for this exercise, this means that it will be immediately published and students can participate in the exercise.","dateNotSet":"No date set","exampleSolutionPublicationDate":"Example Solution Publication Date","points":"Points","pointsError":"Must be a number between 1 and 9999.","bonusPoints":"Bonus Points","bonusPointsError":"Must be a number between 0 and 9999.","includedInOverallScoreCourseLabel":"Include this exercise in the course score calculation","includedInOverallScoreExamLabel":"Include this exercise in the exam score calculation","includedInOverallScore":"Included in Score","includedCompletely":"Included","categoriesTooltip":"You can define up to two categories per exercise (Enter category and press ENTER). You are free in defining them, though it might be best to use them consistently. They will be visible to students.","includedCompletelyTooltip":"All points and bonus points earned in this exercise count towards your course/exam score!","includedAsBonus":"Bonus","includedAsBonusTooltip":"All points earned in this exercise count towards your course/exam score as bonus points!","notIncluded":"Optional","notIncludedTooltip":"No points earned in this exercise count towards your course/exam score!","yes":"Yes","bonus":"Bonus","no":"No","difficulty":"Difficulty","noLevel":"No Level","easy":"Easy","medium":"Medium","hard":"Hard","mode":"Mode","modeTooltip":"The solving mode of an exercise determines whether students work alone or in teams. NOTE: This cannot be changed later on!","modes":{"individual":"Individual","team":"Team"},"teamAssignmentConfig":{"teamSize":"Team Size","teamSizeTooltip":"Recommendation for tutors regarding the minimum and maximum number of students per team.","participants":"Participants"},"categories":"Categories","noCategory":"No Category","participation":"Participation","participations":"Participations","submissions":"Submissions","teams":"Teams","export":{"options":"Export Options:","names":"Export Names","results":{"title":"Export Results","withoutTestCases":"Without test cases","withTestCases":"With test cases","withTestCasesAndFeedback":"With test cases
and feedback","withTestCasesTooltip":"This will include additional information about passed and failed test cases for each result entry.","withTestCasesAndFeedbackTooltip":"This will include information about test cases and a copy of the provided feedback for failed test cases.","emptyError":"{{ exercise }}: No results found"}},"refresh":"Refresh","course":"Course","type":"Type","mcqType":"Multiple Choice Question","dndType":"Drag and Drop Question","personalRepositoryClone":"Your personal repository has been set up. Click the Code button!","personalRepositoryOnline":"Your personal repository has been set up. Click the button Open code editor!","resumeProgrammingExercise":"The exercise has been resumed. You can now continue working on the exercise!","feedbackRequestSent":"Your feedback request has been sent.","feedbackRequestAlreadySent":"Your feedback request has already been sent.","notEnoughPoints":"You have to submit your work at least once.","lockRepositoryWarning":"Your repository will be locked. You can only continue working after you receive an answer.","feedbackRequestAfterDueDate":"You cannot submit feedback requests after the due date.","maxAthenaResultsReached":"You have reached the maximum number of AI feedback requests.","startError":"Uh oh! Something went wrong... Please try again to start the exercise in a few minutes.","name":"Name","studentId":"Login","teamShortName":"Short Name","completionDate":"Completion Date","lastResult":"Last Result","submissionCount":"Submissions","score":"Points","duration":"Duration","scoresFilter":"Filter: {{ filter }}","showBuildFailed":"Build Failed","showUnsuccessful":"Unsuccessful","showSuccessful":"Successful","showManual":"Manual","showAutomatic":"Automatic","showLocked":"Locked Assessments","showAll":"All","showFailed":"Show Latest Submission without Result","showNoSubmissions":"Show No Submissions","showNoPracticeMode":"Show only graded participations","showingOnlyInRange":"Showing only results in range: {{ range }}","showingOfResults":"Showing {{ filtered }} of {{ total }} ({{ percent }}%) scores","tagPlaceholder":"+ Category","isProgramming":"This is a programming exercise","isModeling":"This is a modeling exercise","isQuiz":"This is a quiz exercise","isText":"This is a text exercise","isFileUpload":"This is a file upload exercise","notificationText":"What did you change?","submissionSuccessful":"The submission was successful","submissionUnsuccessful":"The submission was unsuccessful","lateSubmissionResultReceived":"Artemis received an ungraded result for a late submission, please scroll down to see the score in the result history.","resultCreationSuccessful":"The result was created successfully","resultCreationUnsuccessful":"The result could not be created","presentationScoreEnabled":{"title":"Presentation","description":"If the presentation score is enabled, tutors can enter points for students on the \"Participation\" page of the exercise."},"errors":{"exerciseNotFound":"This exercise was not found"},"form":{"title":{"undefined":"There has to be a title set!","pattern":"The title must only consist of alphanumeric characters and '_', '-' or whitespaces!"},"channelName":{"empty":"There has to be a channel name set!"},"shortName":{"undefined":"There has to be a short name set!","pattern":"The short name must begin with a letter and must not contain any special characters!","minlength":"The short name must be at least 3 characters long!"},"packageName":{"undefined":"There has to be a package name set!","pattern":{"JAVA":"The package name must consist of one or more valid Java identifiers separated by '.', e.g. \"net.java\"!","KOTLIN":"The package name must consist of one or more valid Kotlin identifiers separated by '.', e.g. \"net.kotlin\"!","SWIFT":"The package name must consist of one or more valid Swift identifiers without any separator, e.g. \"SwiftEx\"!","JAVA_BLACKBOX":"The package name must be a valid Java identifier. In addition, no dots are allowed in the package name of DejaGnu projects"}},"points":{"undefined":"There has to be a value for the points set!","customMin":"The number of points must be at least 1!","customMax":"The number of points may not exceed 9999!"},"bonusPoints":{"undefined":"There has to be a value for the bonus points set!","customMin":"The number of bonus points must be at least 0!","customMax":"The number of bonus points may not exceed 9999!"},"minTeamSize":{"min":"The minimal team size must not be less than 1 person.","max":"The minimal team size must not exceed 99 people."},"maxTeamSize":{"min":"The maximal team size must not be less than 1 person.","max":"The maximal team size must not exceed 99 people."},"maxPenalty":{"pattern":"The maximum penalty must be between 0 and 100 percent!"}},"exam":"Exam","isTeamExercise":"This is a team exercise.","update":{"warning":{"warning":"Warning: These changes could cause problems","saveExerciseWithoutReevaluation":"Save without re-evaluation","problems":"To avoid inconsistencies between existing feedback and future feedback that is associated to affected grading instruction, the exercise has to be re-evaluated. This includes the recalculation of the results.","instructionDeleted":"Grading instruction deleted","creditChanged":"Grading instruction credit changed","usageCountChanged":"Grading instruction usage count changed","confirmText":"Do you want to save these changes or change them?","reevaluateExercise":"Save with Re-evaluation","deleteFeedback":"Additionally delete all corresponding feedback that is associated with the deleted Grading Instruction.","information":"If you do not want to trigger a re-evaluation, we can not guarantee the consistency of feedback associated to this grading instruction."}},"isUsedForTutorial":"Tutor needs to review","action":"Action","exerciseAssessmentDashboard":"Assessment Dashboard"},"exerciseAssessmentDashboard":{"home":{"title":"Exercise Assessment Dashboard"},"participation":{"instructionsReviewed":"You have reviewed the instructions. You may now read the example submissions"},"pageHeader":"Exercise Assessment Dashboard for:","testRunPageHeader":"Test Run Exercise Dashboard for exercise:","yourStatus":"Your status","tutorParticipationStatus":{"title":{"NOT_PARTICIPATED":"Not participated","REVIEWED_INSTRUCTIONS":"Have read the instructions","TRAINED":"Trained on example submissions","COMPLETED":"Completed assessing students submissions"},"description":{"NOT_PARTICIPATED":"Please read the assessment instructions carefully and confirm that you have understood them.","REVIEWED_INSTRUCTIONS":"Please open Example Submissions and start training.","TRAINED":"Now you can start assessing students' submissions.","COMPLETED":""}},"toggleSecondCorrectionOn":"Enable second correction","toggleSecondCorrectionOff":"Disable second correction","youAssessedSoFar":"You have assessed {{numberOfTutorAssessments}} submissions so far","needToReadGradingInstructions":"You need to read the assessment instructions before starting assessing","readGradingInstructions":"Read assessment instructions","startYourParticipation":"Start manual assessment","gradingInstructions":"Assessment instructions","structuredGradingInstructions":"Structured assessment instructions","problemStatement":"Problem statement","exampleSolution":"Example solution","exampleSolutionExplanation":"Example solution explanation","close":"Close","readAndUnderstood":"I have read and understood the instructions","toRead":"to read","toReview":"to review","totalExampleSubmissions":"There are {{total}} example submissions: {{toRead}} to read and {{toAssess}} to assess.","readSubmissions":"Read submissions","start":"Start","continue":"Continue","readingExampleSubmissions":"reading example submissions","readExampleSubmission":"Read example submissions","assessedSubmissions":"Assessed submissions","assessingExampleSubmission":"assessing example submissions","assessExampleSubmission":"Assess example submission","studentsSubmissions":"Students' submissions","studentsSubmissionsExam":"Students' submissions, Correction Round: {{round}}","testRunSubmissions":"Test Run submissions","submissionDate":"Submission date","responseTime":"Response time","status":"Status","pleaseContactIfUnclear":"In case something is unclear, please contact an instructor before you start assessing.","result":"Result","score":"Score","action":"Action","continueAssessment":"Continue assessment","openAssessment":"Open assessment","startAssessment":"Start new assessment","noSubmissions":"There are currently no submissions for you to grade.","startAssessmentFromTeamPages":"Assessments for team exercises are started from the pages of your teams.","complaints":"Complaints","noComplaints":"There are no complaints at the moment.","noComplaintsDisplayed":"There are no complaints at the moment (excluding complaints about your own assessments)","evaluateComplaint":"Evaluate the complaint","showComplaint":"Show the complaint","moreFeedback":"More Feedback Requests","noMoreFeedbackRequests":"There are no requests at the moment.","noMoreFeedbackRequestsDisplayed":"There are no requests at the moment (excluding request about your own assessments)","evaluateMoreFeedbackRequest":"Evaluate the request","showMoreFeedbackRequests":"Show the request","numberOfUnassessedSubmissions":"Unassessed submissions","numberOfOpenComplaints":"Open complaints","exerciseInformation":"Exercise information","totalYours":"Total | Yours","stats":{"intime":"On time","late":"Late"},"numberOfSubmissions":"Total submissions","numberOfAssessedSubmissions":"Assessed submissions","numberOfAutomaticAssistedSubmissions":"Assessed Submissions with automatic assistance","numberOfResolvedComplaints":"Resolved complaints","numberOfManualAssessedSubmissions":"Manual Assessed Submissions","nextAssessment":"Assess next submission","programmingExercise":{"exampleSolution":"Example solution repository","goToRepo":"Go to repository"},"language":"Language","languages":{"ENGLISH":"English","GERMAN":"German","UNKNOWN":"Unknown"},"complaintHint":"Shows complaints about other tutors' assessments. Note: complaints about your own assessments will not be displayed here.","moreFeedbackRequestHint":"Shows more feedback requests for your assessments.","noSubmissionsInfo":"You may not assess any submissions this round. {{notYetAssessed}} submissions have yet to be assessed, of which {{lockedSubmissionsByOtherTutor}} are currently locked by other tutors ","noSubmissionsInfoSecondCorrection":" and {{firstRoundAssessments}} were assessed by you in the first round.","noSubmissionsBecauseFirstAssessedByYourself":"In the second correction round you may only assess submissions which you did not assess in the first round.","correctionRoundNotYetEnabled":"This correction round is not yet enabled.","openAssessments":"Open assessments","closedAssessments":"Closed assessments","ratings":"Ratings","exerciseDetails":"Exercise Details"},"exerciseChatbot":{"popUpMessage":"By choosing to continue, you agree that your interactions with Iris and required context data, such as your code, will be processed by Microsoft and OpenAI, with data processing occurring outside of our university data center.","inputMessage":"Write a message...","accept":"Accept","decline":"Decline","title":"Iris: Your Virtual Programming Companion","subtext":"Iris is an LLM-based chatbot that guides you through your programming exercises. She enhances your learning journey by answering questions and providing support.","subheading1":"Data Processing & Consent","text1_1":"Data Processing: Your interactions with Iris are processed by Microsoft and OpenAI. This means that the information you share with Iris will leave our university's data center.","text1_2":"Consent: To use Iris, you must accept the consent message that appears the first time you use Iris. By accepting it, you agree to allow Microsoft and OpenAI to process your data as described.","subheading2":"Key Features of Iris","text2_1":"Programming Skills: Iris can answer your programming questions, whether are about programming languages, syntax, algorithms, data structures, or other specific topic. She can also identify problems in your code and give you advice on how to improve it.","text2_2":"Tutoring Skills: Iris can explain complex programming concepts and provide helpful examples to improve your understanding of various topics.","text2_3":"Contextual Understanding: Unlike other LLM-based chatbots, Iris has knowledge of your code, the problem statement, build results, and logging data.. This means you can rely on her to explain or clarify tasks and get feedback on your code or potential build errors.","text2_4":"Feedback: Your input is crucial to refining Iris's behavior. Feel free to rate specific responses or entire conversations to help improve her performance over time.","text2_5":"Communication Skills: Iris keeps a record of your conversation history, so you can continue your interaction and refer back to previous messages whenever you reopen the chatbot.","subheading3":"Boundaries & Limitations","text3_1":"No Solution: Iris is designed to guide your learning process, which means she won't simply give you the complete solution to a task. Instead, she will help you by answering specific questions and offering hints to assist you in solving the task on your own.","text3_2":"No Off-Topic Conversations: Iris's main focus is programming. Therefore, she won't answer questions that aren't related to programming or the current programming exercise you're working on.","text3_3":"No Organizational Information: Iris won't provide information to organizational topics. Often, the first slides or the course website will give you more information.","subheading4":"Chat Widget Function","text4_1":"Close the Widget: You can close the widget by clicking on the 'X' button (top right corner of the widget) or on the chatbot button (below the widget).","text4_2":"Movable Functionality: You have the flexibility to move the widget around. Simply click and hold on the widget and drag it to the desired position.","text4_3":"Resize the Widget: Click and drag the borders of the widget in different directions to make it smaller or larger, depending on your preference.","text4_4":"Full Screen Feature: You can expand the widget to full screen mode by clicking on the full screen button (top right corner of the widget).","text4_5":"Clear chat history: You can clear your chat history by clicking on the trash can button (top right corner of the widget). Thereby, all previous messages are deleted and you can start a new conversation.","supportText":"(If you have any problems using the widget or messaging Iris, please create an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/ls1intum/Artemis)","clearSession":{"title":"Clear chat history","text":"Are you sure you want to clear the chat history?","submit":"Confirm"},"errors":{"invalidSessionState":"Iris session state is invalid. It is impossible to send messages in this state.","historyLoadFailed":"Could not fetch messages.","sessionLoadFailed":"Could not fetch session details.","sessionCreationFailed":"Could not create a new session.","sendMessageFailed":"Something went wrong while sending the message. Please try again later!","rateMessageFailed":"Could not rate message. Please try again later.","irisDisabled":"Iris has been disabled for this exercise.","timeout":"The Artemis server has not sent a response yet. Please don't reload the page.","emptyMessage":"You cannot submit empty messages.","forbidden":"Artemis is not configured to use Iris. (Invalid token)","internalPyrisError":"An internal error when communicating with the LLM occurred. Error message is: {{ pyrisErrorMessage }}.","invalidTemplate":"The template is invalid. Error message is: {{ pyrisErrorMessage }}.","noModelAvailable":"Model {{ model }} is not available to use. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.","noResponse":"No response from Iris was received.","parseResponse":"An error occurred while parsing the response from Iris. Cause: {{ cause }}","technicalError":"There has been a technical error. Please contact Artemis Administrators if this error message persists.","irisNotAvailable":"Iris is not available. Please try again later!","rateLimitExceeded":"You have reached the maximum number of messages you can send to Iris in a {{ hours }} hour window. Please try again later!"},"disclaimer":"Iris can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.","tutorFirstMessage":"Hi, I'm Iris! I can help you with your programming exercise. You can learn more about me here.","codeEditorFirstMessage":"Hi, I'm Iris! I can help you to create programming exercises. For example: You can learn more about me here.","rateLimitTooltip":"This is the maximum number of messages you can send to Iris in a {{ hours }} hour window."},"exerciseHint":{"textHint":"Text hint","home":{"title":"Exercise Hints","createLabel":"Create a new Exercise Hint","editLabel":"Edit an Exercise Hint","notFound":"No Exercise Hint found"},"created":"Created new Exercise Hint with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Exercise Hint with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Exercise Hint with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Exercise Hint \"{{ title }}\"?"},"detail":{"title":"Exercise Hint"},"title":"Title","task":"Task","taskTooltip":"It is not recommended to assign code hints to other tasks since these are specifically generated for a task.","displayThreshold":"Unlock after number of unsuccessful submissions","displayThresholdTooltip":"The number of unsuccessful submissions for a task after which this hint should become available. Setting this value to zero means that the hint is always visible.","description":"Description","descriptionTooltip":"This text is displayed to students who are shown this hint.","content":"Content","exercise":"Exercise","exerciseHintButtonTooltip":"See available and activated hints for this exercise.","availableHintsAlertMessage":"New hints available for task '{{ taskName }}'.","studentDialog":{"title":"Exercise Hints","tooltip":"Open hints for this exercise","activate":"Activate","activatedHintsTitle":"Already activated hints","availableHintsTitle":"New available hints","activateTooltip":"The hint will be activated and added to your displayed hints.","display":"Display","collapse":"Collapse","rateHintQuestion":"How helpful was this hint?","availableHintTaskDescription":"Having issues solving the task '{{ taskName }}'? You can take a look at the following example solution."}},"feedback":{"home":{"title":"Feedbacks","createLabel":"Create a new Feedback"},"created":"Created new Feedback with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Feedback with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Feedback with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the feedback{{ text }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Feedback"},"text":"Text","detailText":"Detail Text","type":"Type","result":"Result","truncatedInfo":"This feedback is too long to be displayed fully here and has been truncated.","downloadFullFeedback":"Download full feedback","modal":{"submitted":"Submitted","linkedToCommit":"linked to commit"},"group":{"wrong":"Wrong","warning":"Warning","info":"Info","correct":"Correct"}},"FeedbackType":{"null":"","AUTOMATIC":"AUTOMATIC","MANUAL":"MANUAL"},"fileUploadAssessment":{"editorTitle":"Assessment Editor for File Upload Exercise {{ title }}","submissionFile":"Download Submission File","notFound":"We couldn't find any unassessed file upload submissions, please go back.","addFeedback":"Add new Feedback","assessInstruction":"Please click the \"Add new Feedback\" button.","assessInstructionWithDropOption":"Please click the \"Add new Feedback\" button or drag an assessment instruction and drop it here.","deleteAssessment":"Delete Assessment {{ index }} ?","dashboard":{"heading":"Submissions and assessments of file upload exercise \"{{exerciseTitle}}\""},"error":{"invalidAssessments":"Your assessments are not valid!","invalidScoreMustBeNumber":"The points field must be a number and cannot be empty!","invalidNeedScore":"Each Feedback item must contain points."},"messages":{"lock":"You now have the lock on this submission. Only you can assess this submission. Please assess this submission before opening others."}},"fileUploadExercise":{"home":{"title":"File Upload Exercises","createLabel":"Create File Upload Exercise","editLabel":"Edit File Upload Exercise","importLabel":"Import File Upload Exercise"},"created":"Created new File Upload Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated File Upload Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted File Upload Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete File Upload Exercise {{ title }}?","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the exercise to confirm."},"detail":{"title":"File Upload Exercise"},"filePattern":"File Pattern","filePatternInfo":"Here you can specify a comma-separated list of allowed file extensions, without periods (e.g. 'png, pdf').","submitSuccessful":"Your answer was submitted successfully! You may submit again or wait for your feedback.","submitDueDateMissed":"Your answer was submitted successfully! You may submit again or wait for your feedback. As you missed the due date, your score will not be counted.","error":"An error occurred. Please try again later.","assessedSubmission":"Your Assessment","supportedFileExtensions":"Supported file extensions: "},"fileUploadSubmission":{"home":{"title":"File Upload Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new File Upload Submission"},"created":"Created new File Upload Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated File Upload Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted File Upload Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete File Upload Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"File Upload Submission"},"view":"View assessment","filePath":"File Path","feedbackResult":"You received {{ credits }} credit(s)","feedbackResultDetail":"with the following feedback: {{ detailText }}","confirmSubmission":"Are you sure you want to submit? You will no longer be able to edit your submission until you get an assessment!","file":"File","fileTooBigError":"The file {{ fileName }} is too large. The maximum file size is 8 MB","fileExtensionError":"Unsupported file extension. Please upload a file with one of the allowed file extensions listed below.","fileUploadError":"Your submission of file {{ fileName }} failed!","submitted":"Submitted","submittedFile":"Submitted file {{ filename }} as a solution for the exercise","download":"Download file","selectFile":"Please first select a file and then submit it.","fileUpload":"File Upload","forExercise":"for Exercise"},"git":{"title":"Git Information","branch":"Branch","commit":"Commit Hash","timestamp":"Committer Date","username":"Last Committer"},"gradingSystem":{"title":"Grading Key","titleCourse":"Grading Key for Course","titleExam":"Grading Key for Exam","titleBonus":"Grading Key for Bonus","defaultButton":"Generate Default Grading Key","gradeType":{"title":"Grade Type","grade":"Grade","bonus":"Bonus"},"inclusivity":{"title":"Inclusivity","lower":"Lower Bound Inclusive","upper":"Upper Bound Inclusive"},"presentationType":{"title":"Presentation Mode","description":"Select \"Basic\" to set the number of presentations a student must give to receive the course grade bonus. Select \"Graded\" to set the number of tutor graded presentations a student can give and the weighting of the presentations for the course grade.","none":"None","basic":"Basic","graded":"Graded"},"basicPresentation":{"label":"Basic Presentations","numberOfPresentations":"Presentations"},"gradedPresentation":{"label":"Graded Presentations","number":"Number","weight":"Combined Weight (%)"},"csv":{"importButton":"Import (.csv)","exportButton":"Export (.csv)"},"firstPassingGrade":"First Passing Grade","min":"Min %","minPoints":"Min Points","max":"Max %","maxPoints":"Max Points","gradeName":"Grade Name","bonusPoints":"Bonus Points","delete":"Delete","deleteQuestion":"Do you really wish to delete the grading key?","add":"Add Grade Step","save":"Save","stickyGradeStep":"The last grade step is always open ended to handle scores exceeding the maximum. It is stuck to the bottom.","plagiarismGradeHelp":"This special failing grade is assigned when a student has a confirmed \"Plagiarism\" verdict in any exercise.","noParticipationGradeHelp":"This special failing grade is assigned when a student did not participate. For courses, this means the student did not start any exercise. For exams, this means the student did not start or did not submit.","defaultGradeName":"Default: {{default}}","info":{"title":"Grading Key Help","general":{"title":"General Information","explanation":"A grading key consists of grade steps that cover all possible percentages from 0 to 100. All adjacent grade steps should overlap on their boundaries (Example: grade steps (60, 70) and (70, 80) overlap at 70%). Which grade step includes that boundary is determined by the \"Lower Bound Inclusivity\". All grade steps also have either a name (1.0, Ausreichend, A,...) or a bonus point count (5, 10,..) depending on the \"Grade Type\""},"maxPoints":{"title":"Maximum Points","explanation":"Determines the maximum points for the given course/exam. The value is necessary if a grading key with absolute points as boundaries instead of percentages is needed. Note that the maximum points do not impact the grade calculation for courses, but they do for exams."},"gradeType":{"title":"Grade Type","explanation":"A grading key can either map directly to grades or to bonus points for the course or the final exam"},"inclusivity":{"title":"Inclusivity","explanation":"Determines whether a grade step's Min % boundary gets included and Max % boundary gets excluded or vice versa (Exception - 0% and 100% always get included in the first and respectively last grade step). Example: 60% score will be mapped to a grade step with range 60% - 70% if lower bound inclusivity is set but not if upper bound inclusivity is set (in this case it would be mapped to the previous grade step)"},"firstPassingGrade":{"title":"First Passing Grade","explanation":"Sets the first passing grade for a grading key. Every grade with higher percentages will be considered passing as well"},"importExport":{"title":"Import/Export Grade Steps","explanation":"Grade steps can be imported and exported via a CSV file. The structure is as follows, depending on the grade type. Grade Type 'Grade': 'gradeName,lowerBoundPercentage,upperBoundPercentage,isPassingGrade'. Grade Type 'Bonus': 'bonusPoints,lowerBoundPercentage,upperBoundPercentage'. Points and inclusivity can be set afterwards."}},"error":{"empty":"Grading key must contain at least one grade step!","negativeMaxPoints":"Maximum points can't be negative","emptyFields":"All grade step fields must be filled in!","invalidMinMaxPercentages":"The grade step percentages must be higher than 0 and the Min % may not be higher or equal to the Max %!","invalidMinMaxPoints":"The grade step points must be all higher than 0 and the Min Points may not be higher or equal to the Max Points!","nonUniqueGradeNames":"All grade steps must have unique names!","unsetFirstPassingGrade":"The first passing grade must be set!","invalidBonusPoints":"The bonus points must be at least 0!","nonStrictlyIncreasingBonusPoints":"Consecutive grade steps must have increasing bonus point values!","invalidAdjacency":"The Max % of all grade steps (excluding the last one), must be equal to the Min % of their subsequent grade step!","invalidFirstAndLastStep":"The Min % of the first grade step must be 0 and the Max % of the last grade step must be at least 100!","invalidBasicPresentationIsEnabled":"Presentations are already enabled for this course!","invalidPresentationsNumber":"The number of presentations must be a whole number above 0!","invalidPresentationsWeight":"The combined weight of all presentations must be between 0 and 99!"},"overview":{"info":"The grading key is based on the attainable points. It could change until the end of the course when more exercises have been assessed.","intervals":{"title":"Intervals:","leftInclusiveRightExclusive":"Left boundary is included in and right is excluded from the interval","leftExclusiveRightInclusive":"Left boundary is excluded from and right is included in the interval","bothInclusive":"Both boundaries are included in the interval"}},"intervalTab":{"title":"Interval","mode":"Mode","pointsMode":"Points","percentageMode":"Percentage"},"detailedTab":{"title":"Detailed"},"gradingStepsAboveMaxPointsWarning":"At least one grading step exceeds the maximum number of points for this course."},"gradingScale":{"created":"Grading key has been created","updated":"Grading key has been updated","deleted":"Grading key has been deleted","plagiarismGrade":"Plagiarism Grade","noParticipationGrade":"No-participation Grade"},"importUsers":{"buttonLabel":"Import Users","dialogTitle":"Import Users","introText":"This dialog can be used to import users.","dialogText":"Each entry in the input file must contain a value for either matriculation number, login or email.
Values for last and first name are optional.","csvExampleText":"Example of a valid CSV file format:","csvFile":{"label":"Select .csv file","tooltip":"Please select the .csv file containing the students for the import. Either 'LOGIN', 'REGISTRATION_NUMBER' or 'EMAIL' column values must be present per entry. Use the following format: login, matriculation number, email, firstname, lastname. You need to use the header in the top row"},"usersForImport":{"label":"Users to import","tooltip":"These students will be imported when clicking on the \"Import\" button.","importFailed":"Please repair the file, it could not be read due to the following error:","failedRows":"The following rows are invalid and must contain a value in either login, matriculation number or email:","noUsersFound":"No users to import have been found"},"numberOfUsers":"Number of users:","numberOfUsersImported":"Imported:","numberOfUsersNotImported":"Not found:","genericErrorMessage":"Import of users failed!","firstName":"First name","lastName":"Last name","registrationNumber":"registration number","room":"Room","seat":"Seat","email":"Email"},"InitializationState":{"null":"","UNINITIALIZED":"Not started","REPO_COPIED":"REPO_COPIED","REPO_CONFIGURED":"REPO_CONFIGURED","BUILD_PLAN_COPIED":"BUILD_PLAN_COPIED","BUILD_PLAN_CONFIGURED":"BUILD_PLAN_CONFIGURED","INITIALIZED":"Active","INACTIVE":"Inactive","FINISHED":"Finished"},"instructorDashboard":{"exerciseResultSummery":"{{ exercisesLength }} released exercises, {{ studentsLength }} students with results","name":"Name","username":"Username","title":"Course Scores","exerciseDashboard":"Exercise Scores","participated":"Participated in Exercises (%)","successful":"Successful Exercises (%)","quizPoints":"Quiz Points (%)","programmingPoints":"Programming Points (%)","modelingPoints":"Modeling Points (%)","textPoints":"Text Points (%)","file-uploadPoints":"File Upload Points (%)","presentationPoints":"Presentation Points (%)","overallScore":"Overall Points (%)","max":"Max","average":"Average","students":"Students","courseScoreChart":{"gradingScaleExplanationNotBonus":"A student performance is considered to be insufficient if it does not lead to passing the course. A performance is considered to be sufficient otherwise.","noGradingScaleExplanation":"A student performance is considered to be critical if its corresponding score is below 40% and therefore in most cases would lead to failing the course. A performance is considered to be uncritical otherwise.","scoreDistribution":"Course score distribution"},"statisticsTable":{"included":"Included in score","total":"Total","amountOfReleasedExercises":"# of released exercises","averagePoints":"Average points (score)","medianPoints":"Median points (score)","standardPointDeviation":"Standard point deviation","highlightInChart":"Highlight in distribution"},"cleanup":{"title":"Cleanup","question":"Are you sure you want to delete ALL student build plans for the programming exercise {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!
Individual student build plans will be recreated automatically when students submit for the next time."},"archive":{"title":"Archive","question":"Are you sure you want to archive ALL student repositories for the programming exercise {{ exerciseTitle }} in the course {{courseTitle}}?"},"exportRepos":{"warning":"Confirm Export","title":"Download Repos","titleSingle":"Download Repo","questions":{"individual":"Enter all logins separated by ',' (e.g ga87fix,ga63dut) of students you want to download the repository from","team":"Enter all short names separated by ',' (e.g team1,team2) of teams you want to download the repository from"},"timeWarning":"Caution: This action can take several minutes depending on number and size of repositories.","currentlySelected":"You are about to download all teams'/students' submissions of the following exercises:"},"exportCSV":"Export as CSV","exportSubmissions":{"title":"Export Submissions","downloadAllStudents":"Or download the submissions of all students","question":"Enter all logins separated by ',' (e.g ga87fix,ga63dut) of students you want to download the submission from","filterLateSubmissions":"Filter late submissions","filterLateSubmissionsDate":{"title":"Date for filter late submissions","tooltip":"Defaults to the due date of the exercise if not set"},"successMessage":"Export of submissions was successful. The exported zip file is currently being downloaded."},"loadingStudents":"Loading the results of all students..."},"instructorExerciseDashboard":{"title":"Instructor Exercise Dashboard","pageHeader":"Instructor Exercise Dashboard for","back":"Back","noProblemStatement":"No problem statement available","informationAboutExercise":"Information about the exercise","exerciseDueDate":"Exercise due date","submissions":"Submissions","assessmentDueDate":"Assessment due date","assessments":"Assessments","open":"open","leaderboardTitle":"Tutor Leaderboard for this Exercise"},"iris":{"settings":{"success":"Successfully saved Iris settings","error":{"save":"Error while saving Iris settings","noSettings":"Unable to load settings. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists."},"button":{"reload":"Reload Settings","save":"Save Settings","programmingExercise":{"title":"Iris","tooltip":"Edit the Iris settings for this programming exercise"},"course":{"title":"Iris","tooltip":"Edit the Iris settings for this course"}},"subSettings":{"chatSettings":"Chat Settings","lectureIngestionSettings":{"title":"Lecture Ingestion Settings","autoIngestOnAttachmentUpload":"Send Lectures To Pyris Automatically"},"hestiaSettings":"Hestia Settings","competencyGenerationSettings":"Competency Generation Settings","enabled-disabled":"Enabled/Disabled","models":{"title":"Models","allowedModels":{"title":"Allowed Models","inheritSwitch":"Inherit Allowed Models"},"preferredModel":{"title":"Preferred Model","inherit":"Inherit"}},"rateLimit":"Rate Limit","rateLimitTooltip":"The maximum number of answers a user can receive from the LLM in a given time period.","rateLimitTimeframeHours":"Rate Limit Timeframe (Hours)","rateLimitTimeframeHoursTooltip":"The time period in which the rate limit applies in hours.","template":{"title":"Template","inherit":"Inherit Template"},"enabled":{"on":"Enabled","off":"Disabled","chat":"Iris Chat","hestia":"Hestia Integration"},"disabled":{"course":"IRIS is disabled in course IRIS settings","global":"IRIS is disabled in global IRIS settings"}},"title":{"breadcrumb":"Iris Settings","global":"Global Iris Settings","course":"Course Iris Settings","exercise":"Exercise Iris Settings"},"autoUpdate":{"title":"Auto Update Settings","tooltip":"If enabled, the specific global Iris settings will be automatically updated when a new release of Artemis provides new Iris settings.","chatLabel":"Auto Update Chat Settings","hestiaLabel":"Auto Update Hestia Settings","lectureIngestionLabel":"Auto Update Lecture Ingestion Settings","competencyGenerationLabel":"Auto Update Competency Generation Settings"}},"error":{"forbidden":"Artemis is not configured to use Iris. (Invalid token)","internalPyrisError":"An internal error when communicating with the LLM occurred. Error message is: {{ pyrisErrorMessage }}.","invalidTemplate":"The template is invalid. Error message is: {{ pyrisErrorMessage }}.","noModelAvailable":"Model {{ model }} is not available to use. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.","noResponse":"No response from Iris was received.","parseResponse":"An error occurred while parsing the response from Iris. Cause: {{ cause }}"},"chat":{"helpOffer":"How can I help you today?"}},"lecture":{"home":{"title":"Lectures","createLabel":"Create Lecture","filterLabel":"Filter","filterOptions":{"filterPast":"Past","filterCurrent":"Current","filterFuture":"Future","filterUnspecifiedDates":"Unspecified Date(s)"},"createOrEditLabel":"Create or Edit Lecture","switchToGuidedModeLabel":"Switch to guided mode","switchToTraditionalModeLabel":"Switch to normal mode","nextStepLabel":"Next","ingestLecturesInPyrisLabel":"Send Lectures to Iris"},"created":"Created new lecture with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated lecture with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted lecture with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the lecture {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the name of the lecture to confirm."},"title":"Title","channelName":"Channel Name","description":"Description","startDate":"Start Date","endDate":"End Date","visibleDate":"Visible from","course":"Course","detail":{"title":"Lecture","sections":{"general":"General Information"}},"attachments":{"title":"Attachments of lecture","name":"Name","type":"Type","link":"Link","file":"File","releaseDate":"Release date","uploadDate":"Upload date","version":"Version","uploading":"Uploading...","isBeingEdited":"Is currently being edited...","isDownloading":"Is downloading...","attachments":"Attachments","newAttachment":"New Attachment","editAttachment":"Edit Attachment","notificationText":"Notification Text","notificationPlaceholder":"What did you change?","chooseFile":"Choose File","error":"The file {{ fileName }} is too large. The maximum file size is 20MB.","fileLimitation":"(max. size 20 MB)","fileLimitationTooltip":"Supported types: {{ extensions }}"},"import":{"table":{"TITLE":"Title","COURSE_TITLE":"Course","SEMESTER":"Semester","doImport":"Import"},"search":"Search for lecture:","loading":"Loading...","label":"Import Lecture"},"wizardMode":{"steps":{"titleStepTitle":"Title","titleStepMessage":"Add a title and meaningful description to the new lecture.","periodStepTitle":"Period","periodStepMessage":"Specify the begin and end dates of the lecture.","attachmentsStepTitle":"Attachments","attachmentsStepMessage":"Upload attachments to this lecture.","unitsStepTitle":"Units","unitsStepMessage":"Add content to the lecture by creating different kinds of lecture units.","competenciesStepTitle":"Competencies","competenciesStepMessage":"Make it easily visible what knowledge students will achieve when completing the units of this lecture by connecting them to competencies."},"newLectureUnit":"New Lecture Unit","editLectureUnit":"Edit Lecture Unit","newExercise":"Create new exercise","backToWizard":"Back to lecture","competencyTitle":"Title","competencyConnectedUnits":"Connected Units","competencyNoConnectedUnits":"No connected units"}},"attachment":{"deleteQuestion":"Do you really want to delete the attachment?","created":"Created new attachment with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated attachment with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted attachment with identifier {{ param }}"},"lectureUnit":{"deleted":"Lecture unit deleted","home":{"title":"Lecture Units"},"unitCreationCard":{"title":"Add a new Lecture Unit","text":"Text","exercise":"Exercise","video":"Video","online":"Online","attachment":"File"},"releaseDate":"Release Date","details":{"title":"Properties","releaseDateNotSet":"No release date set!","releaseDateSet":"Release date: ","attachmentVersion":"Attachment version: "},"completedTooltip":"Click to mark this lecture unit as uncompleted","uncompletedTooltip":"Click to mark this lecture unit as completed"},"textUnit":{"created":"New text unit created","updated":"Text unit updated","tooltip":"This is a text unit","isolated":"View Isolated","notReleasedTooltip":"Text only visible to teaching assistants and instructors. Release date:","markdownHelp":"You can enter Markdown here. More information: ","cachedMarkdown":"Artemis found some unsaved markdown in the local storage. Do you want to load it? Save Date:","createTextUnit":{"title":"Create Text Unit","name":"Name","content":"Content","namePlaceHolder":"Give the text unit a name","nameRequiredValidationError":"Name is required.","nameMaxLengthValidationError":"Name can be max 255 characters long."},"editTextUnit":{"title":"Edit Text Unit"},"delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the text unit {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the text unit for confirmation.","buttonText":"Delete"}},"videoUnit":{"created":"New video unit created","updated":"Video unit updated","tooltip":"This is a video unit","description":"Description","notReleasedTooltip":"Video only visible to teaching assistants and instructors. Release date:","createVideoUnit":{"title":"Create Video Unit","name":"Name","namePlaceHolder":"Give the video unit a name","description":"Description","descriptionPlaceHolder":"Give the video a description","nameRequiredValidationError":"Name is required.","nameMaxLengthValidationError":"Name can be max 255 characters long.","descriptionMaxLengthValidationError":"Description can be max 1000 characters long.","source":"Embeddable Video URL","sourcePlaceHolder":"Enter an URL to an embeddable video","sourceRequiredValidationError":"Video URL is required","sourceURLValidationError":"Not a valid URL","urlVideoHelper":"Transform into embeddable format ","urlHelperPlaceholder":"You can enter a Video URL here and use the arrow to create the correct embeddable URL from it","urlHelperValidationError":"Automatic embed link generation is not possible for this URL"},"editVideoUnit":{"title":"Edit Video Unit"},"delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the video unit {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the video unit for confirmation.","buttonText":"Delete"}},"onlineUnit":{"created":"New online unit created","updated":"Online unit updated","tooltip":"This is an online unit","description":"Description","notReleasedTooltip":"Online unit only visible to teaching assistants and instructors. Release date:","doOpen":"Open link","createOnlineUnit":{"title":"Create Online Unit","name":"Name","namePlaceHolder":"Give the online unit a name","description":"Description","descriptionPlaceHolder":"Give the online unit a description","nameRequiredValidationError":"Name is required.","nameMaxLengthValidationError":"Name can be max 255 characters long.","descriptionMaxLengthValidationError":"Description can be max 1000 characters long.","source":"Online Resource URL","sourcePlaceHolder":"Enter an URL to an external online resource","sourceRequiredValidationError":"Link is required","sourceURLValidationError":"Not a valid URL","urlHelperPlaceholder":"Name and description will be loaded from the meta data of the link"},"editOnlineUnit":{"title":"Edit Online Unit"},"delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the online unit {{ title }}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the online unit for confirmation.","buttonText":"Delete"}},"attachmentUnit":{"created":"New attachment unit created","updated":"Attachment unit updated","notReleasedTooltip":"Attachment only visible to teaching assistants and instructors. Release date:","createAttachmentUnits":{"informativeText":{"firstLine":"Artemis searches for the Outline (slide with title 'Outline' and bullet points with unit headings) to split the PDF into units.","secondLine":"Artemis expects a repetition of the Outline slide at the start of every unit.","note":"Note: You will have the option to edit the information before finally submitting the attachment units."},"noFile":"There is no file for the automatic unit processing. Please go back and try again.","noUnitDetected":"No unit was detected and could not split automatically. Please add information for each unit!","pageTitle":"Process units","addUnit":"Add unit","lectureFileToolTip":"Please select to enable the automatic separation of lecture units.","processUnits":"Process units","processAutomatically":"Automatic unit processing","removeSlides":"Remove slides","removeSlidesInfo":{"firstLine":"All slides that contain any of the following key phrases will be removed from all units.","secondLine":"Multiple key phrases are comma-separated, key phrases are not case-sensitive.","thirdLine":"The following slides will be removed:"},"timeout":"Timed out during automatic unit processing. Please try again.","removeSlidesPlaceholder":"Example: 'Break, Solution slides'","validation":{"invalidPages":"The start page or end page of {{ unitName }} are set incorrectly.","empty":{"unitName":"Unit name can not be empty.","startPage":"Start page can not be empty.","endPage":"End page can not be empty."},"endPageLower":"End page can not be smaller than 1.","startPageBigger":"Start page can not be bigger than {{ max }}.","startPage":"Start page must be bigger or equal to 1.","endPage":"End page must be less or equal to {{ max }}."},"split":{"unit":"Lecture Units","unitName":"Unit Name","releaseDate":"Release Date","startPage":"Start Page","endPage":"End Page"},"processTimeInfo":"The processing of the lecture units can take a few seconds. Please be patient."},"createAttachmentUnit":{"title":"Create Attachment Unit","name":"Name","namePlaceHolder":"Give the attachment a name","description":"Description","updateNotificationText":"Update Notification Text","updateNotificationTextPlaceholder":"Optional notification text for students about changes.","updateNotificationTextMaxLengthValidationError":"The notification text can be max 1000 characters long.","descriptionPlaceHolder":"Give the attachment a description","nameRequiredValidationError":"Name is required.","nameMaxLengthValidationError":"Name can be max 255 characters long.","descriptionMaxLengthValidationError":"Description can be max 1000 characters long.","file":"File","version":"Version","fileRequiredValidationError":"You must select a file to upload.","chooseFile":"Choose File","fileTooBig":"File is too big! The maximum file size is 20 MB.","fileLimitation":"(max. size 20 MB)","fileLimitationTooltip":"Supported types: {{ extensions }}"},"editAttachmentUnit":{"title":"Edit Attachment Unit"},"tooltip":"This is a lecture attachment","uploadDate":"Upload Date","version":"Version","FileName":"Filename","description":"Description","download":"Download","delete":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the attachment unit {{ title }}? The attachment will also be removed! You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the attachment for confirmation.","buttonText":"Delete"}},"exerciseUnit":{"created":"Exercise connected with lecture","createExerciseUnit":{"title":"Exercise Unit","headline":"Connect an Exercise with the Lecture","description":"Select all the Exercises to connect with the Lecture."},"delete":{"question":"Do you really want to unlink the exercise {{ title }}? The exercise will be kept! You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the exercise for confirmation.","buttonText":"Unlink"}},"legal":{"language":{"de":"German","en":"English"},"privacy":"Privacy","privacyStatement":{"title":"Privacy Statement","updatePrivacyStatement":"Update Privacy Statement","unsavedChangesWarning":"Your privacy statement contains unsaved changes. Do you really want to change the language and discard all unsaved changes?"},"imprint":{"title":"Imprint","updateImprint":"Update Imprint","unsavedChangesWarning":"Your imprint contains unsaved changes. Do you really want to change the language and discard all unsaved changes?"},"unsaved":"Unsaved","saved":"Saved","saving":"Saving","unsavedTooltip":"You have unsaved changes. Please save your changes before you change the language or leave the page.","savedTooltip":"Your changes are saved.","savingTooltip":"Your changes are being saved."},"lti":{"home":{"title":"LTI Configuration"},"initializationError":"Your user initialization process was started but your LTI account was possible created with issues. Please ask your instructor for help if you didn't receive your Artemis password yet.","initialization":{"header":"LTI User Initialization","body":{"welcome":"Welcome to Artemis! We have automatically created an account for you.","loginLabel":"Your login name","passwordLabel":"Your password","passwordHint":"Make sure to remember your password as you will need it to log in manually or connect with our services for programming exercises.
If you forget your password or want to change it, you can reset it on the login page. You can also change your password now:","passwordChange":"Change password","readAndUnderstood":"I have read the information above and understand that I should save the password displayed above.","confirm":"Confirm"}},"version13":"LTI 1.3","dynamicRegistrationUrl":"Dynamic Registration URL","deepLinkingUrl":"Deep Linking URL","toolUrl":"Tool URL","keysetUrl":"Keyset URL","initiateLoginUrl":"Initiate Login URL","redirectUri":"Redirect URI","generalConfiguration":"General Configuration","platformRegistration":"Platform Registration","serviceUrls":"Service URLs","version13Configuration":"LTI 1.3 Configuration","userPrefix":"User Prefix","registrationId":"Registration ID","clientId":"Client ID","originalURL":"Original URL","authorizationUri":"Authorization URI","tokenUri":"Token URI","jwkSetUri":"JWKSet URI","customName":"Custom Name","startExercise":"Welcome to Artemis! Click the button Start Exercise!","ltiSuccessLoginRequired":"Successfully launched LTI exercise. Please login as user {{user}}.","exercises":"Exercises","lti":"LTI","configurationForCourse":"LTI Configuration for course {{ title }}","lti13LaunchUrl":"LTI 1.3 Launch URL","ltiLaunchTarget":"LTI Launch Target","scored":"Scored","requestUsername":"Request user's username","requestEmail":"Request user's email","requireExistingUser":"Require existing user","dynamicRegistrationTooltip":"You can use this URL to automatically register an LTI 1.3 Platform with this Artemis instance.","configuredPlatformsTooltip":"View and manage the LTI platforms that are currently configured for integration. This table includes essential details like platform names, registration IDs, client IDs, and authorization endpoints necessary for secure communication between Artemis and the platforms.","launchTargetTooltip":"The recommended launch target is 'New Window' for the best user experience","requestUserEmailTooltip":"The user's email must be sent as it is required by Artemis to create or find the user","edit":{"configurationForCourse":"Edit LTI Configuration for course {{ title }}","userPrefixTooltip":"Prefix used for the new users created for this course. It is recommended to use a value that clearly identifies users as part of this course.","requireExistingUserTooltip":"If selected, launching the exercise requires an existing user on Artemis. If deselected, a user will be created on first launch if it does not yet exist","registrationIdTooltip":"ID used to identify the registration of the learning platform. This must be unique across all courses. You can freely change this value, but it is recommended to use the auto-generated value.","clientIdTooltip":"It is possible to configure this field and the URI fields below manually, but it is highly recommended to use the Dynamic Registration Service to configure them automatically.","form":{"userPrefix":{"forbidden":"User prefix cannot contain special characters."}},"customNameIdTooltip":"Enter a recognizable name for the platform to easily identify it in the list. This name is for administrative reference only and will not affect the platform's actual configuration or connectivity."},"configuredPlatforms":"Configured Platforms","viewAdvancedSettings":"View Advanced Settings","closeAdvancedSettings":"Close Advanced Settings","addOrEditLtiPlatform":"Add or edit LTI Platform Configuration"},"lti13":{"launch":{"title":"Launch exercise","launching":"Launching...","launchFailed":"Could not launch exercise. Please try again later or contact the administrator."},"dynamicRegistration":{"title":"Dynamic Registration","registering":"Registering","registeredSuccessfully":"Registered course successfully","registerFailed":"Error during dynamic registration"},"deepLinking":{"title":"Deep Linking","linking":"Linking","linkedSuccessfully":"Linked exercises successfully","linkedFailed":"Error during deep linking","link":"Link","selectToLink":"Select exercises to link","unknownError":"Unsuccessful due to an unknown error. Please contact an admin!","noCoursesError":"You do not have any LTI-enabled courses in Artemis yet. Please configure at least one course to use this feature.","learnMore":"Learn more about enabling LTI in your course.."},"missingConfigurationWarning":"Missing values in the LTI1.3 configuration. Launches will not work. Please contact the administrator for configuration.","selectContentFromCourse":"Select content from course {{ title }}","deletePlatformError":"Could not delete LTI Platform","selectContentTooltip":"Simply select your preferred exercises and then click the Link button to integrate it into the platform.","externalToolSettings":"External Tool Settings","externalToolSettingsTooltip":"An External Tool is required for exercise linking and participation, allowing seamless integration with external resources and activities","editExternalToolSettingsTooltip":"Please select an External Tool for this course to enable successful LTI communication. Once a pre-configured External Tool is chosen, this online course will become available for exercise linking and participation.","selectExternalTool":"Select an External Tool","selectCourse":"Select Course","addNewPlatform":"Add new platform configuration"},"lti-platform":{"deleted":"LTI platform deleted successfully"},"ltiOutcomeUrl":{"home":{"title":"Lti Outcome Urls","createLabel":"Create a new Lti Outcome Url"},"created":"Created new Lti Outcome Url with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Lti Outcome Url with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Lti Outcome Url with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Lti Outcome Url {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Lti Outcome Url"},"url":"Url","sourcedId":"Sourced Id","user":"User","exercise":"Exercise"},"markdownEditor":{"commands":{"katex":"Formula","fullscreen":"Fullscreen"},"fileUpload":"Attach files by dragging & dropping or selecting them.","guide":"Styling with Markdown is possible","color":"Color","preview":{"slideNotFound":"Referenced slide was not found"},"slideWithNumber":"Slide {{ number }}"},"metis":{"loadingPosts":"Loading messages...","noPosts":"No messages found.","postNumberInformation":"{{ number }} match(es)","newMessage":"New message","newAnnouncement":"New announcement","collapseNewMessage":"Hide","reply":"Reply","showMultipleAnswers":"Show {{ number }} replies","multipleAnswers":"{{ number }} Replies","showSingleAnswer":"Show 1 reply","singleAnswer":"1 Reply","collapseAnswers":"Hide replies","savePosting":"Save","cancel":"Cancel","toggleThread":"Click to toggle the thread","deletePost":"Do you want to delete your message?","confirmDeletePost":"Please confirm that you want to delete this message!","removeLinkPreview":"Do you want to remove the preview?","confirmRemoveLinkPreview":"Please confirm that you want to remove the preview!","deleteAnswer":"Do you want to delete this reply?","confirmDeleteAnswer":"Please confirm that you want to delete this reply!","createModalTitlePost":"Create post","createModalTitleAnnouncement":"Create announcement","createModalTitleAnswer":"Create reply","editPosting":"Edit content","edited":"(edited)","markAsResolvingAnswerTooltip":"Confirm that this reply resolves the original message","unmarkAsResolvingAnswerTooltip":"Revoke that this reply resolves the original message","resolvingAnswerTooltip":"This reply resolves the original message","today":"Today","pinnedPostTooltip":"This message was pinned","pinPostTooltip":"Click to pin this message","removePinPostTooltip":"Click to unpin this message","chooseReaction":"Choose a reaction...","you":"You","and":" and ","reactedTooltip":" reacted.","reactedTooltipTrimmed":" and {{ number }} more reacted.","searchEmoji":"Search emoji","courseEmojiSelectionCategory":"Selected emojis for this course","editor":{"reference":"Reference","exercise":"Exercise","lecture":"Lecture","channel":"Channel","user":"User"},"channel":{"noChannel":"There is no channel available.","notAMember":"You are not a member of this conversation."},"communication":{"label":"Communication","show":"Show communication","hide":"Hide communication"},"discussionSection":{"searchBarDefault":"Search for a message","sortByDate":"Date:","defaultSortCriterion":"Default sorting","noMessages":"No messages found","loadingMessages":"Loading messages..."},"overview":{"title":"Posts","searchBarDefault":"Search for a message across all channels (Ctrl/Cmd + K)","sortedByDate":"Sorted by Date","postContextFilter":"Show messages for:","one_extra_context":"other","multiple_extra_contexts":"others","courseFilterExplanation":"{{ title }} (All messages)","filterOptGroups":{"general":"General","exercise":"Exercises","lecture":"Lectures","exam":"Exams"},"filterToUnresolved":"Unresolved","filterToOwn":"Own","filterToAnsweredOrReacted":"Reacted","sortPostsBy":"Sort by:","sortDescending":"Descending","sortAscending":"Ascending","ANSWER_COUNT":"Replies","CREATION_DATE":"Date","VOTES":"Votes (➕)","TECH_SUPPORT":"Tech Support","ORGANIZATION":"Organization","RANDOM":"Random","ANNOUNCEMENT":"Announcement"},"post":{"context":"Context","contextTutorTooltip":"Choose the context in which you want this post to be published after it is modified. You can choose a specific exercise or lecture or one of the course-wide, more general topics. If you choose an exercise or a lecture, the post will be displayed in the discussion section of the respective page. If you choose a course-wide topic, the post will only be listed in the overview (discussion tab).","courseWideTopicTooltip":"Choose one of the course-wide, more general topics as the context for your post. Posts concerning specific exercises or lectures must be created on the appropriate page.","courseWideContext":"Course-wide Topics","exercises":"Exercises","lectures":"Lectures","announcementHint":"All course participants who have not disabled this explicitly will automatically receive an email notification with the announcement content. Only instructors can create announcements. Possible replies cannot be marked as resolving.","title":"Title","postMarkedAsResolvedTooltip":"Message has been resolved","postMarkedAsAnnouncementTooltip":"Announcement","titleTooltip":"Add a precise and summarizing title to your post","tags":"Tags","tagPlaceholder":"+ Tag","tagsTooltip":"Add up to three descriptive and reusable tags to your post. Type in the input field and confirm with Enter to add a tag.","similarPosts":"Similar Posts","similarPostsTooltip":"The automatic post comparison has found the following posts that might be similar to your request - please check if your question has already been asked and/or answered. Click on the title or the exercise/lecture name before the title to navigate to a post or the exercise/lecture, respectively.","content":"Content","contentTooltip":"Describe your issue or request as precise as possible. Use markdown formatting where it improves readability.","created":"New post successfully created","updated":"Post successfully updated","deleted":"Post successfully deleted","text":"Post text","creationDate":"Asked on","answers":"Replies","approvedAnswerPosts":"Approved replies","exerciseOrLecture":"Exercise / Lecture","showAllPosts":"Show all messages","showContent":"Show content","collapseContent":"Collapse content"},"answerPost":{"created":"New reply successfully created","deleted":"Reply successfully deleted"},"userRoles":{"instructor":"Instructor","tutor":"Tutor","student":"Student"},"userAuthorityTooltips":{"instructor":"Instructor: Responsible for course conduction.","tutor":"Tutor: Responsible for helping users with their questions about the course and exercises.","student":"Student: Takes courses, participates in exercises, and asks questions."}},"modelingAssessment":{"points":"Points","assessor":"Assessor: {{firstName}} {{lastName}}","noModel":"No model found to display","invalidAssessments":"Your assessments are not valid!","messages":{"noConflicts":"Conflicts could not be loaded","conflictsResolved":"All conflicts have been processed."},"dashboard":{"heading":"Submissions and assessments of modeling exercise \"{{ title }}\"","actions":{"open":"Assess model"}},"notFound":"We couldn't find any unassessed modeling submissions. Please return to the dashboard.","impactWarning":"This feedback might affect {{affectedSubmissionsCount}} other similar submission/s."},"modelingAssessmentEditor":{"conflicts":"Conflict","ownAssessmentTitle":"Your current assessment","conflictingAssessmentTitle":"1st out of {{count}} conflicting assessments. Assessed by","button":{"applyChanges":"Apply Changes","keepYours":"Keep Yours","acceptTheirs":"Take Over"},"messages":{"lock":"You now have the lock on this submission. Only you can assess this model. Please assess this model before opening other submissions.","noModel":"This submission does not contain a model.","loadSubmissionFailed":"Retrieving requested submission failed.","saveSuccessful":"Your assessment was saved successfully!","saveFailed":"Saving your assessment failed!","submitSuccessful":"Your assessment was submitted successfully!","submitFailed":"Submitting your assessment failed!","submitFailedWithConflict":"Submission failed! Conflict with existing Assessments detected","resultDismissed":"Your assessment was dismissed because another tutor already graded this model.","updateAfterComplaintSuccessful":"The assessment was updated successfully.","updateAfterComplaintFailed":"Updating the assessment failed.","confirmSubmission":"You have not assessed all model elements. Are you sure you want to submit this assessment? You will not be able to change it afterwards.","confirmCancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel the assessment? Your current assessment progress will be deleted and the submission will be available for assessment to other tutors again.","noConflicts":"Conflicts could not be loaded","conflictsResolved":"All conflicts have been processed.","feedbackTextTooLong":"Failed to save assessment. Feedback text must be no longer than 500 characters.","loadFeedbackSuggestionsFailed":"Retrieving automatically generated feedback suggestions failed."},"automaticAssessmentAvailable":"Congratulations! To save you some time, parts of this model were already assessed automatically. Please review the automatic assessment and assess the rest of the model afterwards. By submitting the assessment you also confirm the automatic assessment. Please be aware that you are responsible for the whole assessment.","automaticAssessmentLoading":"Loading automatically generated feedback suggestions...","generativeAIAssessmentAvailable":"Artemis created initial feedback based on generative AI but can make mistakes doing so. Consider checking important information.","generativeAIAssessmentInfo":"Artemis is using generative AI to create feedback suggestions for submissions based on the problem statement and assessment instructions provided. While these suggestions hopefully help you grade submissions more efficiently, it is important to be aware that AI does not always produce entirely accurate results. It is therefore important that you review the suggestions made and adapt them when required. You are responsible for the whole assessment including the suggestions you reviewed.","highlightingColors":{"title":"Highlighting Color(s)","automaticAssessment":"automatic assessment","missingAssessment":"missing assessment"}},"modelingEditor":{"title":"Modeling Editor","maxScore":"Max. Points: {{maxScore}}","saveSuccessful":"Your diagram was saved successfully!","allSaved":"All changes saved","unsavedChanges":"Unsaved changes","saving":"Saving...","submitSuccessful":"Your diagram was submitted successfully! You may submit again or wait for your feedback.","submitSuccessfulWithAssessment":"Your diagram was submitted successfully! You may no longer edit your diagram. Your feedback is shown below.","submitDueDateMissed":"Your diagram was submitted successfully! You may submit again or wait for your feedback. As you missed the due date, your score will not be counted.","empty":"Unable to submit an empty diagram.","fullscreen":{"enterButtonText":"Fullscreen","exitButtonText":"Exit Fullscreen","tooltip":"Fullscreen"},"autoSubmit":"The exercise has ended. You may no longer edit your diagram.","newAssessment":"A new assessment for your submission is available.","error":"An error occurred. Please try again later.","assessment":{"title":"Assessment","noAssessment":"There is no assessment available yet.","instructions":"Select entities and/or associations in the editor to filter the assessment.","element":"Element","score":"Points"},"helpModal":{"help":"Help","title":"How to use the modeling editor","createElement":{"title":"Add Elements","text":"To add an element, simply drag and drop one of the elements from the right side into the editor area on the left side."},"createRelationship":{"title":"Add Relationships","text":"To add a relationship, select the source class with a single click and you will see four blue semicircles. Those are the possible connection points for relationships. Click and hold on one of those and drag it to another blue semicircle to create a relationship."},"updateElement":{"title":"Edit Elements/Relationships","text":"To edit an element or relationship, double click it and a popup will open up in which you can edit its properties, e.g. name, type, attributes, methods, etc."},"deleteElement":{"title":"Delete Elements/Relationships","text":"To delete an element or relationship, select it with a single click and either press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard."},"moveElement":{"title":"Move Elements","text":"To move an element, either select it with a single click and use your keyboard arrow keys or drag and drop it."},"resizeElement":{"title":"Resize Elements","text":"To resize an element, drag and drop the right bottom corner of the element."},"reconnectRelationship":{"title":"Move Relationships","text":"To move a relationship, drag and drop one of its line ends."},"select":{"title":"Multi-Selection","text":"When selecting elements or relationships, you can keep your Shift button pressed to add the element to your current selection. With Ctrl + A you can select all available elements."},"duplicate":{"title":"Duplicate Elements","text":"With Ctrl + C you can copy the currently selected elements with all their properties. Ctrl + V creates a copy of previously copied elements."},"undo":{"title":"Undo & Redo","text":"With Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Shift + Z you can undo and redo your changes."}}},"modelingExercise":{"home":{"title":"Modeling Exercises","createLabel":"Create Modeling Exercise","editLabel":"Edit Modeling Exercise","importLabel":"Import Modeling Exercise"},"created":"Created new Modeling Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Modeling Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Modeling Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","detail":{"title":"Modeling Exercise"},"automaticAssessmentEnabled":"Enable Automatic Assessment","diagramType":"Diagram Type","problemStatement":"Problem Statement:","exampleSolution":"Example Solution","exampleSolutionExplanation":"Example Solution Explanation","createExampleSolution":"Create Example Solution","exampleSolutionRequiresExercise":"To create an example solution, you first need to finish creating the modeling exercise.","exampleSolutionForModelingExercise":"Example Solution for Modeling Exercise {{ exerciseTitle }}","saveExampleSolution":"Save Example Solution","exampleSubmission":"Example Submission {{ number }}","exampleSubmissions":"Example Submissions","createExampleSubmission":"Create Example Submission","createNewExampleSubmission":"Create new Example Submission","saveExampleSubmission":"Save Example Submission","saveExampleAssessment":"Save Example Assessment","showExampleSubmission":"Show Submission","showExampleAssessment":"Show Assessment","exampleSubmissionForModelingExercise":"Example Submission for Modeling Exercise {{ exerciseTitle }}","usedForTutorial":"Used for Tutorial","apollonConversion":{"error":"Apollon conversion is not available"},"clusters":"Clusters","checkClusters":{"text":"Number of Clusters:","error":"Retrieving Number of Clusters failed"},"buildClusters":{"action":"Build Clusters","error":"Building Clusters failed","success":"Building Clusters were successful"},"deleteClusters":{"action":"Delete Clusters","error":"Deleting Clusters failed","success":"Deleting Clusters were successful"}},"modelingSubmission":{"home":{"title":"Modeling Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new Modeling Submission"},"created":"Created new Modeling Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Modeling Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Modeling Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Modeling Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Modeling Submission"},"view":"View assessment","model":"Model","explanationText":"Explanation","modelingEditor":"Modeling Editor","problemStatement":"Problem Statement","maxScore":"Max. Points: {{maxScore}}","assessment":{"title":"Assessment","noAssessment":"There is no assessment available yet.","instructions":"Select elements in the editor to filter the assessment.","element":"Element","score":"Points"}},"multipleChoiceQuestion":{"home":{"title":"Multiple Choice Questions","createLabel":"Create a new Multiple Choice Question"},"created":"Created new Multiple Choice Question with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Multiple Choice Question with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Multiple Choice Question with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Multiple Choice Question {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Multiple Choice Question"},"answerOptions":"Answer Options","randomizeOrder":"Present Answer Options in Random Order","singleChoice":"Single Choice Mode","singleChoiceInfo":"For questions where the single correct answer option should be selected.","scoringType":"Type / Scoring","answer":"Answer","solution":"Solution","you":"You","correct":"Correct","wrong":"Wrong","invalid":"Invalid answers will be assessed as correct.","editor":{"addCorrectAnswerOption":"[correct] Correct Option","addInCorrectAnswerOption":"[wrong] Incorrect Option","addHint":"[hint] Hint","addExplanation":"[exp] Explanation","bold":"Bold","italic":"Italic","underline":"Underline","unorderedList":"Unordered List","headingOne":"Heading One","headingTwo":"Heading Two","headingThree":"Heading Three","quote":"Quote","link":"Link","orderedList":"Ordered List","imageUpload":"Attachment","codeBlock":"Code Block","code":"Code","color":"Color","style":"Style"},"visualEditor":{"hintTooltip":"Add a hint here (visible during the quiz via ?-Button)","explanationTooltip":"Add an explanation here (only visible in feedback after quiz has ended)","hintPlaceholder":"Hint ...","explanationPlaceholder":"Explanation ...","textPlaceholder":"Text ...","questionTitle":"Question","answersTitle":"Answer Options","newAnswerTitle":"Add New Answer Option"}},"multipleChoiceQuestionStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Multiple Choice Question Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Multiple Choice Question Statistic"},"created":"Created new Multiple Choice Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Multiple Choice Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Multiple Choice Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Multiple Choice Question Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Multiple Choice Question Statistic"},"answerCounters":"Answer Counters"},"multipleChoiceSubmittedAnswer":{"home":{"title":"Multiple Choice Submitted Answers","createLabel":"Create a new Multiple Choice Submitted Answer"},"created":"Created new Multiple Choice Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Multiple Choice Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Multiple Choice Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Multiple Choice Submitted Answer {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Multiple Choice Submitted Answer"},"selectedOptions":"Selected Options"},"notification":{"notifications":"Notifications","noNotifications":"No notifications available","title":"Title","text":"Text","notificationDate":"Notification Date","unexpectedError":"An unexpected error occurred. Please reload the page.","loadedNotificationCount":"{{loaded}} of {{total}} notifications loaded","by":"by","allLoaded":"No further notifications available.","liveExamExerciseUpdateNotification":"Updated Exam Exercise Problem Statement!","showAllSavedNotifications":"Show all saved notifications","hideAllCurrentlyDisplayedNotifications":"Hide all currently displayed notifications","target":{"newAnswer":"View reply","newQuestion":"View post","exerciseCreated":"View exercise","exerciseUpdated":"View exercise","attachmentUpdated":"View lecture"}},"systemNotification":{"systemNotification":"System notification","systemNotifications":"System notifications","title":"Title","text":"Text","type":"Type","expireDate":"Expiration Date","notificationDate":"Notification Date","active":"Active","expired":"Expired","scheduled":"Scheduled","createLabel":"Create a new system notification","createOrEditLabel":"Create or edit a system notification","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the system notification {{ title }}?"},"created":"Created new system notification with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated system notification with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted system notification with identifier {{ param }}"},"groupNotification":{"title":{"attachmentChange":"Attachment updated","exerciseReleased":"Exercise released","exercisePractice":"Exercise open for practice","quizExerciseStarted":"Quiz started","liveExamExerciseUpdate":"Live exam exercise update","exerciseUpdated":"Exercise updated","programmingTestCasesChanged":"Test cases for programming exercise changed","newManualFeedbackRequest":"A new manual feedback request has been submitted","duplicateTestCase":"Duplicate test case was found.","repositoryLocks":"Repository permissions changed","buildRun":"Build run update","illegalSubmission":"Illegal submission of a student.","newExercisePost":"New exercise message","newLecturePost":"New lecture message","newCoursePost":"New course-wide message","newExamPost":"New exam message","newAnnouncementPost":"New announcement","newReplyForExercisePost":"New reply for exercise message","newReplyForLecturePost":"New reply for lecture message","newReplyForExamPost":"New reply for exam message","newReplyForCoursePost":"New reply for course-wide message","courseArchiveStarted":"Course archival started","courseArchiveFinished":"Course archival finished","courseArchiveFailed":"Course archival failed","examArchiveStarted":"Exam archival started","examArchiveFinished":"Exam archival finished","examArchiveFailed":"Exam archival failed"},"text":{"attachmentChange":"The attachment \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" of \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" was updated.","exerciseReleased":"A new exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" got released.","exercisePractice":"The exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" is now open for practice.","quizExerciseStarted":"The quiz \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" just started.","liveExamExerciseUpdate":"The exam Exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" got updated.","exerciseUpdated":"The exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got updated.","programmingTestCasesChanged":"The test cases of the programming exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" were updated. The students' submissions should be rebuilt and tested in order to create new results.","newManualFeedbackRequest":"The programming exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" has a new manual feedback request. Please assess the feedback before the due date.","illegalSubmission":"The exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" has illegal submissions of students.","newExercisePost":"The exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new post: \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\"","newLecturePost":"The lecture \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new post: \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\"","newCoursePost":"The course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new course-wide post: \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\"","newAnnouncementPost":"The course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new announcement: \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\"","newReplyForExercisePost":"A post from {{ placeholderValues.4 }} regarding exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.8 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","newReplyForLecturePost":"A post from {{ placeholderValues.4 }} regarding lecture \"{{ placeholderValues.8 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","newReplyForCoursePost":"A course-wide post from {{ placeholderValues.4 }} in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","courseArchiveStarted":"The course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" is being archived.","courseArchiveFinishedWithoutErrors":"The course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" has been archived.","courseArchiveFinishedWithErrors":"The course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" has been archived. Some exercises couldn't be included in the archive:

{{ placeholderValues.1 }}","courseArchiveFailed":"There was a problem archiving course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\":

","examArchiveStarted":"The exam \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" is being archived.","examArchiveFinishedWithoutErrors":"The exam \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" has been archived.","examArchiveFinishedWithErrors":"The exam \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" has been archived. Some exercises couldn't be included in the archive:

{{ placeholderValues.1 }}","examArchiveFailed":"There was a problem archiving exam \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\":

{{ placeholderValues.2 }}"}},"singleUserNotification":{"title":{"exerciseSubmissionAssessed":"Exercise Submission Assessed","fileSubmissionSuccessful":"File submission successful","newPlagiarismCaseStudent":"New plagiarism case","newPlagiarismCaseStudentSignificantSimilarity":"New significant similarity","plagiarismCaseVerdictStudent":"Verdict for your plagiarism case","tutorialGroupRegistrationStudent":"You have been registered to a tutorial group","tutorialGroupDeregistrationStudent":"You have been deregistered from a tutorial group","tutorialGroupRegistrationTutor":"A student has been registered to your tutorial group","tutorialGroupDeregistrationTutor":"A student has been deregistered from your tutorial group","tutorialGroupMultipleRegistrationTutor":"Multiple students have been registered to your tutorial group","tutorialGroupAssigned":"You have been assigned to lead a tutorial group","tutorialGroupUnassigned":"You have been unassigned from leading a tutorial group","messageReply":"New message reply in conversation","mentionedInMessage":"You were mentioned","deleteChannel":"Channel deleted","removeUserChannel":"You have been removed from a channel","addUserChannel":"You have been added to a channel","removeUserGroupChat":"You have been removed from a group chat","addUserGroupChat":"You have been added to a group chat","createGroupChat":"New group chat","dataExportCreated":"Data export created","dataExportFailed":"Data export failed"},"text":{"newReplyForExercisePost":"Your post regarding exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.8 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","newReplyForLecturePost":"Your post regarding lecture \"{{ placeholderValues.8 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","newReplyForCoursePost":"Your post in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: \"{{ placeholderValues.5 }}\"","exerciseSubmissionAssessed":"Your submission for the {{ placeholderValues.1 }} exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\" in the course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" has been assessed.","fileSubmissionSuccessful":"Your file for the exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.1 }}\" was successfully submitted.","newPlagiarismCaseStudent":"New plagiarism case concerning the {{ placeholderValues.1 }} exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\".","newPlagiarismCaseStudentSignificantSimilarity":"New significant similarity concerning the {{ placeholderValues.1 }} exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\".","plagiarismCaseVerdictStudent":"Your plagiarism case concerning the {{ placeholderValues.1 }} exercise \"{{ placeholderValues.2 }}\" has a verdict.","tutorialGroupRegistrationStudent":"You have been registered to the tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }}.","tutorialGroupDeregistrationStudent":"You have been deregistered from the tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }}.","tutorialGroupRegistrationTutor":"The student {{ placeholderValues.1 }} has been registered to your tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.2 }} by {{ placeholderValues.3 }}.","tutorialGroupDeregistrationTutor":"The student {{ placeholderValues.1 }} has been deregistered from your tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.2 }} by {{ placeholderValues.3 }}.","tutorialGroupMultipleRegistrationTutor":"{{ placeholderValues.1 }} students have been registered to your tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.2 }} by {{ placeholderValues.3 }}.","tutorialGroupAssigned":"You have been assigned to lead the tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }}.","tutorialGroupUnassigned":"You have been unassigned from leading the tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }}.","channelMessageReply":"A message in \"{{ placeholderValues.7 }}\" in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: {{ placeholderValues.4 }}","messageReply":"A message in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\" got a new reply: {{ placeholderValues.4 }}","deleteChannel":"{{ placeholderValues.1 }} channel has been deleted by {{ placeholderValues.2 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","removeUserChannel":"You have been removed from channel {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","addUserChannel":"You have been added to channel {{ placeholderValues.1 }} by {{ placeholderValues.2 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","removeUserGroupChat":"You have been removed from group chat by {{ placeholderValues.1 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","addUserGroupChat":"You have been added to a new group chat by {{ placeholderValues.1 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","createGroupChat":"You have been added to a new group chat by {{ placeholderValues.1 }} in course {{ placeholderValues.0 }}.","dataExportCreated":"Your data export has been created and can be downloaded.","dataExportFailed":"Your data export could not be created. Please try again later."}},"tutorialGroupNotification":{"title":{"tutorialGroupDeleted":"Tutorial Group deleted","tutorialGroupUpdated":"Tutorial Group updated"},"text":{"tutorialGroupDeleted":"The tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} has been deleted.","tutorialGroupUpdated":"The tutorial group {{ placeholderValues.1 }} has been updated."}},"conversationNotification":{"title":{"newMessage":"New message"},"text":{"newMessageChannel":"New message in channel \"{{ placeholderValues.3 }}\" in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\": {{ placeholderValues.1 }}","newMessageGroupChat":"New message in group chat in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\": {{ placeholderValues.1 }}","newMessageDirect":"New direct message in course \"{{ placeholderValues.0 }}\": {{ placeholderValues.1 }}"}},"organizationManagement":{"title":"Organization management","name":"Name","shortName":"Short Name","url":"URL","description":"Description","logoUrl":"Logo URL","users":"Users","courses":"Courses","emailPattern":"Email Pattern","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the {{ title }} organization?"},"addLabel":"Add organization","addOrEditLabel":"Add or Edit organization","detail":{"title":"Organization"},"userSearch":{"usersPerPage":"{{number}} users per page","showAllUsers":"Show all users","searchForUsers":"Add a user to this organization by searching for login or name","searchNoResults":"No users found","removeFromOrganization":{"modalQuestion":"Are you sure you want to remove the user with login {{ title }} from this organization?"}},"modalSelector":{"select":"Select","title":"Organizations"},"patternChangeWarning":"Changing the email pattern will trigger a re-assignment of all users to this organization"},"organization":{"updated":"Organization updated!","deleted":"Organization deleted!","created":"Organization created!"},"orion":{"version":{"outdated":"The version of Orion you are currently using is outdated!","usedVersion":"You are using version ","allowedVersion":"The allowed version is (minimum): "},"assessment":{"updateFailed":"Update of assessment failed. Associated assessment could not be found. Ensure the correct page is opened and retry.","submissionIdDontMatch":"Id of the loaded page does not match the submission opened in Orion. Updating Feedback aborted. Ensure the correct page is opened and retry."}},"orionExerciseAssessmentDashboard":{"startYourParticipation":"Assess exercise in Orion","startAssessment":"Start new assessment in Orion","continueAssessment":"Continue assessment in Orion","openAssessment":"Open assessment in Orion","evaluateComplaint":"Evaluate the complaint in Orion","showComplaint":"Show the complaint in Orion","evaluateMoreFeedbackRequest":"Evaluate the request in Orion","showMoreFeedbackRequests":"Show the request in Orion","downloadFailed":"Could not download submission. The file might be too large. Try downloading it manually."},"participation":{"home":{"title":"Participation","createLabel":"Create new participation"},"created":"Created new participation with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated participation with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted participation with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete {{ title }}'s participation?"},"cleanupBuildPlan":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the build plan of {{ title }}'s participation?"},"addPresentation":{"label":"Add presentation","error":"Could not add presentation. Please try again."},"savePresentation":{"label":"Save presentation","error":"Could not save presentation. Please try again."},"removePresentation":{"label":"Remove presentation","error":"Could not remove presentation. Please try again."},"updateDueDates":{"success":"Updated the individual due dates for {{ count }} participants.","error":"The individual due dates could not be updated."},"detail":{"title":"Participation"},"repository":"Repository","buildPlanId":"Build Plan Id","initializationState":"Status","initializationDate":"Participation Start Date","individualDueDate":"Individual Due Date","initializationNotYetStarted":"Not yet started","presentationScore":"Presentation","presentationGrade":"Presentation Grade","results":"Results","student":"Student","team":"Team","students":"Students","practice":"Practice","templateParticipation":"Template Participation","solutionParticipation":"Solution Participation","noParticipation":"That participation could not be found!","exercise":"Exercise","deleteRepository":"Delete repository","deleteBuildPlan":"Delete build plan","participationSubmission":{"submissionType":"Submission Type","submissionDate":"Submission Date","resultCount":"Result Count","results":"Results","assessor":"Assessor","submissionsForParticipation":"Submissions by {{ participant }} for exercise {{ exercise }}","action":"Action","delete":"Are you sure you want to delete this submission?"}},"plagiarism":{"plagiarismDetection":"Plagiarism Detection","confirm":"Confirm","deny":"Deny","denyAfterConfirmModalTitle":"Change from confirm to deny","denyAfterConfirmModalText":"Are you sure that you want to change the decision from confirming the plagiarism to denying it? This will delete the corresponding plagiarism case incl. the communication with the student and the verdict and cannot be undone.","warning":"Confirmation/Denial of plagiarism will be lost when refreshing the page.","inspection":"Plagiarism Inspection","plagiarism":"Plagiarism","back":"Back","empty":"There are no results.","notFound":"No plagiarism found","notSelected":"No plagiarism selected","unknownStudent":"Unknown","casesFiltered":"Cases are currently filtered!","casesTrimmed":"Only 100 cases with the highest similarity are shown!","generateJplagReport":"Generate JPlag Report","noFileSelected":"No file selected","binaryFileNotRendered":"Binary file not rendered.","cannotLoadFiles":"Cannot load the submission due to an invalid repository state.","noFilesFound":"No files found","numberOfDetectedSubmissions":"Detected submissions","averageSimilarity":"Avg. similarity","maximalSimilarity":"Max. similarity","duration":"Duration","startedAt":"Started at","startedBy":"Started by","similarityDistribution":"Similarity Distribution","similarityDistributionExplanationTooltip":"Distribution of cases identified by the tool. They have to be confirmed manually before further actions can be taken.","numberIdentifiedPairs":"{{ amount }} pairs identified","withSimilarity":"with similarity of {{ range }}","confirmed":"{{ amount }} confirmed","denied":"{{ amount }} denied","open":"{{ amount }} open","portionOfAllCases":"{{ percentage }}% of all cases","similarityThreshold":"Similarity Threshold in %","similarityThresholdTooltip":"Ignore comparisons whose similarity is below this threshold. A similarity of 0% means that there is no overlap between two submissions, a similarity of 50% means that about half of two submissions are identical. A similarity of 100% means that two submissions are completely identical","minimumScore":"Minimum Score in %","minimumScoreTooltip":"Consider only submissions with a score greater than or equal to this value","minimumSize":"Minimum Size","minimumSizeTooltipTextExercise":"Consider only submissions that have at least as many words as the specified value.","minimumSizeTooltipProgrammingExercise":"Consider only submissions that have at least as many different lines in comparison to the template as the specified value.","minimumSizeTooltipModelingExercise":"Consider only submissions that have at least as many modeling elements as the specified value.","plagiarismCaseResponsePeriod":"Significant similarity response period in days","plagiarismCaseResponsePeriodTooltip":"If the significant similarity continues after the exercise due date, the system displays (but not enforces) this number of days remaining for students to formulate a response.","noInfoAvailable":"No information available","caution":"Plagiarism detection can take a long time for large courses.","detect":"Detect plagiarism","rerun":"Rerun plagiarism detection","resetFilter":"Reset filter","loading":"Loading...","fetchingResults":"Fetching plagiarism results...","replyToAccusation":"Reply to Accusation","replyToAccusationDueDateNotification":"You can provide a statement to this accusation until {{ dueDate }} the latest.","showContinuousPlagiarismControl":"Show Continuous Plagiarism Control","hideContinuousPlagiarismControl":"Hide Continuous Plagiarism Control","continuousPlagiarismControlTooltip":"Continuous Plagiarism Control automatically triggers a plagiarism check each night. Detected are marked as plagiarism and students are gently notified about this fact.","continuousPlagiarismControlEnabled":"Enable Continuous Plagiarism Control","continuousPlagiarismControlPostDueDateChecksEnabled":"Check the submissions for plagiarism one more time after the due date.","cleanUp":{"confirmDialog":{"title":"Clean up plagiarism comparisons","question":"Are you sure that you want to delete all unused plagiarism comparisons? This cannot be undone.","deleteAll":"Delete all plagiarism comparisons","warning":"ALL plagiarism cases will be deleted including the plagiarism result and run details.","submit":"Clean up"}},"plagiarismCases":{"pageTitle":"Plagiarism Cases","plagiarismCases":"Plagiarism Cases","plagiarismCase":"Plagiarism Case","plagiarismCaseSignificantSimilarity":"Significant Similarity","resolvedPlagiarismCase":"Resolved Plagiarism Case","notification":{"title":"Plagiarism Case: {{ exercise }}","body":"Dear {{ student }},

After a meticulous review of your final submission for the exercise \"{{ exercise }}\" {{ inCourseOrExam }} \"{{ courseOrExam }}\", we have concluded that you have committed plagiarism. This is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct of the School of Computation, Information and Technology that you have agreed upon. The Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (General Examination and Study Regulations) regulates consequences for such cases in §22.1. This means that the exam in question can potentially be graded \"5.0 (U)\", which can have serious consequences for your further studies.

You have one week (until {{ dueDate }}) to provide a statement about this particular case directly in Artemis (not via E-Mail).

Best regards,
{{ instructor }}","inCourse":"in the course","inExam":"in the exam"},"verdict":{"verdict":"Verdict","text":"Decide what the consequences of the plagiarism are. The decision can not be reverted.","description":"Decided on {{ date }} by {{ user }}","none":"Not yet decided","plagiarism":"Plagiarism","plagiarismDescription":"Marks this case as plagiarism, or alternatively (if satisfied with the student response) as resolved.","warning":"Warning","warningDescription":"The student receives the given text as a written warning without any further action.","pointDeduction":"Point deduction","pointDeductionDescription":"Reduces the amount of points the student achieved in this assignment by the given percentage.","noPlagiarism":"No Plagiarism","confirmationTitle":"Confirm plagiarism verdict","confirmationText":"Are you sure you want to set this verdict? This action cannot be undone.","tooltip":"Set this verdict?","studentNotNotified":"You must notify the student before determining the verdict.","alreadyDecided":"An instructor already determined a verdict for this plagiarism case."},"exercise":"Affected exercise","comparisons":"Comparisons","comparison":"Comparison","overallSimilarity":"Overall Similarity","conversation":"Notification and Statement","casesWithVerdict":"Cases with verdict","casesWithPost":"Students notified","casesWithStudentAnswer":"Students responded","appearsInComparisons":"Appears in {{ count }} comparison(s)","notifiedAt":"Notified at ","notNotified":"Not yet notified","respondedByStudent":"Student has given a statement","notResponded":"Not yet responded","noCourseCases":"No plagiarism cases in this course","noExamCases":"No plagiarism cases in this exam","notifyStudent":"Notify student","studentNotified":"Student has been notified."},"cases":{"pageTitle":"Plagiarism Cases","plagiarismReview":"Review Plagiarism","plagiarismCases":"Plagiarism Cases","pageSubtitle":"Manage confirmed cases of plagiarism, notify students and assess their statements.","affectedExercise":"Affected exercise:","assess":"Assess","close":"Close","cancel":"Cancel","assessed":"Assessed","open":"Open","exportCsv":"Export CSV","confirm":"Confirm case","discard":"Discard case"}},"pointCounter":{"home":{"title":"Point Counters","createLabel":"Create a new Point Counter"},"created":"Created new Point Counter with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Point Counter with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Point Counter with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Point Counter {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Point Counter"},"points":"Points","quizPointStatistic":"Quiz Point Statistic"},"privacyStatement":{"title":"Privacy Statement","updatePrivacyStatement":"Update Privacy Statement","createOrEditLabel":"Create or edit privacy statement","unsavedChangesWarning":"Your privacy statement contains unsaved changes. Do you really want to change the language and discard all unsaved changes?","language":{"de":"German","en":"English"},"unsaved":"Unsaved","saved":"Saved","saving":"Saving","unsavedTooltip":"You have unsaved changes. Please save your changes before you change the language or leave the page.","savedTooltip":"Your changes are saved.","savingTooltip":"Your changes are being saved."},"programmingAssessment":{"dashboard":{"heading":"Submissions and assessments of programming exercise \"{{exerciseTitle}}\""},"confirmCancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel the assessment? Your current assessment progress will be deleted and the submission will be available for assessment to other tutors again.","notFound":"We couldn't find any unassessed programming submissions, please go back.","penalty":"Penalty","issues":"Issues","deductions":"Deductions","penaltyTooltip":"Penalty: {{ percentage }}% of all penalties.","issuesTooltip":"Issues: {{ percentage }}% of all detected issues.","deductionsTooltip":"Deductions: {{ percentage }}% of all deducted points.","codeIssueNotApplied":"This issue does not deduct the maximum number of possible points, since similar code issues already deduct enough points. If this was the only issue, it would deduct {{points}} points.","invalidAssessments":"Your assessments are not valid!"},"programmingExercise":{"home":{"title":"Programming Exercises","createLabel":"Create Programming Exercise","editLabel":"Edit Programming Exercise","importLabel":"Import Programming Exercise","linkLabel":"Link new Programming Exercise","switchToGuidedModeLabel":"Switch to guided mode","switchToTraditionalModeLabel":"Switch to normal mode","nextStepLabel":"Next"},"created":"Created new Programming Exercise with title {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Programming Exercise with title {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Programming Exercise with title {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the Programming Exercise {{ title }}?","questionLocalVC":{"single":"Are you sure you want to delete the Programming Exercise {{ title }}?
All student, template, solution, test, and auxiliary repositories and build plans will be deleted.
Be careful: this can NOT be undone!
Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first!","multiple":"Are you sure you want to delete selected programming exercises?
All student, template, solution, test, and auxiliary repositories and build plans will be deleted.
Be careful: this can NOT be undone!
Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first!"},"studentReposBuildPlans":"Additionally delete all student repositories and student build plans (Be careful: this can NOT be undone!). Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first!","studentRepos":"Additionally delete all student repositories (Be careful: this can NOT be undone!). Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first!","baseReposBuildPlans":"Additionally delete template, solution, test, and auxiliary repos and build plans (Be careful: this can NOT be undone!). Before you activate this option, we recommend that you back up these build plans and repos first!"},"cleanup":{"successMessage":"Cleanup was successful. All build plans were deleted. Students can resume their participation.","successMessageWithRepositories":"Cleanup was successful. All build plans and repositories were deleted. All participations are marked as completed.","successMessageCleanup":"Cleanup was successful. All student repositories were deleted."},"reset":{"pleaseSelectOperations":"Please select the operations you want to perform on {{ title }}:","deleteBuildPlans":{"title":"Delete student build plans (on {{ ciPlatform }}).","info":"The build plans will be automatically recreated when students submit again."},"deleteRepositories":{"title":"Delete student repositories (on {{ vcPlatform }}).","warning":"Before you activate this option, we recommend that you archive the repositories and build plans first."},"deleteParticipationsSubmissionsAndResults":"Delete all student participations, submissions and results (on Artemis).","artefactsWarning":"Deleting student participations, submissions, and results without removing the associated repositories and build plans may lead to undeleted artifacts on {{ vcPlatform }} and {{ ciPlatform }}. Please carefully review if this is the desired action before proceeding.","recreateBuildPlans":"Recreate the exercise build plans (BASE and SOLUTION) again from the latest exercise template, overwriting any previous changes.","recreateCustomizedBuildPlans":"Reset the customized build plans to the default version from the latest exercise template, overwriting any previous changes.","question":"Warning: This action can NOT be undone!
To confirm your selection, please type in the name of the exercise: {{ title }}","successMessage":"Reset operation was successful.","errorMessage":"Reset operation failed."},"detail":{"title":"Programming Exercise","showTemplateSubmissions":"Show Template Submissions","showSolutionSubmissions":"Show Solution Submissions"},"importFromFile":{"title":"Import Programming Exercise from File","description":"The file must be a zip file containing the exercise configuration in JSON format at the root level and a zip file for each of the repositories (template, solution, tests). You can get such a file by exporting a programming exercise.","uploadForImport":"Upload Programming Exercise for Import","fileTooBigError":"The file {{ fileName }} is too large. The maximum file size is 20 MB.","fileTypeNotSupportedError":"The file type is not supported. Please select a file with the extension .zip.","noExerciseDetailsJsonAtRootLevel":"The zip file does not contain a .json file at the root level with the exercise details.","notSupportedProgrammingLanguage":"The programming language {{ programmingLanguage }} is not yet supported for the import from file.","GccNotSupportedForC":"The project type is not yet supported for the import from file."},"wizardMode":{"steps":{"generalInfoStepTitle":"Information","difficultyStepTitle":"Mode","buildPlansTitle":"Build Plans","languageStepTitle":"Language","gradingStepTitle":"Grading","problemStepTitle":"Problem","infrastructureStepTitle":"Infrastructure"},"detailedSteps":{"generalInfoStepTitle":"General","generalInfoStepMessage":"Input essential information that forms the foundation of your programming exercise","difficultyStepTitle":"Mode","buildPlansTitle":"Build Plans","difficultyStepMessage":"Configure the settings related to the execution and collaboration aspects of the programming exercise","languageStepTitle":"Language","languageStepMessage":"Configure the specific details related to the programming language and build mechanism used in the exercise","problemStepTitle":"Problem","problemStepMessage":"Create a comprehensive problem statement for the new exercise, including detailed tasks that clearly outline the required actions and expectations for students.","gradingStepTitle":"Grading","gradingStepMessage":"Specify how this exercise is graded and how its outcome contributes to the overall course score."},"gradingLabels":{"points":"There is a total of {maxPoints} points to achieve in this {exerciseType}.","noBonus":"There is no bonus to achieve.","bonus":"{bonusPoints} bonus points can be achieved.","assessment":"This exercise will be assessed {assessmentType}.","lockedSubmission":"The repositories will be locked after {submissionLimit} submissions.","penaltySubmission":"There will be a penalty of {exceedingPenalty} points for every submission after {submissionLimit} submissions.","unrestrictedSubmission":"There is no limit for the amount of allowed submissions.","staticAnalysisEnabled":"Static code analysis is enabled for this exercise and there is a maximum penalty of {maxPenalty} points from static code analysis.","staticAnalysisDisabled":"Static code analysis is disabled for this exercise.","normalExercise":"exercise","bonusExercise":"bonus exercise","assessmentAutomatic":"automatically","assessmentSemiautomatic":"semi-automatically"}},"noReleaseDateWarning":"You have not defined a release date for this exercise, this means that it will be immediately published and made visible to the students. But they can only participate after the currently defined start date.","noReleaseAndStartDateWarning":"You have not defined a release and start date for this exercise, this means that it will be immediately published and students cam participate in the exercise.","unsavedChangesLanguageChange":"The problem statement still contains unsaved changes. Do you really want to change the programming language?","unsavedChangesProjectTypeChange":"The problem statement still contains unsaved changes. Do you really want to change the project type?","templateRepositoryUri":"Template Repository Uri","testRepositoryUri":"Test Repository Uri","solutionRepositoryUri":"Solution Repository Uri","auxiliaryRepositories":"Auxiliary Repositories","noCheckoutDirectorySet":"No checkout directory was set.","noCheckoutDirectorySetTooltip":"Since no checkout directory was specified, the repository was not automatically added to a build plan.","templateBuildPlanId":"Template Build Plan Id","solutionBuildPlanId":"Solution Build Plan Id","repositories":"Repositories","buildplans":"Build Plans","buildplan":"Build Plan","buildConfiguration":"Build Configuration","buildPlanEditor":"Build Plan Editor","buildPlanFetchError":"Could not find a build plan for this exercise. This is expected for older exercises. Edit the build plan in the CI system or reset the build plan in Artemis to create a new one that is editable here.","customizeBuildPlan":"Customize Build Script","customizeBuildPlanWithAeolus":"Customize Build Script","revertToTemplateBuildPlan":"Artemis executes the following build script for each submission in a Docker container. You can customize the build script and reset it to its default value by using the Reset button above.","runActionAlways":"Always run, even if other actions fail","workdir":"Working Directory","parameters":"Parameters","dockerImage":"Docker Image","script":"Build script","customizeDockerImage":"You can customize the Docker image. Make sure to provide it in amd64 and arm64 and include all build dependencies to guarantee a short build duration.","allowOnlineEditor":{"title":"Allow Online Editor","alert":"At least one option (Offline IDE or Online Editor) must be selected"},"onlineEditor":"Online","allowOfflineIde":{"title":"Allow Offline IDE","alert":"At least one option (Offline IDE or Online Editor) must be selected"},"offlineIde":"IDE","showTestNamesToStudents":"Show Test Names to Students","showTestNamesToStudentsTooltip":"Activate this option to show the names of the automated test cases to the students. Leave the option disabled to make no visual distinction between manual and automated feedback for the students.","participationMode":"Participation Mode","noVersionControlAndContinuousIntegrationAvailable":"Setup without connection to the VCS and CI","sequentialTestRuns":{"title":"Sequential Test Runs","description":"Activate to run structural tests first, and then behavior tests afterwards. Does not support static code analysis. This feature can help students to better concentrate on the immediate challenge at hand. If activated, you will be provided with more information in a readme file within the test repository. ATTENTION: Can not be changed after creation!"},"checkoutSolutionRepository":{"title":"Check out repository of sample solution","description":"Activate this option to checkout the solution repository into the 'solution' path. This is useful for comparing the student's submission with the sample solution."},"enableStaticCodeAnalysis":{"title":"Enable Static Code Analysis","description":"This option enables the execution of static code analysis. Sequential test runs are not supported. Additional options are available on the grading page. This option can be changed on import if the recreate build plans and update template files option is active."},"maxStaticCodeAnalysisPenalty":{"title":"Max Static Code Analysis Penalty","description":"You can choose a value between 0 and 100 percent or leave the field empty. If the maximum penalty is 20% for a 10 point exercise, a maximum of two points can be deducted because of issues found by static code analysis. If the field is left empty, no penalty limit will be enforced."},"recreateBuildPlans":{"title":"Recreate Build Plans","buttonText":"Build Plan","question":"Are you sure you want to recreate the template and solution build plans for the programming exercise {{ title }}? All previous changes to those build plans will be overwritten.
Student build plans will not be removed. They can be deleted separately using the Cleanup function. In combination, these two operations can be used to recreate a consistent state between systems, e.g., after the template for the build plans changed or a data-loss on the continuous integration system occurred.","description":"Activate this option to create new build plans instead of copying them from the imported exercise. Newly created build plans support the latest features of the Artemis exercise templates by default."},"updateTemplate":{"title":"Update Template","description":"Activate this option to update the template files in the repositories. This can be useful if the imported exercise is old and contains outdated dependencies. For Java, Artemis replaces JUnit4 by Ares (which includes JUnit5) and updates the dependencies and plugins with the versions found in the latest template. Afterwards you might need to adapt the test cases."},"programmingLanguage":"Programming Language","projectType":"Project Type","testRepositoryProjectType":"Test Repository Project Type","packageName":"Package Name","appName":"App Name","templateResult":"Template Result","solutionResult":"Solution Result","structureTestOracle":"Update Structure Test Oracle","structureTestOracleWarning":"This action extracts all structural tests from the test repository and saves them in the test.json file. ATTENTION: All uncommitted changes from the online editor will be lost!","combineTemplateCommits":"Combine Template Commits","checkPlagiarism":"Plagiarism","checkPlagiarismSuccess":"Plagiarism check finished. Results are included in the zip file.","combineTemplateCommitsWarning":"This action combines all commits in the template repository into one commit. ATTENTION: All uncommitted changes from the online editor will be lost!","combineTemplateCommitsError":"Template repository commits could not be combined.","combineTemplateCommitsSuccess":"Template repository commits have been successfully combined.","extractTasksFromProblemStatementWarning":"Only for testing purpose: Extract all tasks and test cases from problems statement.","extractTasksFromProblemStatementSuccess":"Loaded {{numberTasks}} extracted tasks with {{numberTestCases}} tests from the problem statement:\n{{detailedResult}}","extractTasksFromProblemStatementTitle":"Get Extracted Tasks","deleteTasksAndSolutionEntriesWarning":"Only for testing purpose: Delete all tasks and Solution Code Snippets.","deleteTasksAndSolutionEntriesSuccess":"Successfully deleted all tasks and Solution Code Snippets.","deleteTasksAndSolutionEntriesTitle":"Delete Tasks","generateCodeHintsTooltip":"Generates code hints for all tasks in this exercise using the already created Solution Code Snippets.","generateCodeHintsTitle":"Generate code hints","generateCodeHintsSuccess":"Code hints have been generated","createStructuralSolutionEntriesTooltip":"Creates Solution Code Snippets for all structural test cases of this exercise.","createStructuralSolutionEntriesTitle":"Create structural Solution Code Snippets","createStructuralSolutionEntriesSuccess":"Structural Solution Code Snippets have been created successfully","createBehavioralSolutionEntriesTooltip":"Creates Solution Code Snippets for all behavioral test cases of this exercise.","createBehavioralSolutionEntriesTitle":"Create behavioral Solution Code Snippets","createBehavioralSolutionEntriesSuccess":"Behavioral Solution Code Snippets have been created successfully","editable":{"unsaved":"Unsaved.","unsavedTooltip":"There are unsaved changes in the problem statement.","saving":"Saving...","savingTooltip":"Saving your unsaved changes in the problem statement.","saved":"Saved.","savedTooltip":"The problem statement is saved."},"problemStatement":{"title":"Problem Statement","taskCommand":"Task","testCaseCommand":"Insert Test Case","tasksOfExercise":"Tasks:"},"status":{"solutionFailsTest":"The Solution Repository does not fulfill one or more test cases. This could indicate an issue with the Solution Repository or the test cases.","templateFulfillsTest":"The Template Repository already fulfills one or more test cases. This could indicate an issue with the Template Repository or the test cases."},"testCaseAnalysis":{"invalidTestCases":"There are {{number}} test cases that were found in the problem statement markdown, but are not valid test cases in the test repository of this exercise:","missingTestCases":"There are {{number}} valid test cases in your test repository that were not found in the markdown of the problem statement:","issues":"Test case issues.","ok":"Test cases ok.","invalidTestCase":"The test case '{{id}}' could not be found in the test repository.","repeatedTestCase":"The test case '{{id}}' is repeated.","repeatedTestCases":"There are {{number}} repeated test cases in the problem statement. This might cause unexpected behaviour:"},"tasksAnalysis":{"issues":"Task issues.","ok":"Tasks ok.","numOfTasks":"The number of tasks should not exceed {{limit}}. Currently, there are {{number}} tasks."},"hintsAnalysis":{"invalidHints":"There are {{number}} hints that were found in the problem statement markdown but couldn't be found in the database or are not assigned to this programming exercise:","issues":"Hints issues.","ok":"Hints ok.","invalidHint":"The hint with id '{{id}}' could not be found in the database for this programming exercise."},"configureGrading":{"title":"Configure Grading","shortTitle":"Grading","save":"Save","reset":"Reset","expandAll":"Expand all","collapseAll":"Collapse all","status":{"unsavedChanges":"Unsaved changes","unsavedTestCaseChanges":"Unsaved test cases","unsavedCategoryChanges":"Unsaved categories","noUnsavedChanges":"No unsaved changes"},"testCases":{"title":"Test Cases","resetSuccessful":"The tests were reset successfully.","resetFailed":"The tests could not be reset.","updated":"The test cases were updated successfully.","couldNotBeUpdated":"The following test cases could not be updated: {{testCases}}.","weightSumError":"The sum of all test case weights is 0 or below. Please adjust at least one test case weight to be greater than 0","showInactive":"Show inactive test cases","exercisePoints":"Exercise Points:","settingNull":"Test case {{testCase}} must not have settings that are empty.","settingNegative":"Test case {{testCase}} must not have settings set to negative values."},"categories":{"title":"Code Analysis Categories","notGraded":"Not graded.","noFeedback":"No visible feedback.","updated":"The categories were updated successfully.","couldNotBeUpdated":"The following categories could not be updated: {{categories}}.","resetSuccessful":"The categories were reset successfully.","resetFailed":"The categories could not be reset.","import":"Import Configuration","importLabel":"Import SCA configuration from exercise","importSuccessful":"Successfully imported the configuration from exercise {{exercise}}.","importFailed":"Failed to import categories from exercise {{exercise}}."},"charts":{"title":"Charts","preview":"Preview","resetFilter":"Reset Filter","testCaseWeights":{"title":"Test Case Weights","sumOfTestWeights":"Sum of test weights:","description":"The distribution of test case weights in the exercise. This shows how much impact any test case has on the overall score of a student. The first bar accounts just for the weight, and the second bar also includes the bonus points given for a test case.
Hover over a colored block to see more details.","weight":"Weight","weightTooltip":"Weight: {{ percentage }}% of all weights.","weightAndBonus":"Weight & Bonus","weightAndBonusTooltip":"Weight & Bonus: {{ percentage }}% of all weights and bonuses."},"testCasePoints":{"title":"Total Points","description":"The percentage of points given to students according to a specific test case. 100% in the chart represents full scores (100%) of all students. This chart only shows the positive points achieved by passing test cases and hides potential negative points of code quality penalties.
Hover over a colored block to see more details.","points":"Points","pointsTooltip":"Points: {{ percentage }}% of all exercise points."},"categoryDistribution":{"title":"Category Distribution","description":"The distribution of categories across the metrics 'Penalty', 'Issues' and 'Points'. This shows how much each category accounts for in each of the three metrics.
The Penalty bar shows the distribution of penalties across the categories.
The Issues bar shows how many issues were detected in each respective category.
The Points bar indicates how many points were actually deducted in each respective category, based on the information in the first two bars. Hover over a colored block to see the category details."}},"gradingTableHeader":{"testName":"Task / Test","weight":"Weight","bonusMultiplier":"Bonus Multiplier","bonusPoints":"Bonus Points","visibility":"Visibility","resultingPoints":"Resulting Points","testType":"Type","passedPercent":"Passed %"},"help":{"name":"Task names are written in bold whereas Test names are normal. Task or test name depending on whether the row is a task or test.","state":"Determines whether issues in this category should be shown to the students and used for grading.","penalty":"Penalty points given on each detected issue of this category.","maxPenalty":"Maximum applied penalty for one student across all issues of this category.","detectedIssues":"Shows the number of students grouped by number of detected issues in a category, starting at 1 issue. The bars turn red when surpassing the threshold defined by the maxPenalty of the respective category.","weight":"Weight: The weighting of a test case determines the points a student receives for passing the test case. The number of points a test case awards is proportional to its weight and calculated as a fraction of the total exercise points.","bonusMultiplier":"Bonus multiplier: This multiplies the points given for passing a test case without affecting the fractions of other test cases. Multipliers greater than 1 can result in student scores greater than 100%.","bonusPoints":"Bonus points: Additional points added on top of the regular points for passing a test case. Setting bonus points can result in student scores greater than 100%.","visibility":"Feedback and points for test cases marked as ‘After Due Date’ only become visible to students after the due date has passed. Tests with visibility ‘Never’ do not influence the student score.","visibilityExam":"Feedback and points for test cases marked as ‘After Release Date of Results’ only become visible to students after the exam results release date has passed. Tests with visibility ‘Never’ do not influence the student score.","points":"The amount of points the student gets for passing this test. This value is rounded according to the course settings.","type":"The type of the test case determines if the test case has been generated from the test.json (STRUCTURAL), or has been written manually (BEHAVIORAL)."},"updatedGradingConfigShort":"Updated grading","updatedGradingConfig":"Warning: You have updated the exercise's grading configuration, but you have not triggered all student submissions with the new grading. Newly created results will be graded with the new configuration, existing results will not be changed. If you don't trigger all student submissions, the results across your students might be inconsistent. You can still trigger the student submissions at a later point. Do you really want to leave the area?","updatedGradingConfigTooltip":"You have updated the grading configuration, but this will have no effect on existing results. Newly created results will be graded with the new configuration, existing results will not be changed. If you don't trigger all student submissions after the grading updates, the results across your students might be inconsistent. With the button 'Trigger all' you can trigger the submissions of all students with the updated grading configuration.","noUpdatedGradingConfig":"No updated grading","notReleased":"Not released","notReleasedTooltip":"The programming exercise is not yet released or is released but does not yet have any student results. You may change the grading configuration without having to trigger existing student submissions with the updated settings."},"export":{"downloadRepo":"Download Repository","downloadExampleSolution":"Download Example Solution","downloadTests":"Download tests","downloadTestsWithExampleSolution":"Download tests with example solution","downloadExercise":"Download Exercise","downloadAllStudents":"Or download the repositories of all students","downloadAllTeams":"Or download the repositories of all teams","filterLateSubmissions":{"title":"Filter late submissions","tooltip":"Cut off all submissions and commits after a certain date"},"filterLateSubmissionsDate":{"title":"Date to filter late submissions","tooltip":"Defaults to the due date of the exercise if not set"},"excludePracticeSubmissions":{"title":"Exclude practice submissions","tooltip":"Ignore submissions marked as practice to only include graded submissions"},"addToProject":{"title":{"student":"Add student name to project","team":"Add team name to project","teamOrStudent":"Add team/student name to project"},"tooltip":"Allows importing multiple projects into Eclipse at the same time"},"combineStudentCommits":{"title":"Combine changes into one commit","tooltip":"Squashes all commits of a student into a single commit for easier review"},"anonymizeRepository":{"title":"Anonymize repository","tooltip":"Hide student names in commit messages and directory name for unbiased evaluation"},"normalizeCodeStyle":{"title":"Normalize code style","tooltip":"Standardize line endings and encoding for consistency"},"successMessageRepo":"Export of repo was successful. The exported zip file is currently being downloaded.","successMessageRepos":"Export of repos was successful. The exported zip file with all repositories is currently being downloaded.","successMessageExercise":"Export of exercise was successful. The exported zip file with all exercise material is currently being downloaded.","notFoundMessageRepos":"No repos exported for exercise {{exerciseId}}: There are no submissions from the given students.","errorMessageRepo":"Export of repo failed. The requested repository does not exist."},"resubmitOnFailedSubmission":"An automatic assessment for this participant's last submission could not be generated. Click the button to submit again. This will trigger a new build run that tests the last submission.","resubmit":"Resubmit the last submission. This will execute a build run on the participant's repository without making a commit.","resubmitSingle":"Trigger new build for this participant","resubmitConfirmManualResultOverride":"The latest result for this participant is manual, which means the submission was assessed by a tutor. If you trigger the build for this submission again, the newly generated automatic result will be shown to the student instead.","resubmitAllConfirmAfterDueDate":"The due date has passed, some of the student submissions may already have been assessed by tutors. Newly generated automatic results would replace these manual assessments as the latest results.","resubmitUnsuccessful":"Resubmitting the last submission failed. Please contact your tutor.","resubmitAll":"Trigger all","resubmitAllTooltip":"Trigger all participants' last submission again. The results will be marked as graded.","resubmitAllDialog":"WARNING: Triggering all participants' submissions again is a very expensive operation. This action will start a CI build for every participant in this exercise. This means that all results of the students will be calculated again and overridden with a newly generated result based on their last commit!","resubmitFailed":"Trigger failed","resubmitFailedTooltip":"Trigger failed submissions for all participants again. Failed submissions don't have a result for their latest submission. This can happen due to communication errors between the CI system and Artemis. The created results will be marked as graded.","buildingSubmissions":"Building submissions: {{number}}","failedSubmissions":"Failed submissions: {{number}}","resultETA":"Result ETA: {{eta}}","resultETATooltip":"Shows how long an average submission must wait for its result. Depends on the current utilization of the build system.","titleTooltip":"The title of the exercise can always be changed after creating it. It will be part of the project name of the for the exercise created project on the VCS server","channelNameTooltip":"A course-wide channel will be created automatically with this name. The name can be changed any time.","shortNameTooltip":"The short name of the exercise can NOT be edited after creating the exercise! Together with the course short name, it is used as a unique identifier for the exercise in all parts of Artemis (incl. repositories and build plans)","projectTypeTooltip":"This value defines the project type of the template and solution repositories.","testRepositoryProjectTypeTooltip":"This value defines the project type of the test repository.","timeline":{"assessmentType":"Assessment Type","automaticAssessment":"Automatic Assessment","manualAssessment":"Manual Assessment","complaintsAllowed":"Complaints Allowed","automaticTests":"Automatic Tests","afterDueDate":"Run Tests after Due Date","timelineLabel":"Timeline of the entire programming exercise","timelineTooltip":"The entire lifecycle of the programming exercise. You can specify different critical dates and decide when which kind of tests should be run on all submissions","automaticTestsMandatoryTooltip":"Every commit from a participant triggers all tests in the test repository. This does not include tests specified only to be run after the due date.","automaticTestsAfterDueDateTooltip":"As soon as the specified due date passes, all submissions will be tested again using ALL tests in the test repository, including tests specified to be run after the due date.","assessmentTypeTooltipAutomaticAssessment":"The type of assessment after the due date: No manual assessment","assessmentTypeTooltipManualAssessment":"The type of assessment after the due date: Manual assessment by a tutors and complaints allowed if possible","releaseDateTooltip":"The release date of the exercise. Students will be able to see the exercise starting on the specified date. If no start date is defined, students can also start their participation after this date.","startDateTooltip":"The start date of the exercise. If this date is set, students can only see the exercise before but only participate after this date.","dueDateTooltip":"The due date, upon which submitting and committing new code will be deactivated for all students.","afterDueDateTooltip":"Activate this setting to build & test all student submissions on the selected date. This date must be set after the due date. These generated results will be marked as 'graded' even though the due date has passed.","alertNewDueDate":"The due date has been set to the release date!","alertNewAfterDueDate":"The date of the additional test runs has been set to the release date!","alertNewExampleSolutionPublicationDateAsReleaseDate":"The example solution publication date has been set to the release date!","alertNewExampleSolutionPublicationDateAsDueDate":"The example solution publication date has been set to the due date!","assessmentDueDate":"Assessment Due Date","assessmentDueDateTooltip":"The due date for manual reviews. As soon as the specified date passes, all manual assessments will be released to students!","notSet":"not set","allowFeedbackRequests":"Allow automatic non graded feedback requests/manual feedback requests","allowFeedbackRequestsTooltip":"Students can request feedback before the due date. The requests will be processed by Athena, or, if Athena cannot be reached, students can send manual feedback requests.","manualFeedbackRequests":"Manual feedback requests","manualFeedbackRequestsTooltip":"Students can request manual feedback before the due date to receive feedback.","complaintOnAutomaticAssessment":"Complaint on Automatic Assessment","complaintOnAutomaticAssessmentTooltip":"Students can complain after receiving an automatic assessment. Which will be evaluated by a tutor afterwards.","exampleSolutionPublicationDateTooltip":"The date when the Solution Repository becomes available to download for students. Leave blank to disable.","releaseTestsWithExampleSolution":"Include tests into example solution","releaseTestsWithExampleSolutionTooltip":"In addition to the example solution the automatic tests can be published after the due date.","setTestCaseVisibilityToAfterReleaseDateOfResults":"Set test case visibility to After Release Date of Results","setTestCaseVisibilityToAfterReleaseDateOfResultsTooltip":"During the exam students will only see if their code compiles. Details about the test results will be displayed after the Release Date of Results."},"repositoryIsLocked":{"title":"Your repository is locked.","tooltip":"You are outside of the participation timeframe or you reached your submission limit, your repository is locked. You may still read the code but you may not make any changes to it."},"checkoutDirectories":"Checkout directories","preview":{"label":"Preview","tooltip":"For every programming exercise, repositories and build plans will be generated. Here, you can find their generated names based on the short name of the exercise (and course)","tooltipLocalVC":"Here, you can find the repositories linked to the exercise and their respective checkout directories during the build execution.","repositories":"Repositories","buildPlans":"Build Plans","templateRepoTooltip":"The repository which contains the template of the exercise","solutionRepoTooltip":"The repository which contains the solution to the exercise","testRepoTooltip":"The repository which contains all tests","auxiliaryRepoTooltip":"{{description}}","templateBuildPlanTooltip":"The build plan of the template and student submissions. Runs all tests on the exercise template / student submission. The build for the exercise template is used as reference in which all tests must fail.","solutionBuildPlanTooltip":"The build plan of the solution. Runs all tests on the exercise solution. Used as a reference in which all tests must succeed.","submissionBuildPlan":"Submission build plan","solutionBuildPlan":"Solution build plan"},"orion":{"openEditor":"Open Editor"},"reEvaluate":"Re-evaluate all","reEvaluateTooltip":"Re-evaluate the automatic results of all participants' latest submissions. Manual results are not affected.","reEvaluateSuccessful":"{{number}} automatic results were successfully updated, including the template and solution.","reEvaluateFailed":"The re-evaluation failed: {{message}}","editSelectedModal":{"currentlyEdited":"You are editing the following exercises:","errorReadButton":"Ok","errorOccurred":"The following exercises could not be updated:"},"unlockAllRepositories":"Unlock all repositories","lockAllRepositories":"Lock all repositories","unlockAllRepositoriesModalText":"All repositories will be unlocked immediately! Students can push changes again, even if the exercise is already over!\n\nThis operation is performed automatically once students start to work on the exercise. Therefore, use this option only if the automatic unlocking was not performed correctly or if the repositories were locked by mistake!","lockAllRepositoriesModalText":"All repositories will be locked immediately! Students will not be able to push even if the assignment is still running!\n\nThe operation will be performed automatically on the exercise due date if 'Run Tests after Due Date' or 'Manual Review' is enabled. Therefore, use this option only if automatic locking was not performed correctly or if the repositories were unlocked by mistake!","unlockAllRepositoriesSuccess":"The repositories are now being unlocked. Please be patient for a while. You will soon be notified whether the operation was successful.","lockAllRepositoriesSuccess":"The repositories are now being locked. Please be patient for a while. You will soon be notified whether the operation was successful.","auxiliaryRepository":{"error":"There is a problem with the auxiliary repository.","addAuxiliaryRepository":"Add Auxiliary Repository","usageDescription":"You can use auxiliary repositories to provide additional code that students cannot see or modify. The additional code is inserted at the specified Checkout Directory during the build of the submission.","repositoryName":"Repository Name","checkoutDirectory":"Checkout Directory","description":"Description","invalidRepositoryName":"A repository with that name already exists in this exercise!","duplicateRepositoryNames":"Multiple auxiliary repositories must not share the same name!","duplicateDirectoryNames":"Multiple auxiliary repositories must not share the same checkout directory!","warning":"Auxiliary repositories can be added, edited and removed. Edit-Changes in Artemis do not carry over to the VCS and CIS and must be done manually in these systems.","editedWarning":"You changed the auxiliary repositories. These changes in Artemis do not carry over to the VCS and CIS and must be done manually in these systems.","editedWarningLocalCI":"You changed the auxiliary repositories. These changes in Artemis do not carry over to the VCS and the build script must be adjusted manually.","repositoryNameRequired":{"pattern":"Auxiliary repositories might not be named 'exercise', 'solution', 'tests', or 'auxiliary'. Names might not contain special characters other than '-' and '_'."},"invalidDirectoryName":{"pattern":"Checkout directory paths must only contain words, '_', '-', and '/' characters, but must not start nor end with a '/' character."}},"submissionPolicy":{"title":"Submission Policy","updateButton":{"title":"Update","tooltip":"Saves the changes to the submission policy of this programming exercise.\nATTENTION:\nFor Lock Repository Policies this is a very heavy operation as it might (un)lock a lot of affected participation repositories!"},"activateButton":{"title":"Activate","tooltip":"Activates the configured submission policy of this programming exercise.\nATTENTION:\nFor Lock Repository Policies this is a very heavy operation as it might lock a lot of affected participation repositories!"},"deactivateButton":{"title":"Deactivate","tooltip":"Deactivates the configured submission policy of this programming exercise.\nATTENTION:\nFor Lock Repository Policies this is a very heavy operation as it might unlock a lot of affected participation repositories!"},"created":"The submission policy was created successfully!","updated":"The submission policy was updated successfully!","deleted":"The submission policy was deleted successfully!","submissionsAllowed":"{{submissionCount}}/{{totalSubmissions}} allowed Submissions","none":{"optionLabel":"None"},"lockRepository":{"optionLabel":"Lock Repository"},"submissionPenalty":{"optionLabel":"Submission Penalty","detailLabel":"Submission Penalty Points","penaltyInputFieldTitle":"Exceeding Submission Limit Penalty","exceedingLimitDescription":"The number of points that is deducted from the result score for each submission exceeding the submission limit. Enter any number of points greater than 0.","penaltyInputFieldValidationWarning":{"pattern":"The penalty must be a number greater than 0.","required":"The penalty must be set."},"penaltyInfoLabel":"(Exceeding Penalty: {{points}} points)","triggerAllInformation":"If the exceeding submission limit penalty or the submission limit is updated, the 'Re-evaluate' functionality must be used to update the participants' results."},"submissionPolicyType":{"title":"Submission Policy Type","none":{"title":"-"},"lock_repository":{"title":"Lock Repository","tooltip":"Your participation repository will be locked as soon as you reach the submission limit. You won't be able to participate further in the exercise after your repository is locked."},"submission_penalty":{"title":"Submission Penalty","tooltip":"The system deducts points from your score for each submission that exceeds the submission limit. Try to stay within the submission limit to avoid penalties!"}},"submissionLimitTitle":"Submission limit","submissionLimitDescription":"The number of submissions a participant can make before the system enforces the selected policy.","editInGradingInformation":"The submission policy can only be edited and toggled on the grading page of the programming exercise!","goToGradingToEditInformation":"Go to the grading page to edit submission policy.","submissionLimitWarning":{"pattern":"The submission limit must be and integer between 1 and 500!","required":"The submission limit must be set!"}},"diffReport":{"404":"Template-Solution-Diff has not been generated yet. Please do a push to the template or solution repository to generate it.","button":"Review Changes","tooltip":"Shows the detailed git-diff between the template and solution repositories.","detailedTooltip":"The comparison view highlights all changes between the template and solution repositories. Red indicates deletions from the template, while green shows additions made in the solution.","splitView":{"enable":"Enable split view","disable":"Disable split view","tooltip":"In the split view, both versions of each changed file are displayed next to each other. Note that the split view will only be shown if your browser window is wide enough."},"tooltipBetweenSubmissions":"Shows the detailed git-diff between the current and previous submission.","title":"Template/Solution Comparison","shortDescription":"Review which changes to the template are expected from students to solve the exercise.","titleForSubmissions":"Submission-Diff","template":"Template","solution":"Solution","emptyRepository":"Empty Repository","previousSubmission":"Previous Submission","previousCommit":"Previous Commit","currentSubmission":"Current Submission","currentCommit":"Current Commit","fileChange":{"created":"Created","deleted":"Deleted","renamed":"Renamed"},"errorWhileFetchingRepos":"An error occurred while fetching the repositories. Please check your internet connection and reopen the modal.","lineStatBetweenSubmissionsCurrentSubmissionLabel":"Lines added/removed between the current submission with commit hash {{ currentCommitHash }} ","lineStatBetweenSubmissionsPreviousSubmissionLabel":" and the previous submission with commit hash {{ previousCommitHash }} ","lineStatBetweenSubmissionsTemplateLabel":"and the template","lineStatTooltipExamTimeline":"Unfiltered lines that were added and removed when comparing the current and the previous submission.","lineStatTooltipFullReportExamTimeline":"Filtered lines that were added and removed when comparing the current and the previous submission. This excludes empty lines.","lineStatTooltipFullEntryExamTimeline":"Filtered lines that were added and removed when comparing the current and the previous submission of this file. This excludes empty lines.","lineStatTooltipDetailPage":"Unfiltered lines that were added and removed when comparing the template and solution repositories","lineStatTooltipFullReport":"Filtered lines that were added and removed when comparing the template and solution repositories. This excludes empty lines.","lineStatTooltipFullEntry":"Filtered lines that were added and removed when comparing the template and solution versions of this file. This excludes empty lines."},"projectTypes":{"PLAIN_GRADLE":"Gradle","PLAIN_MAVEN":"Maven","MAVEN_BLACKBOX":"DejaGnu","PLAIN":"Plain","XCODE":"Xcode","FACT":"FACT","GCC":"GCC"},"withDependencies":"With exemplary dependency","withDependenciesTooltip":"Adds an external Apache commons-lang dependency to the generated project as an example how Maven dependencies should be used with Artemis exercises.","recordTestwiseCoverage":"Record Testwise Coverage","recordTestwiseCoverageTooltip":"Activate this option to record the testwise coverage for the solution repository. This option is only available for Java/Kotlin-exercises with non-sequential test runs.","customizeBuildPlansWithAeolusTooltip":"Activate this option to customize the docker image and build plan which is executed on Artemis for each submission in a Docker container.","customizeBuildPlansTooltip":"Activate this option to customize the docker image and build plan which is executed on Artemis for each submission in a Docker container.","coveredLineRatio":"Ratio Test-Covered Lines","testwiseCoverageReport":{"404":"Testwise Coverage has not been generated yet. Please do a push to the solution or test repository to generate the report.","button":"Show testwise coverage","tooltip":"Shows the testwise coverage for the solution repository.","title":"Testwise Coverage","selectTests":"Select the tests for which the covered lines are marked:","filePath":"File Path","coveredLines":"Covered Lines"},"buildLogStatistics":{"title":"Average build log statistics","numberOfBuilds":"# Builds","agentSetupDuration":"Setup build agent","testDuration":"Test execution","scaDuration":"Static Code Analysis","totalJobDuration":"Total Job","dependenciesDownloadedCount":"Number of downloaded dependencies","tooltip":"The average build duration is calculated based on all builds (template, solution and student submissions). The number of downloaded dependencies can be reduced by caching dependencies in the Docker image."},"studentDownloadTestsTooltip":"Here you can download the tests. The example solution is automatically inserted in the place where you have to put your submission for testing.","commitInfo":{"title":"Commit Information","commitHash":"Commit Hash","commits":"Commits","author":"Author","date":"Date","message":"Message","previousSubmission":"Previous Submission","currentSubmission":"Current Submission","template":"Template","history":"Commit History","result":"Result"}},"error":{"noparticipations":"No existing user was specified or no submission exists."},"programmingExerciseTestCase":{"home":{"title":"Programming Exercise Test Cases","createLabel":"Create a new Programming Exercise Test Case"},"created":"Created new Programming Exercise Test Case with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Programming Exercise Test Case with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Programming Exercise Test Case with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Programming Exercise Test Case {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Programming Exercise Test Case"},"testName":"Test Name","weight":"Weight","active":"Active","exercise":"Exercise","visibility":{"Always":"Always","AfterDueDate":"After Due Date","AfterReleaseDateOfResults":"After Release Date of Results","Never":"Never"},"type":{"STRUCTURAL":"Structural","BEHAVIORAL":"Behavior","DEFAULT":"Default","MIXED":"Mixed"}},"ProgrammingLanguage":{"undefined":"","null":"","JAVA":"Java","PYTHON":"Python","C":"C","HASKELL":"Haskell","KOTLIN":"Kotlin","VHDL":"VHDL","ASSEMBLER":"Assembler","SWIFT":"Swift","OCAML":"OCaml","EMPTY":"Empty"},"programmingSubmission":{"home":{"title":"Programming Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new Programming Submission"},"created":"Created new Programming Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Programming Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Programming Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Programming Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Programming Submission"},"commitHash":"Commit Hash","view":"View assessment"},"quizWarning":{"title":"Attention!","question":"Potential Performance Issues","description":"You are using a very large number of Short-Answer items and/or Drag-and-Drop items in this quiz. This can lead to significant performance issues. Are you sure you want to save the exercise this way?","confirmButton":"Save anyway"},"quizExercise":{"home":{"title":"Quiz Exercises","createLabel":"Create Quiz","editLabel":"Edit Quiz","importLabel":"Import Quiz","exportLabel":"Export Quiz Exercises","createModelDragAndDrop":"Create Drag and Drop Model Quiz"},"detail":{"title":"Quiz Exercise","questionCount":{"title":"Number of Questions","value":"Multiple Choice: {{ mcCount }}, Drag And Drop: {{ dndCount }}, Short Answer: {{ shortCount }}"}},"created":"Created new Quiz Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Quiz Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Quiz Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","resetSuccessful":"The reset of the quiz exercise {{ title }} was successful","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the quiz {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!"},"reset":{"question":"Are you sure you want to reset the quiz {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!
This means that all participation, results, and statistics will be deleted, but the quiz questions will remain. Then you can start the quiz again."},"endNow":{"question":"Are you sure you want to end the quiz {{ title }} now? This action can NOT be undone!
This prevents any further submissions and starts to publish the results."},"edit":{"title":"Edit Quiz Exercise for {{ param }}","addQuestion":"Add Question","invalidInput":"Invalid Input","warning":"Warning","pendingChanges":"Unsaved Changes","saving":"Saving...","saved":"Saved!","quizHasStarted":"The quiz has started. No more changes allowed.

Retroactive corrections can be made once the quiz has ended. To do so, go back to the overview and click on \"Re-evaluate\" once the quiz has ended. (\"Re-evaluate\" is not available to TAs.)","testRunSubmissionsExist":"This quiz contains submissions in one of the test runs for this exam. Delete the test run to edit the answer options."},"saveError":"An error occurred while saving. Please review your input data and try again later.","export":{"title":"All quiz questions for course {{ param }}","export":"Export","questionTitle":"Short question Title","quizExerciseTitle":"Quiz Exercise Title"},"filter":{"mcq":"Multiple-Choice Question","dnd":"Drag-And-Drop Question","sa":"Short-Answer Question","applyFilter":"Apply Filter"},"quizStatus":{"closed":"Closed","invisible":"Invisible","openForPractice":"Open for practice","active":"Active","visible":"Visible"},"quizLifecycle":"Quiz Lifecycle","description":"Description","options":"Options","explanation":"Explanation","randomizeQuestionOrder":"Present Questions in Random Order","allowedNumberOfAttempts":"Allowed Number Of Attempts","isVisibleBeforeStart":"Is Visible Before Start","isOpenForPractice":"Is Open For Practice","isPlannedToStart":"Is Planned To Start","openForPractice":"Release For Practice","startQuiz":"Start Quiz","startBatch":"Start Batch","showNow":"Set Visible","duration":"Duration","minutes":"minutes","seconds":"seconds","minutesShort":"min","secondsShort":"s","questions":"Questions","noQuestionsFoundCourse":"No questions in Course found","noQuestionsFoundExam":"No questions in Exam found","noMatchingQuestionsFound":"No questions in the Course match the selected criteria","multipleChoiceQuestion":"Multiple-Choice Question","dragAndDropQuestion":"Drag-And-Drop Question","shortAnswerQuestion":"Short-Answer Question","addMultipleChoiceQuestion":"Add Multiple-Choice Question","addDragAndDropQuestion":"Add Drag-And-Drop Question","addShortAnswerQuestion":"Add Short-Answer Question","addApollonDragAndDropQuestion":"Add Apollon Drag-And-Drop Question","addExistingQuestions":"Add Existing Questions","fromAFile":"From a file","fromACourse":"From a course","fromAnExam":"From an exam","addSelectedQuestions":"Add Selected Questions","selectCourse":"Select a Course","selectExam":"Select an Exam","selectQuizExercise":"Select a Quiz Exercise","status":"Status","releaseDate":"Visible from","startTime":"Start of working time","startTimeErrorSynchronized":"Start of working time should be after Visible from","startTimeError":"Start of working time should be after Visible from and before the Due Date","setStartTime":"Schedule Quiz Start","dueDateError":"Due Date must be after Visible from. Please check your selection again","quizPointStatistic":"Quiz Point Statistic","quiz":"Quiz","totalPoints":"Overall Points","totalScore":"Result","maxScore":"Max Points","remainingTime":"Time left","waitingForStart":"Waiting for Start","numberOfQuestions":"Number of Questions","quizInstructions":{"live":"Answer all questions in the remaining time and only click the \"Submit\" button once you are done.","autoSave":"Your answers are saved automatically every 30 seconds.","wait":"Please wait until the quiz has ended to see your results.","result":"You completed the quiz with {{userScore}} out of {{maxScore}} points ({{percentage}} %).","waitForStart":"Please wait.

This page will refresh automatically, when the quiz starts.","timeUntilPlannedStart":"Time until planned start:","enterPassword":"Enter the password to join the quiz:","startNow":"Start your quiz run now","noMoreAttempts":"You have already used all your allowed attempts at this quiz.","alreadyAttempted":"You have already participated in this quiz."},"isSaving":"Saving answers...","lastSaved":"Saved","lastSavedTimeNever":"Never","submitted":"Submitted","unsavedChanges":"Unsaved Changes","statistics":"Statistics","practiceMode":"Practice","previewMode":"Preview","preview":"Preview Quiz","solution":"Sample Solution","quizIsOverText":"The quiz has ended. Please wait. If the results do not load automatically within 60s, please refresh the page.","notParticipatedText":"The quiz has ended and you did not participate. There are no results to display.","statisticsNotPublished":"The instructor has not published any statistics.","successfullySubmittedText":"Your answers have been successfully submitted!

The results will appear after the quiz has ended.

If the results are not displayed automatically within 60s after the end of the quiz, please reload the page.","evaluateQuizExercise":"Evaluate quiz","evaluateQuizExerciseSuccess":"Quiz exercise successfully evaluated!","re-evaluate":{"title":"Re-evaluate Quiz Exercise for {{ param }}","resetQuiz":"Reset Quiz Exercise","setQuestionInvalid":"Set question invalid","questionIsInvalid":"Question is invalid","setAnswerInvalid":"Set answer invalid","answerIsInvalid":"Answer is invalid","resetQuizTitle":"Reset Quiz Title","resetQuestion":"Reset Question","resetQuestionTitle":"Reset Question Title","resetQuestionText":"Reset Question Text","resetAnswer":"Reset Answer","deleteAnswer":"Delete Answer","moveUp":"Move Question up","moveDown":"Move Question down","warning":{"warning":"Warning!","confirm":"Confirm changes","problems":"The following problems may occur:","element_deleted":"Question-element deleted:","element_invalid":"Question-element set invalid:","element_correctness":"Solution mappings or solution of an answer option changed:","answer_deleted":"Answer option deleted:","answer_invalid":"Answer option set invalid:","answer_correctness":"Solution of an answer option changed:","question_deleted":"Question deleted:","question_invalid":"Question set invalid:","scoring_change":"Scoring changed:","no_changes":"No changes which affect the existing results","quizStatistic":"The existing statistics must be recalculated!","results":"The existing results must be recalculated!","exam":"This quiz is an exam exercise. Make sure the quiz was already evaluated once before attempting to re-evaluate it!","resulttext":{"element_deleted":"The question-element will be removed from all results","element_invalid":"All participants will receive the points for the invalid question-element","answer_deleted":"The answer option will be removed from all results","answer_invalid":"All participants will receive the points for the invalid answer","question_deleted":"The question will be removed from all results","question_invalid":"All participants will receive the points for the invalid question","scoring_change":"The points will be recalculated. Some participants may lose points."},"confirmtext":"Do you really want to apply these changes?","succesfully_confirm":"Changes successfully applied!"}},"hidden":"Hidden","visible":"Visible","invalidReasons":{"quizTitle":"Quiz: The title is missing.","quizDuration":"Quiz: The duration is missing or invalid.","noQuestion":"Quiz: The quiz has no questions.","invalidStartTime":"Quiz: The Start Time is not valid.","startTimeInPast":"Quiz: The Start Time has already passed.","questionTitle":"Question {{index}}: The title is missing.","questionScore":"Question {{index}}: At least one point is required per question.","questionScoreInvalid":"Question {{index}}: Points are invalid.","questionCorrectAnswerOption":"Question {{index}}: No answer option is correct.","questionSingleChoiceCorrectAnswerOptions":"Question {{index}}: Multiple answer options are correct for a single choice question.","questionCorrectMapping":"Question {{index}}: No correct mapping.","questionUnsolvable":"Question {{index}}: The question cannot be answered correctly without using a drag item twice.","misleadingCorrectMapping":"Question {{index}}: You have defined at least one correct mapping (or group of correct mappings), that when used, makes it impossible to answer the question correctly.","shortAnswerQuestionEverySpotHasASolution":"Question {{index}}: At least one spot is missing a solution.","shortAnswerQuestionEveryMappedSolutionHasASpot":"Question {{index}}: At least one spot is missing that is necessary for a correct mapping.","shortAnswerQuestionUnsolvable":"Question {{index}}: The question cannot be answered correctly. Please check your mapped solutions","shortAnswerQuestionSolutionHasNoValue":"Question {{index}}: At least one solution has no value.","shortAnswerQuestionDuplicateMapping":"Question {{index}}: At least one mapping is duplicated.","questionTitleLength":"Question {{index}}: The question is too long. Please shorten it to fewer than {{threshold}} characters.","quizTitleLength":"Quiz: The title is too long. Please shorten it to fewer than {{threshold}} characters.","quizAnswerOptionLength":"Question {{index}}: At least one answer option is too long. Please shorten it to fewer than {{threshold}} characters.","explanationIsMissing":"Question {{index}}: Not every answer option contains an explanation. Please add an explanation!","questionHasInvalidFlaggedElements":"Question {{index}} : This question has been previously marked as invalid or contains invalid elements.","questionExplanationLength":"Question {{index}}: The provided explanation is too long. Please shorten it to {{threshold}} characters.","questionHintLength":"Question {{index}}: The provided hint is too long. Please shorten it to {{threshold}} characters.","answerExplanationLength":"Question {{index}}: The explanation of at least one answer option is too long. Please shorten it to {{threshold}} characters.","answerHintLength":"Question {{index}}: The hint of at least one answer option is too long. Please shorten it to {{threshold}} characters.","multipleChoiceQuestionAnswerOptionInvalid":"Question {{index}}: At least one answer option is invalid."},"scoringType":{"all_or_nothing":"All or Nothing","proportional_with_penalty":"Proportional with Penalty","proportional_without_penalty":"Proportional without Penalty"},"scoringTypeExplanation":{"title":"Scoring Types","all_or_nothing":"All correct options must be selected and all incorrect options must not be selected to achieve the full score. If a mistake is made the participant achieves 0 points. There is no score in between.","proportional_with_penalty":"Each correct answer is awarded with a fraction of the total score. To avoid guesswork, the same fraction is subtracted from the achieved points for each mistake. Example: if the question contains 3 points and 5 answer options, each correct answer option is awarded with 0.6 points. Each wrong answer option subtracts 0.6 points. A student with 3 correct and 2 wrong answers would then receive 0.6 points.","proportional_without_penalty":"Each correct answer is awarded with a fraction of the total score. No points are deducted for mistakes. Example: if the question contains 3 points and 5 answer options, each correct answer option is awarded with 0.6 points. A student with 3 correct and 2 wrong answers would then receive 1.8 points."},"importJSON":"Import Question(s) in JSON/Zip Format","importWarningShort":"Invalid questions found","importWarningLong":"The following questions have an invalid flag set. Are you sure you want to continue? If so, the invalid flags will be reset.","confirmImport":"Continue","explanationText":{"point":"point","points":"points","item":"item","items":"items","textgap":"text gap","textgaps":"text gaps","option":"option","options":"options","scoringTitle":"Scoring explanation for question {{paramIndex}} {{paramTitle}}","scoringTypeProportional":"Scoring Proportional with Penalty: ","scoringTypeProportionalWithout":"Scoring Proportional without Penalty: ","scoringTypeAllOrNothing":"Scoring All or Nothing: ","scoringTypeSingleChoice":"Scoring Single Choice: ","scoringTypeProportionalExplanation":"Every correct answer is awarded with points, every mistake results in a point penalty to prevent guesswork. ","scoringTypeProportionalWithoutExplanation":"Every correct answer is awarded with points. No points are deducted for mistakes. ","scoringTypeAllOrNothingExplanation":"You either get all points or none at all.","scoringTypeSingleChoiceExplanation":"There is only one correct answer.","multipleChoiceAllOrNothingCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Since you selected all answer options correctly you have received full credit for this question. Great Job!","multipleChoiceAllOrNothingNotCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}, since you selected {{paramInTotalRightOptions}} answer {{rightOption}} correctly and {{paramInTotalWrongOptions}} answer {{wrongOption}} incorrectly. Keep trying!","multipleChoiceSingleChoiceCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Since you selected the correct answer option you have received full credit for this question. Great Job!","multipleChoiceSingleChoiceNotCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}, since you didn't select the correct answer option. Keep trying!","multipleChoiceProp":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Each of the {{paramAmountOfAnswerOptions}} options grants you {{paramQuestionScore}}/{{paramAmountOfAnswerOptions}} points for selecting the answer options correctly. You selected {{paramInTotalRightOptions}} answer {{rightOption}} correctly and {{paramInTotalWrongOptions}} answer {{wrongOption}} incorrectly. In total you have","dragAndDropAllOrNothingCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Since you mapped all the items correctly you have received full credit for this question. Great Job!","dragAndDropAllOrNothingNotCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}, since you mapped {{paramRightMapping}} {{rightMap}} correctly and mapped {{paramWrongMappedItems}} {{wrongMap}} incorrectly. Keep trying!","dragAndDropProp":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Each of the {{paramDragAndDropElementsCount}} drag and drop items grants you {{paramQuestionScore}}/{{paramDragAndDropElementsCount}} points for mapping it to the corresponding location. You mapped {{paramRightMapping}} {{rightMap}} correctly and {{paramWrongMappedItems}} {{wrongMap}} incorrectly. In total you have","shortAnswerAllOrNothingCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Since you filled all text gaps correctly you have received full credit for this question. Great Job!","shortAnswerAllOrNothingNotCorrect":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}, since you filled out {{paramShortAnswerCorrectAnswers}} {{rightGap}} correctly and {{paramShortAnswerWrongOption}} {{wrongGap}} incorrectly. Keep trying!","shortAnswerProp":"You have achieved {{paramScore}} {{paramPoint}} of the {{paramQuestionScore}} possible {{paramScorePoint}}. Each text gap grants you {{paramQuestionScore}}/{{paramCount}} points for filling it out correctly. You filled out {{paramShortAnswerCorrectAnswers}} {{rightGap}} correctly and {{paramShortAnswerWrongOption}} {{wrongGap}} incorrectly. In total you have","KeepTrying":"Keep trying!","zeroPointer":"(Of course you cannot have fewer than 0 points.)"},"explanationAnswered":"You have answered this question","explanationNotAnswered":"You have not answered this question","submissionWarning":"Are you sure you want to submit? You have not answered all questions and you still have some time left!","quizLiveModal":{"title":"Go-Live of a new Quiz Exercise","body":"The Quiz {{quizName}} for Course {{courseName}} is now live! Click on the 'Go to Quiz' button in order to access the quiz.","cancelButton":"Cancel","goToButton":"Go to quiz"},"placeholder":{"title":"Short Quiz Title","questionTitle":"Question Title","shortQuestionTitle":"Short Question Title"},"matchLetterCase":{"title":"Match Letter Case","explanation":"Select if the letter case of the answers provided matters in the evaluation (Example: should 'Answer' and 'answer' be evaluated as the same?)"},"matchPercentage":{"title":"Match Answers Exactly","explanationTitle":"Similarity","explanation":"Determines the required similarity between predefined solutions and student solutions in the evaluation for each spot. The value (between 50% and 100%) indicates whether only exactly correct answers (100%) are treated as correct or whether students can have typo(s) in their solutions. The lower the value is, the more typos are allowed in the student solutions (based on the Levenshtein distance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance). Example: a value of 85% would allow 1 typo in a word with 5 characters and 2 typos in a word with 10 characters. Please use the preview feature for the quiz if you would like to try out different values."},"answerMatching":{"title":"Answer Matching"},"matchingInfoModalTitle":"Answer Matching Options","quizMode":{"title":"Batch Mode","synchronized":"Synchronized","batched":"Batched","individual":"Individual","explanation":"Batch Mode controls how students can participate in the quiz.\n\nSynchronized: There is exactly opportunity for all students to participate in the quiz at once.\nBatched: There are multiple opportunities for students to participate in the quiz by using a password.\nIndividual: Students can participate in the quiz by themselves at any time while it is released."},"releaseDateExplanation":{"SYNCHRONIZED":"Synchronized: The date when the quiz becomes visible to students. Students cannot see the questions until the start date.","BATCHED":"Batched: The date when the quiz becomes visible to students. Students cannot see the questions until a batch is started and they enter the password for it.","INDIVIDUAL":"Individual: The date when the quiz becomes visible to students. Students can start working on the quiz from this time onward"},"startTimeExplanation":"Set the time when the students are able to see the questions and start answering.","addBatch":"Add Batch","join":"Join","joinFailed":"Unable to join the quiz.","submitSuccess":"Your answers have been successfully submitted!

The results will be available after the due date"},"quizPointStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Quiz Point Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Quiz Point Statistic"},"created":"Created new Quiz Point Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Quiz Point Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Quiz Point Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Quiz Point Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Quiz Point Statistic"},"pointCounters":"Point Counters","quiz":"Quiz"},"quizPool":{"editTitle":"Edit Quiz Pool","group":"Group","groupName":"Group Name","addGroup":"Add Group","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Quiz Group {{ title }}? All assigned Questions will be unmapped."},"dragExplanation":"Drag the question below to assign it to a group.","groupExplanation":"Questions in the same group will be randomly chosen for each student. Questions that are not in a group will be assigned to all students.","updated":"Updated Quiz Pool with identifier {{ param }}","invalidReasons":{"groupNameEmpty":"Group name cannot be empty.","groupNameLength":"Group name cannot be longer than 100 characters.","groupSameName":"Group name must be unique.","groupNoQuestion":"Group {{name}}: Group does not have any question.","groupHasDifferentQuestionPoints":"Group {{name}}: Group has questions with different points."}},"quizQuestion":{"home":{"title":"Questions","createLabel":"Create a new Question"},"created":"Created new Question with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Question with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Question with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Question {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Question"},"title":"Title","text":"Text","hint":"Hint","explanation":"Explanation","score":"Points","scoringType":"Scoring Type","randomizeOrder":"Randomize Order","questionStatistic":"Question Statistic","exercise":"Exercise","yourScore":"Your Score","invalid":"Invalid","invalidText":"This question is invalid and will therefore be assessed as completely correct","retry":" Retry","loading":"Please wait until the picture is loaded","failed":"Sorry, the image could not be loaded. Please try again","showSampleSolution":"Show Sample Solution","hideSampleSolution":"Hide Sample Solution","allOptions":"Please choose all correct answer options","singleOption":"Please choose the correct answer option"},"quizQuestionStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Question Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Question Statistic"},"created":"Created new Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Question Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Question Statistic"},"ratedCorrectCounter":"Rated Correct Counter","unRatedCorrectCounter":"Un-Rated Correct Counter","question":"Question"},"quizStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Statistic"},"created":"Created new Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Statistic"},"released":"Released","participantsRated":"Participants Rated","participantsUnrated":"Participants Unrated"},"quizStatisticCounter":{"home":{"title":"Statistic Counters","createLabel":"Create a new Statistic Counter"},"created":"Created new Statistic Counter with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Statistic Counter with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Statistic Counter with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Statistic Counter {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Statistic Counter"},"ratedCounter":"Rated Counter","unRatedCounter":"Un-Rated Counter"},"quizSubmission":{"home":{"title":"Quiz Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new Quiz Submission"},"created":"Created new Quiz Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Quiz Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Quiz Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Quiz Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Quiz Submission"},"scoreInPoints":"Score In Points","submittedAnswers":"Submitted Answers"},"rating":{"label":"How useful is this feedback to you?"},"ratingList":{"exercise":"Exercise","exerciseType":"Exercise Type","rating":"Rating","actions":"Actions","assessmentType":"Assessment Type","openSubmission":"Show the submission","title":"List of ratings","pageTitle":"Ratings","noRatingToShow":"There are no ratings yet."},"repository":{"title":"Repository","source":"Source","toggleInlineFeedback":{"show":"Show inline feedback","hide":"Hide inline feedback"},"commitHistory":{"title":"Commit History","openCommitHistory":"Open Commit History","commitDetails":{"title":"Commit Details","commitMessage":"Commit Message","commitHash":"Commit Hash","author":"Author","date":"Date","commit":"Commit","empty":"No changes","fileUnchanged":"No changes in the file content"}}},"result":{"home":{"title":"Results","createLabel":"Create a new result"},"created":"Created new result with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated result with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted result with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the result with id {{ id }}?","question2":"Are you sure you want to delete this result? It cannot be undone!","buttonText":"Delete","error":{"hasComplaint":"A result cannot be deleted if it has a complaint!"}},"detail":{"feedback":"Feedback","feedbackForTask":"Feedback for task: {{ taskName }}","codeIssue":{"name":"Code Issue","title":"{{ scaCategory }} Issue in File {{ location }}","line":"at line {{ line }}","lines":"at lines {{ from }}-{{ to }}","column":"column {{ column }}","columns":"columns {{ from }}-{{ to }}"},"test":{"name":"Test Case","noInfo":"No result information for {{ name }}","passed":"{{ name }} passed","failed":"{{ name }} failed"}},"noResult":"No result","noGradedResult":"No graded result","resultString":{"resultString":"Result Text","buildFailed":"Build failed","buildSuccessfulNoTests":"Build successful, no tests executed","buildSuccessfulTests":"{{ numberOfTestsPassed }} of {{ numberOfTestsTotal }} passed","nonProgramming":"{{ relativeScore }}%, {{ points }} points","programming":"{{ relativeScore }}%, {{ buildAndTestMessage }}, {{ points }} points","programmingCodeIssues":"{{ relativeScore }}%, {{ buildAndTestMessage }}, {{ numberOfIssues }} issues, {{ points }} points","programmingShort":"{{ relativeScore }}%, {{ buildAndTestMessage }}","short":"{{ relativeScore }}%","automaticAIFeedbackSuccessful":"Feedback","automaticAIFeedbackFailed":"Feedback","automaticAIFeedbackInProgress":"AI Feedback request is being processed","automaticAIFeedbackTimedOut":"Feedback timed out.","automaticAIFeedbackSuccessfulTooltip":"AI-based feedback can include mistakes. Consider checking important information.","automaticAIFeedbackFailedTooltip":"AI Feedback Request failed due to an internal error. Please try again shortly or contact the Artemis administrators if the issue persists.","automaticAIFeedbackInProgressTooltip":"AI Feedback is being generated.","automaticAIFeedbackTimedOutTooltip":"Time for generating AI Feedback has expired. Please try again shortly or contact Artemis administrators if the issue persists."},"completionDate":"Completion Date","successful":"Successful","buildArtifact":"Build Artifact","buildError":"Build Error:","score":"Your overall score is {{score}}%","scorePercentage":"Score (in %)","scoreWithPoints":"Your score is {{score}}%, {{points}} points","currentScore":"Current Score","rated":"Graded","assessmentType":"Assessment Type","assessor":"Reviewer","feedbacks":"Feedback","submission":"Submission","participation":"Participation","createManual":"Create manual result","updateManual":"Update manual result","viewManual":"View manual result","manualResult":"Manual result","invalidScore":"Score is required and should be a number between 0 and 100.","resultStringRequired":"Result text is required.","studentLogin":"Student Login","studentLoginRequired":"Student login is required.","exerciseStillOpen":"Exercise is still open for submissions!","studentOverride":"The due date of this exercise has not been reached yet. The student might override this manual assessment by committing a new solution.","addFeedback":"Add new Feedback","deleteFeedback":"Delete last Feedback","feedbackTextRequired":"Feedback text is required.","positive":"Positive","graded":"Graded","gradedTooltip":"This result is part of your graded participation.","notGraded":"Not graded","notGradedTooltip":"This result is not part of your assessment.","practice":"Practice","practiceTooltip":"This result is part of your practice participation and will not have an influence on your assessment.","preliminary":"preliminary","preliminaryTooltip":"Your result is not final yet, because more tests will be executed after the due date","preliminaryTooltipSemiAutomatic":"Your result is not final yet, because more tests will be executed after the due date or a manual assessment will be done.","codeIssuesTooltip":"The automatic code analysis generated some warnings for your code.","noResultDetails":"No result details available.","onlyCompilationTested":"Your code compiled successfully. There are currently no tests visible.","chart":{"points":"Points","deductions":"Deductions","tooltip":"Your deductions are limited in order to soften the effect of repeating issues. Be aware that you might have to solve multiple code issues to increase your score.","filterApplied":"A filter is applied to your feedback.","reset":"Reset"},"linkedCommit":"This result is linked to the following commit:","missing":{"viewPrevious":"View Last Result","programmingFailedSubmission":{"message":"No corresponding result available.","tooltipOfflineIde":"No result was found / could be generated in time for your most recent submission. Please check your code manually in your IDE, e.g. check that your code compiles locally and works correctly.","tooltipOnlineIde":"No result was found / could be generated in time for your most recent submission. Please check your code manually as far as possible."}},"notLatestSubmission":"Note: This result and feedback is not based on the latest submission.","seeMore":"See more","noFeedback":"No feedback available","afterDueDateFeedbackHidden":"Even after the due date not for all test cases a detailed feedback is shown. This could be the case if other students are still working on the exercise (e.g. to allow for the compensation of sick days). Those feedbacks will automatically become visible after {{date}}.","testCount":"You passed {{passed}} of {{total}} tests.","notExecutedTests":"{{numberOfNotExecutedTests}} tests were not executed.","notExecutedTestsTooltip":"The tests might only get executed after the due date or there was an issue during the execution of the tests.","scaIssueCount":"You have {{issues}} code issues.","manualFeedbackCount":"You received {{feedbacks}} manual feedbacks.","buildLogs":{"viewLogs":"View build logs"}},"ScoringType":{"null":"","ALL_OR_NOTHING":"ALL_OR_NOTHING","PROPORTIONAL_WITH_PENALTY":"PROPORTIONAL_WITH_PENALTY","PROPORTIONAL_WITHOUT_PENALTY":"PROPORTIONAL_WITHOUT_PENALTY"},"shortAnswerMapping":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Mappings","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Mapping"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Mapping with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Mapping {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Mapping"},"shortAnswerSpotIndex":"Short Answer Spot Index","shortAnswerSolutionIndex":"Short Answer Solution Index","invalid":"Invalid","solution":"Solution","spot":"Spot","question":"Question"},"shortAnswerQuestion":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Questions","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Question"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Question with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Question with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Question with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Question {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Question"},"spots":"Spots","solutions":"Solutions","correctMappings":"Correct Mappings","editor":{"addHint":"[-h] Hint","addExplanation":"[-e] Explanation","addSpot":"[-spot #] Add Spot","addOption":"[-option #] Add Answer Option","text":"Text","visual":"Visual","visualModeHeadline":"Visual Mode","visualModeExplanation":"Please highlight one word an click on the Add Spot button to create one spot with the corresponding solution"},"addShortAnswerSolution":"Add Short Answer Solution"},"shortAnswerQuestionStatistic":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Question Statistics","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Question Statistic"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Question Statistic with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Question Statistic {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Question Statistic"},"shortAnswerSpotCounters":"Short Answer Spot Counters"},"shortAnswerSolution":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Solutions","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Solution"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Solution with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Solution with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Solution with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Solution {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Solution"},"text":"Text","invalid":"Invalid","question":"Question"},"shortAnswerSpot":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Spots","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Spot"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Spot with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Spot with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Spot with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Spot {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Spot"},"width":"Width","invalid":"Invalid","question":"Question","invalidSpot":"This spot was marked as invalid. Your answer here will count as correct"},"shortAnswerSpotCounter":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Spot Counters","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Spot Counter"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Spot Counter with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Spot Counter with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Spot Counter with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Spot Counter {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Spot Counter"},"spot":"Spot","shortAnswerQuestionStatistic":"Short Answer Question Statistic"},"shortAnswerSubmittedAnswer":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Submitted Answers","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Submitted Answer"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Submitted Answer {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Submitted Answer"},"submittedTexts":"Submitted Texts"},"shortAnswerSubmittedText":{"home":{"title":"Short Answer Submitted Texts","createLabel":"Create a new Short Answer Submitted Text"},"created":"Created new Short Answer Submitted Text with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Short Answer Submitted Text with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Short Answer Submitted Text with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Short Answer Submitted Text {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Short Answer Submitted Text"},"text":"Text","spot":"Spot","submittedAnswer":"Submitted Answer"},"showStatistic":{"participants":"Participants","chooseStatistic":"Choose Statistic","previousStatistic":"Previous Statistic","nextStatistic":"Next Statistic","releaseStatistic":"Release Statistics","rereleaseStatistic":"Revoke Statistics","switchToRated":"Show graded Results","switchToUnrated":"Show unrated Results","showSolution":"Show Solution","hideSolution":"Hide Solution","quizPointStatisticTitle":"Point Distribution","quizStatisticTitle":"Quiz Statistic","recalculateStatistics":"Recalculate Statistics","quizQuestions":"Quiz questions","quizPointStatistic":{"maxScore":"Maximum Points: ","titleRated":"Point Distribution (graded)","titleUnrated":"Point Distribution (ungraded)","xAxes":"Points","yAxes":"Amount"},"quizStatistic":{"average":"Average","titleRated":"Quiz Statistic (graded)","titleUnrated":"Quiz Statistic (ungraded)","xAxes":"Questions","yAxes":"Correct Solutions"},"questionStatistic":{"titleRated":"Answer Distribution (graded)","titleUnrated":"Answer Distribution (unrated)","xAxes":"Answers","yAxes":"Amount","correct":"correct","incorrect":"incorrect"},"dragAndDropQuestionStatistic":{"xAxes":"DropLocation","yAxes":"Amount","showSampleSolution":"Show Sample Solution","hideSampleSolution":"Hide Sample Solution"},"invalid":"(invalid)","quizHasEnded":"Quiz has ended!","now":"Now"},"standardizedCompetency":{"title":"Standardized Competencies","model":{"title":"Title","description":"Description","taxonomy":"Taxonomy","knowledgeArea":"Knowledge Area","version":"Version","source":"Source"},"details":{"title":"Standardized Competency Details","titleCreate":"Create Standardized Competency","titleEdit":"Edit Standardized Competency","error":{"titleRequired":"A standardized competency needs to have a title","titleMaxLength":"The title of a standardized competency is limited to {{max}} characters","descriptionMaxLength":"The description of a standardized competency is limited to {{max}} characters","knowledgeAreaRequired":"A standardized competency needs to have a knowledge area"}},"manage":{"title":"Standardized Competency Management","filter":"Filter competencies","empty":"No knowledge areas or standardized competencies exist. You can create a new knowledge area with the \"+\" button.","importButton":"Import competency catalog","exportButton":"Export competency catalog","expandButtonTooltip":"Expand all knowledge areas","collapseButtonTooltip":"Collapse all knowledge areas","updateTreeError":"Something went wrong while updating the knowledge area tree. Please reload the page.","deleteModal":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the standardized competency {{title}}? You can not undo this action!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the standardized competency for confirmation."},"cancelModal":{"title":"Warning: Unsaved Changes","text":"Are you sure you want to cancel editing the standardized competency {{title}}? Press Cancel to go back, or Confirm to proceed."},"successAlerts":{"create":"Successfully created standardized competency {{title}}","update":"Successfully updated standardized competency {{title}}","delete":"Successfully deleted standardized competency {{title}}"},"import":{"title":"Import Standardized Competencies","preview":{"title":"Import Preview","empty":"No objects available for the preview. Please select a file with valid objects."},"format":{"title":"Required File Format","text1":"Standardized competencies can be imported from a .json file into Artemis. After selecting a file, you can then verify that the knowledge areas and competencies were read correctly.","text2":"The .json file must contain an object with the keys knowledgeAreas and sources. The former contains all knowledge areas and standardized competencies to import and the latter contains all source details of the competencies imported.","text3":"Example of a valid import file (except for the comments):"},"count":"Read {{competencies}} competencies and {{knowledgeAreas}} knowledge areas from the file","error":{"fileCount":"Please only upload one file","fileTooBig":"The file is too big. The maximum file size is 20 MB","fileExtension":"Unsupported file extension. Please upload a .json file","fileSyntax":"Unable to parse file. Please upload a file with valid .json syntax","fileStructure":"Unable to parse file. Please verify it follows the required file structure"},"success":"Successfully imported all knowledge areas and standardized competencies"}},"courseImport":{"title":"Import Standardized Competencies","prerequisiteTitle":"Import Standardized Competencies as Prerequisites","empty":"No knowledge areas or standardized competencies exist.","success":"Successfully imported {{count}} standardized competencies","selectedTitle":"Selected Competencies","selectedEmpty":"No standardized competencies selected for import","selectedCompetencies":"{{count}} standardized competencies selected for import"}},"knowledgeArea":{"empty":"This knowledge area has no content","model":{"title":"Title","shortTitle":"Short title","description":"Description","parent":"Parent Knowledge Area"},"manage":{"createButtonTooltip":"Create knowledge area","detailsTooltip":"Open knowledge area details","deleteModal":{"question":"Do you really want to delete the knowledge area {{title}}? You can not undo this action! This will also delete all knowledge areas and standardized competencies contained!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please enter the name of the knowledge area for confirmation."},"cancelModal":{"title":"Warning: Unsaved Changes","text":"Are you sure you want to cancel editing the knowledge area {{title}}? Press Cancel to go back, or Confirm to proceed."},"successAlerts":{"create":"Successfully created knowledge area {{title}}","update":"Successfully updated knowledge area {{title}}","delete":"Successfully deleted knowledge area {{title}}"}},"details":{"title":"Knowledge Area Details","titleCreate":"Create Knowledge Area","titleEdit":"Edit Knowledge Area","createKnowledgeAreaButton":"Add knowledge area","createCompetencyButton":"Add Competency","error":{"titleRequired":"A knowledge area needs to have a title","titleMaxLength":"The title of a knowledge area is limited to {{max}} characters","shortTitleRequired":"A knowledge area needs to have a short title","shortTitleMaxLength":"The short title of a knowledge area is limited to {{max}} characters","descriptionMaxLength":"The description of a knowledge area is limited to {{max}} characters","parentIdCircle":"A knowledge area cannot have itself or one of its descendants as parent"}}},"studentDashboard":{"title":"Your current courses","recentlyAccessed":"Recently accessed courses","otherCourses":"Other courses","noCourses":"You are not enrolled in any courses. Enroll manually or contact your course instructor.","exerciseTitle":"Current active exercise in \"{{ course }}\"","exerciseTitleWithoutDueDate":"Current exercise in \"{{ course }}\":","examTitle":"Current exam in \"{{ course }}\":","cardTitle":"Your overall points:","noStatistics":"No statistics available","cardNoExerciseLabel":"No exercise planned","cardExerciseLabel":"Next Exercise:","enroll":{"title":"Course Enrollment","enrollSuccessful":"Enrollment successful","enrollInCourse":"Enroll","notInCourseButCanEnroll":"You are not enrolled in this course, but you can enroll yourself.","cancel":"Cancel","coursePrerequisites":"Prerequisites","noCourse":"No courses available for enrollment","courseLoading":"Course is loading...","coursesLoading":"Courses are loading...","courseEnrollmentConfirmationTitle":"Confirm enrollment for course \"{{ courseName }}\""},"course":"Course"},"courseOverview":{"noCourseIcon":"No course icon available","showMore":"Show more","showLess":"Show less","manage":"Manage","studentView":"Student view","general":{"noDataFound":"No data found."},"sidebar":{"past":"Past","current":"Current","dueSoon":"Due soon","future":"Future","noDueDate":"No due date","noDate":"No date","all":"Tutorial Groups","registered":"My Tutorial Groups","further":"Further Tutorial Groups","real":"Exams","test":"Test Exams","start":"Start","workingTime":"Working Time","attainablePoints":"Attainable Points","noUpcomingSession":"No upcoming Session","header":"Conversations","show":"Show conversations","hide":"Hide conversations","notFound":"No conversation found","favoriteChannels":"Favorites","hiddenChannels":"Hidden","channels":"Channels","generalChannels":"General","exerciseChannels":"Exercises","lectureChannels":"Lectures","examChannels":"Exams","createChannel":"Create channel","browseChannels":"Browse channels","groupChats":"Group Chats","directMessages":"Direct Messages","filterConversationPlaceholder":"Filter conversations"},"menu":{"exercises":"Exercises","textExercise":"Text Exercise","fileUploadExercise":"File Upload Exercise","programmingExercise":"Programming Exercise","modelingExercise":"Modeling Exercise","quizExercise":"Quiz Exercise","repository":"Repository","statistics":"Statistics","lectures":"Lectures","tutorialGroups":"Tutorials","competencies":"Competencies","learningPath":"Learning Path","more":"More","dashboard":"Dashboard","exams":"Exams","testExam":"Test Exam","communication":"Communication","plagiarismCases":"Plagiarism Cases","gradingSystem":"Grading System"},"exerciseList":{"filter":"Filter ({{ num }})","releaseDate":"Release Date","dueDate":"Due Date","unreleased":"Hide unreleased","fullScore":"Hide full points","overdue":"Hide overdue","optional":"Hide optional","noExerciseDate":"No date associated","exerciseGroupHeader":"(Exercises: {{ total }})","currentExerciseGroupHeader":"Current exercise active until {{ date }}:","currentExerciseGroupHeaderWithoutDueDate":"Current exercise:","sortExercises":"Sort exercises","newFirst":"Newest","oldFirst":"Oldest","past":"Past","current":"Current","future":"Future","noDueDate":"No due date","noDate":"No date","view":"View","timeframeView":"Timeframe view","weeklyView":"Weekly view","noExercises":"No exercises available for the course.","noExerciseMatchesSearchAndFilters":"No exercises found with the current search and filter settings.","notReleasedTooltip":"Only visible to teaching assistants and instructors. Release Date: ","notReleased":"Not released","live":"Live","shortDueDate":"Due","userNotAssignedToTeam":"You have not been assigned to a team yet.","userNotStartedExercise":"You have not started this exercise yet.","exerciseSubmitted":"Submitted, you can still submit updates.","exerciseSubmittedWaitingForGrading":"Submitted, waiting for grading.","exerciseNotSubmitted":"No Submission","exerciseMissedDueDate":"You have missed the due date.","exerciseLateSubmission":"Late submission, waiting for feedback.","exerciseLateFeedback":"Late submission with feedback.","quizNotStarted":"The quiz is not active.","userNotParticipated":"You did not participate in this live quiz.","userParticipating":"You are currently participating in this quiz.","userSubmitted":"You have already submitted.","userNotStartedExerciseShort":"Not yet started","userNotAssignedToTeamShort":"No team yet","exerciseNotSubmittedShort":"No Submission","exerciseMissedDueDateShort":"Missed due date","quizNotStartedShort":"Not yet started","userNotParticipatedShort":"Not participated","userParticipatingShort":"Currently participating","userSubmittedShort":"Already submitted","noDateAssociated":"No date associated","details":{"courseInformation":"Course Information:","totalExercises":"Total Exercises:","quizTotal":"Total Quiz Exercises:","modelingTotal":"Total Modeling Exercises:","programmingTotal":"Total Programming Exercises:","textTotal":"Total Text Exercises:","file-uploadTotal":"Total File Upload Exercises:","startDate":"Start:","endDate":"End:","enrollmentStartDate":"Enrollment from:","enrollmentEndDate":"Enrollment until:","unenrollmentEndDate":"Unenrollment until:","unenrollmentButton":"Unenroll","unenrollmentModal":{"title":"Confirm Course Unenrollment","confirmationQuestion":"Are you sure you want to unenroll from","reenrollmentNotPossible":"The course does not allow you to enroll again. This is an irreversible action.","reenrollmentPossible":"If you change your mind, the course will allow you to enroll again until:","confirmationInput":"Enter the title of the course:","cancelButton":"Cancel","acceptButton":"Yes, I want to unenroll.","unenrollmentSuccessful":"Unenrollment successful"},"upcomingDueDates":"Upcoming Due Dates:","noUpcomingExercises":"There are no upcoming exercises."}},"statistics":{"totalScore":"Your overall points","totalPresentationScore":"Your total presentation score: {{ number }}","presentationScoreBonus":"Required presentation score for the bonus: {{ number }}","totalPresentationPoints":"Your presentation points: {{ number }}","achievablePresentationPoints":"Achievable presentation points: {{ number }}","hideNotIncludedInScoreExercises":"Hide Optional","exerciseCount":"{{ number }} {{type}}","yourPoints":"Your points: {{ number }}","reachablePoints":"Attainable points: {{ number }} ({{ relative }}%)","totalPoints":"Overall points: {{ number }} ({{ relative }}%)","presentationScore":"Presentations: {{ number }}","noStatistics":"No statistics available for this course.","bonusPointTooltip":"Bonus Exercise: Points count as bonus points towards your course score!","notIncludedTooltip":"Not Included Exercise: Points do NOT count towards your course score!","exerciseAchievedScore":"Achieved Points: {{ points }} points ({{ percentage }}%)","exerciseMissedScore":"Missed Points: {{ points }} points ({{ percentage }}%)","exerciseNotGraded":"{{ exercise }} has not yet been graded.","exerciseNotParticipated":"You did not participate in {{ exercise }}.","exerciseParticipatedAfterDueDate":"You participated in {{ exercise }}, but after the due date.","noPointsForExercise":"You can't receive points for this exercise.","description":"Here you see all results that influence your score in the course, for which the assessment due date has passed.","reachableHelpExerciseGroup":"Attainable points is the sum of the maximum points for all exercises of this type assessed so far, independent of your participation","totalHelpExerciseGroup":"Overall points is the sum of the maximum points for all exercises of this type.","reachableHelp":"Attainable points is the sum of the maximum points for all exercises assessed so far, independent of your participation","totalHelp":"Overall points are the sum of the maximum points for all exercises.","grade":"Current grade","bonus":"Current bonus points","gradeInfo":"(based on attainable points)","gradeHelp":"The grade is based on your attainable points. It could change until the end of the course when more exercises have been assessed.","bonusHelp":"The bonus points are based on your attainable points. They could change until the end of the course when more exercises have been assessed.","presentationHelp":"The reachable presentation points are based on your attainable points. They could change until the end of the course when more exercises have been assessed.","programmingExerciseFailedTests":"{{ tests }} tests failed ({{ percentage }}%)","programmingExercisePassedTests":"{{ tests }} tests passed ({{ percentage }}%)","programmingPointLabel":"Programming Points","quizPointLabel":"Quiz Points","modelingPointLabel":"Modeling Points","textPointLabel":"Text Points","fileUploadPointLabel":"File upload Points","presentationPointsLabel":"Presentation Points","missingPointsLabel":"Missing Points","achievedPointsLabel":"Achieved Points","includeStandardCategories":"Hide Artemis standard categories:","includeIndividualCategories":"Include course specific categories:","includeAllCategories":"Select all options","exercisesWithNoCategories":"Exercises with no categories","pointsPerExercise":"Points per Exercise"},"competencies":{"noData":"No competencies available for this course."},"tutorialGroups":{"selectTutorialGroup":"Please select a Tutorial Group."},"exams":{"selectExam":"Please select an Exam."},"lectureList":{"lectureGroupHeader":"(Lectures: {{ total }})","totalLectures":"Total lectures:","totalAttachments":"Total attachments:","isLecture":"This is a lecture","noLectures":"No lectures available for the course."},"lectureDetails":{"description":"Description","lectureUnits":"Lecture Units","attachments":"Attachments","noAttachments":"There are no attachments available for this lecture.","date":"Date","notReleased":"Not released","version":"Version","isDownloading":"Is downloading...","downloadMergedPdf":"Download Complete PDF","selectLecture":" Please select a Lecture."},"exerciseDetails":{"dueDate":"Due date:","runTestsAfterDueDate":"Tests run after due date:","complaintDueDate":"Complaint due date:","categories":"Categories:","type":"Type:","difficulty":"Difficulty:","exerciseStatus":"Exercise status:","points":"Points:","bonus":"Bonus:","of":" of ","problemStatement":"Problem statement:","noResults":"You have no results yet","instructorActions":{"title":"Instructor actions:","titleTutor":"Tutor actions:","scores":"Scores","statistics":"Statistics"},"notParticipated":"Not participated","yourGradedResult":"Your graded result:","recentResults":"Recent results:","noGradedResult":"You have no graded result.","allResults":"All results:","hideResults":"Hide results","showResults":"Show all results","graded":"Graded","notGraded":"Not graded","rated":"Graded","practice":"Practice","assessmentType":"Assessment:","releaseDate":"Release date:","releaseDateTooltip":"Students can see this exercise from {{date}}.","startDate":"Start date:","startDateTooltip":"Students can work on this exercise from {{date}}.","submissionDue":"Submission due:","submissionDueTooltip":"The submission is due by {{date}}.","exampleSolutionPublicationDate":"Example solution publication date:","exampleSolutionPublicationDateTooltip":"The example solution is published at {{date}}.","assessmentDue":"Assessment due:","assessmentDueTooltip":"The assessment is due by {{date}}.","complaintDue":"Complaint due:","complaintDueTooltip":"You can write a complain until {{date}}.","complaintPossible":"Complaint possible:","complaintPossibleTooltip":"After receiving an assessment, you will have {{days}} days to file a complaint.","presented":"Presented:","presentation":"Presentation:","selectExercise":"Please select an Exercise."}},"studentAnalyticsDashboard":{"competencyAccordion":{"title":"Competencies","noData":"No competencies available for this course.","nextActivities":"Next activities to master this competency","exercises":"Exercises","lectures":"Lectures","progress":"Progress: {{ progress }}%","lectureProgress":"Lecture Progress: {{ progress }}%","exerciseProgress":"Exercise Progress: {{ progress }}%","congratulations":"Congratulations! You finished all released activities in this competency to at least 80% completion 🎉"},"button":{"showLearningPath":"Show Learning Path","viewLecturesAndExercises":"View All Lectures and Exercises"}},"submission":{"home":{"title":"Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new Submission"},"created":"Created new Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Submission"},"submitted":"Submitted","submissionDate":"Submission Date","type":"Type","result":"Result","participation":"Participation","lockedSubmissionsLimitReached":"You have reached the maximum number of unfinished assessments in this course. Please finish your open assessments before starting a new one.","resultTimeout":"The result for your last submission is not available. Please submit your code again.","createExternal":"Create External Submission"},"SubmissionType":{"null":"","MANUAL":"MANUAL","TIMEOUT":"TIMEOUT","TEST":"TEST","OTHER":"OTHER"},"submittedAnswer":{"home":{"title":"Submitted Answers","createLabel":"Create a new Submitted Answer"},"created":"Created new Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Submitted Answer with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Submitted Answer {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Submitted Answer"},"scoreInPoints":"Score In Points","question":"Question","submission":"Submission"},"team":{"home":{"title":"Teams","createLabel":"Create a new Team"},"created":"Created new Team with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Team {{ param }}","deleted":"Updated Team {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete the team {{ title }} and its participation in the exercise? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the short name of the team to confirm."},"detail":{"title":"Team","students":{"login":"Login","name":"Name","email":"E-Mail"},"noOwner":"No tutor","participationsTable":{"title":"Participation in \"{{ courseTitle }}\" of","columns":{"assessment":{"label":"Assessment","tooltip":"Assessment can only be done for successful submissions and after exercise due date."},"participationId":{"label":"Participation ID"}},"complaintOrMoreFeedbackRequest":"Complaint or More Feedback Request"}},"team":"Team","name":{"label":"Name","minlength":"The name must be at least 3 characters long."},"teamName":{"missingTeamName":"No team name is assigned to the student {{ studentName }} in entry {{ entryNr }}.","pattern":"The team name {{ teamName }} in entry {{ entryNr }} does not start with a letter."},"shortName":{"label":"Short Name","tooltip":"The short name of the team can NOT be edited after creating the team! It is used as a unique identifier for the repositories and build plans.","pattern":"The short name must start with a letter and cannot contain special characters.","minlength":"The short name must be at least 3 characters long.","alreadyTaken":"This short name is already taken by another team."},"owner":{"label":"Tutor","tooltip":"Only instructors can re-assign tutors to teams."},"image":"Image","students":"Students","tutor":"Tutor","filters":{"all":"All teams","own":"Own teams"},"invalidFileType":"Invalid file type for team import: {{ fileType }}","invalidCsvHeader":"The CSV file must have the following header: {{ expectedHeader }}","invalidCsvLine":"Line {{ line }} is not in the proper format","missingUserNameOrId":"The student in entry {{ entryNr }} has neither a username nor a registration number.","noStudentsAddedYet":"No students added yet.","addStudentToTeam":"Add a student to the team (by searching for login or name)","studentSearch":{"queryTooShort":"Please enter at least 3 characters.","failed":"Search failed. Please try again.","noResults":"No students found in course for search:"},"errors":{"studentAlreadyAssignedToTeam":"Student with login {{ studentLogin }} is already assigned to team with id {{ teamId }.","registrationNumbersNotFound":"Students with following registration numbers could not be found: {{ registrationNumbers }}","loginsNotFound":"Students with following usernames could not be found: {{ logins }}","studentsWithoutRegistrationNumbers":"Following students do not have registration numbers: {{ students }}","studentsAppearMultipleTimes":"Following students appear multiple times in imported teams: {{ students }}","importFailed":"Import Teams Failed! Invalid teams file."},"selectOwnerForTeam":"Select tutor (by searching for login or name)","ownerSearch":{"queryTooShort":"Please enter at least 3 characters.","failed":"Search failed. Please try again.","noResults":"No tutors found in course for search:"},"ownerChangeWarning":"Important: This will change the tutor for team {{ shortName }} in the whole course!","teamSizeNote":"Recommended team size:","teamSizeUnit":"students","ignoreTeamSizeRecommendation":"Proceed against recommendation","createTeam":{"label":"Create team","error":"Could not create team. Please try again."},"updateTeam":{"label":"Edit","error":"Could not update team. Please try again."},"removeTeam":{"label":"Delete","error":"Could not remove team. Please try again."},"importTeams":{"buttonLabel":"Import teams","dialogTitle":"Import teams into:","introTextExercise":"This dialog can be used to import teams from another exercise of this course into this exercise.","introTextFile":"This dialog can be used to import teams from a .json or .csv file into this exercise.","error":"Could not import teams. Please try again.","fromAnExercise":"From an exercise","fromAFile":"From a file"},"exportTeams":{"buttonLabel":"Export teams"},"sourceExercise":{"label":"Source exercise","tooltip":"The teams from the selected source exercise will be copied into this exercise."},"sourceFile":{"label":"Source file","tooltip":"The teams from the selected file will be copied into this exercise."},"selectExerciseForImport":"Select exercise (by searching for the title)","exerciseSearch":{"failed":"Search failed. Please try again.","noResults":"There are no other team-based exercises in this course.","noResultsForSearchTerm":"No other team-based exercise found in course for search:"},"sourceTeams":{"label":"Source teams","tooltip":"These teams will be copied into the current exercise.","legend":{"label":"Legend","tooltip":"The legend shows the three different conflict states that a source team can have.","teamShortName":"team","items":{"conflictFreeTeam":{"label":"Conflict-free team","tooltip":"This team can be imported without any issues."},"teamShortNameConflict":{"label":"Team short name conflict","tooltip":"A team with the same short name already exists in this exercise."},"studentConflict":{"label":"Student conflict","tooltip":"The student highlighted in red is already part of a team for this exercise."}}}},"loadSourceTeams":{"failed":"Loading teams failed. Please try again."},"noTeamsInSourceExercise":"The source exercise has no team.","noTeamsInFile":"File has no team.","importStrategy":{"label":"Import strategy","tooltip":"The import strategy determines which of the source teams will be imported and what happens to existing teams in this exercise.","options":{"purgeExisting":{"label":"Purge existing","badge":"dangerous","explanation":"Before importing all of the teams from the source exercise above, all existing teams and their participation in this exercise will be deleted."},"createOnly":{"label":"Create only","badge":"safe","explanation":"Only conflict-free source teams (shown above in green) will be imported. Existing teams in this exercise will not be touched."}}},"importPreview":{"noTeamsToImport":"No teams to import","noConflictFreeTeamsToImport":"No conflict-free teams to import","teamsToBeDeleted":"Existing teams to be deleted:","teamsToBeImported":"Teams to be imported:","outOf":"(out of {{ number }})","totalTeamsAfterImport":"Total teams after import:","studentsInMultipleTeams":"There are students that are in more than one team."},"purgeConfirmationDialog":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete all teams and participation in the exercise {{ title }}? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNameToConfirm":"Please type in the title of the exercise to confirm."},"importError":"Import failed. Please try again or contact an administrator for assistance.","importSuccess":"Import was successful! {{ numberOfImportedTeams }} teams were imported."},"textAssessment":{"title":"Assessment Editor for Text Exercises","loading":"Please wait while Artemis finds the submission!","heading":{"assessment":"Assessment Editor for Text Exercise {{exerciseTitle}}","exampleAssessment":"Example Assessment Editor for Text Exercise {{exerciseTitle}}"},"assessor":"Reviewer","save":"Save Assessment","saveSuccessful":"Your assessment was saved successfully!","submit":"Submit Assessment","submitSuccessful":"Your assessment was submitted successfully!","override":"Override Assessment","resultDismissed":"Your assessment was rejected because another tutor has already graded this submission.","exampleSubmissionInstruction":"Create an example submission","error":{"invalidAssessments":"Your assessments are not valid!","invalidScoreMustBeNumber":"The points field must be a number and can not be empty!","invalidNeedScoreOrFeedback":"Each Feedback item must have at least points or feedback text.","feedbackReferenceTooLong":"Please select a text block shorter than 2000 characters."},"assessInstruction":"Please highlight the text block you want to assess and click the \"Assess\" button.","predefineTextBlocks":"Add Text Blocks automatically","lock":"You now have the lock on this submission. Only you can assess this submission. Please assess this submission before opening other submissions.","submissionLocked":"submission locked","studentSubmission":"Student submission","instructions":"  Instructions  ","editor":{"assess":"Assess"},"dashboard":{"heading":"Submissions and assessments of text exercise \"{{exerciseTitle}}\""},"notFound":"We couldn't find any unassessed text submissions. Please return to the dashboard.","updateAfterComplaintSuccessful":"The assessment was updated successfully.","updateAfterComplaintFailed":"Updating the assessment failed.","cancel":"Cancel assessment","confirmCancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel the assessment? Your current assessment progress will be deleted and the submission will be available for assessment to other tutors again.","feedbackEditor":{"dismissFeedback":"Do you want to delete this feedback?","dismissFeedbackConfirmation":"Please confirm that you want to delete this feedback!"},"assessmentInstruction":"Please hover over and click on the text block you want to assess.
To assess custom text blocks, hold alt/option while clicking in any order on the first and last word of a text segment."},"textExercise":{"home":{"title":"Text Exercises","createLabel":"Create Text Exercise","editLabel":"Edit Text Exercise","importLabel":"Import Text Exercise"},"submitButton":{"create":"Create","import":"Import","save":"Save"},"wordCount":"Number of words: {{ count }}","characterCount":"Number of characters: {{ count }}","created":"Created new Text Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Text Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Text Exercise with identifier {{ param }}","detail":{"title":"Text Exercise"},"sampleSolution":"Example Solution","exampleSubmissions":"Example submissions","assessedSubmission":"Your assessed submission","assessedSubmissionInstructor":"The assessed submission","submission":"Submission","assessmentPending":"Assessment pending","createExampleSubmissions":"Create example submission","checkPlagiarism":"Plagiarism","saveSuccessful":"Your answer was saved successfully!","error":"An error occurred. Please try again later.","tutorEffortStatistics":{"title":"Tutor Effort Statistics","titleDescription":"Distribution of the tutor effort: Displays how many students spent how many minutes for correcting submissions of this exercise. The interval containing the median of this distribution is highlighted in dark blue if at least one tutor satisfies this interval.","numberOfSubmissionsAssessed":"Number of total submissions involved","totalTimeSpent":"Total time spent grading (Minutes)","averageTime":"Grading Speed (Submissions/Minute)","effortMedian":"Effort median (Minutes)","noData":"No data records currently present for this exercise. Please try again later.","minutes":"Minutes","tutors":"Tutors","multipleTutors":"tutors","singleTutor":"tutor","forMinutes":"corrected for {{ interval }} minutes","medianOfSubmissions":"Median # of assessed submissions: {{ median }}","numberOfTutorsInvolved":"Number of tutors involved"}},"textSubmission":{"home":{"title":"Text Submissions","createLabel":"Create a new Text Submission"},"created":"Created new Text Submission with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated Text Submission with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted Text Submission with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete Text Submission {{ id }}?"},"detail":{"title":"Text Submission"},"text":"Text","view":"View assessment","textEditor":"Text Editor"},"theme":{"darkMode":"Dark Mode","sync":"Sync with Operating System"},"tutorialGroupExportDialog":{"buttonHeader":"Export Tutorial Groups","header":"Select fields for CSV Export","description":"Please select at least one checkbox:","toolTip":"This dialog can be used to export tutorial groups to a CSV file or JSON file. You can choose which information you want to include.","cancel":"Cancel","exportCSV":"Export as CSV","exportJSON":"Export as JSON","selectAll":"Select all","failedCSV":"Export to CSV failed","failedJSON":"Export to JSON failed"},"tutorialGroupImportDialog":{"warning":"Warning","finishedWarning":"Artemis has finished importing the tutorial group. Be aware that the tutorial groups were created without schedule and default settings such as assigning yourself as tutor. You can change these settings and add a schedule by editing the respective groups.","importButton":"Import Tutorial Groups","dialogTitle":"Import Tutorial Group Registrations","explanations":{"description":"This dialog allows you to import tutorial groups and student registrations from a CSV file. If a tutorial group does not exist, it will be created. If students are listed in the CSV then they will be moved from their current tutorial group to the new one specified in the CSV file. If a tutorial group exists but does not add any students to it, then it will not be imported.","requirements":"The top row of the CSV file must specify the headers. Each row must include a title for the tutorial group. To register students, each row must additionally include either the matriculation number or the login of the student. First and last names are optional."},"supportedHeaderNames":{"label":"Supported header names (versions with spaces, underscores, hyphens and uppercase letters are also supported): ","format":"The bullet points below show the header names that the system can recognize (left side) and how they will be interpreted after parsing the CSV file (right side).","alwaysRequired":"One of these Header is always required to identify the tutorial group: ","requiredIfStudentRegistration":"One of these is required as Header if you want to identify and register students:","alwaysOptional":"Optional Headers (just for display purposes): ","tutorialGroupTitle":"Tutorial Group, gruppe, titel, group, title, tutorial group -> Tutorial Group","registrationNumber":"Matriculation Number, Matrikelnummer, registrationnumber, matriculationnumber, matrikelnummer, number -> Matriculation Number","login":"Login, Anmeldename, login, user, username, benutzer, benutzername -> Login","firstName":"First Name, Vorname, firstname, firstnameofstudent, givenname, forename, vorname -> First Name","lastName":"Last Name, Nachname, familyname, lastname, familynameofstudent, surname, nachname, familienname, name -> Last Name","campus":"Campus, campus -> Campus","language":"Language, Sprache, language -> Language","additionalInformation":"Additional Information, additionalinformation -> Additional Information","capacity":"Capacity, capacity -> Capacity","isOnline":"is Online, ist Online, isonline -> Is Online"},"errorMessages":{"genericErrorMessage":"Import of tutorial groups failed!","withoutTitle":"The following rows miss a tutorial group title: ","invalidTitle":"The following rows have an invalid tutorial group title (Titles may only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens and max 19 characters): ","noIdentificationInformation":"The following rows specify a user but do not contain a login or matriculation number: ","duplicatedLogins":"The following logins are assigned to multiple tutorial groups: ","duplicatedRegistrationNumbers":"The following matriculation numbers are assigned to multiple tutorial groups: "},"serverErrors":{"notitle":"No tutorial group title","nologinorregistrationnumber":"No login or matriculation number","nouserfound":"No matching student found in course","multipleregistrations":"Multiple registrations in csv for student"},"csvFile":{"label":"Select a .csv file","validationFailed":"Please repair the file, it is not considered valid due to the following error: ","parseCSVButton":"Parse CSV"},"fixedPlaceForm":{"checkbox":{"label":"Do you want to only parse certain rows? Then specify a header and the required value for that header to filter the rows accordingly.","explanation":"Only rows with the specified value in the specified header column will be parsed from the CSV file. For Example: Only students who have a 'confirmed place' as value in the 'Place' Header should be parsed from the CSV file."},"statusHeaderInput":{"label":"Status Header","placeholder":"Enter the header that contains the status of the registration. E.g. 'Place'","maxLengthValidationError":"Status Header is limited to {{ max }} characters!"},"fixedPlaceValueInput":{"label":"Confirmed Value","placeholder":"Enter the value that indicates a confirmed fixed place. E.g. 'Confirmed Place'","maxLengthValidationError":"Confirmed Value is limited to {{ max }} characters!"}},"table":{"example1":"This example CSV format shows the minimum required headers to parse a CSV:","example2":"This example CSV format shows the headers required to register students with a registration number, with First Name and Last Name being optional:","example3":"This example CSV format shows the headers required to register students with a login, with First Name and Last Name being optional:","example4":"This example CSV format shows the optional headers in addition to the headers which allow student import that can be added (it is not necessary to have all optional headers in order to import one optional header):","template":"Download Example","showNotImportedButton":"Not imported registrations","showImportedButton":"Imported registrations","showAllButton":"All registrations","groupA":"Group A","groupB":"Group B","columns":{"title":"Tutorial Group","registrationNumber":"Matriculation Number","login":"Login","firstName":"First Name","lastName":"Last Name","campus":"Campus","language":"Language","additionalInformation":"Additional Information","capacity":"Capacity","isOnline":"is Online","error":"Error"},"footer":{"imported":"Imported: {{ count }} Registrations","notImported":"Not imported: {{ count }} Registrations","total":"Total: {{ count }} Registrations"}}},"generic":{"unknown":"Unknown","more":"More...","offline":"Offline","online":"Online","german":"German","english":"English","weekdays":{"monday":"Monday","tuesday":"Tuesday","wednesday":"Wednesday","thursday":"Thursday","friday":"Friday","saturday":"Saturday","sunday":"Sunday"},"repetitions":{"everyWeek":"Every week","everyNWeeks":"Every {{ n }} weeks"},"timeZone":"Time Zone: {{ timeZone }}","betaWarning":"This feature is currently in beta. Bugs and breaking changes may occur. Please report any issues on: https://github.com/ls1intum/Artemis/issues"},"entities":{"tutorialGroup":{"locationTime":"Location and Time","plural":"Tutorials","course":"Course","title":"Title","additionalInformation":"Additional Information","capacity":"Capacity","isOnline":"Online","campus":"Campus","language":"Language","teachingAssistant":"Tutor","registrations":"Registrations","registrationsWithCapacity":"Registrations / Capacity","schedule":"Schedule","sessions":"Sessions","nextSession":"Next Session","channel":"Chat","channelWithName":"Channel: {{ channel }}","channelReverse":"Channel of the tutorial group {{ title }}","utilization":"Utilization","attendance":"Attendance","utilizationHelp":"Average attendance divided by capacity (if defined). The average attendance considers the last three sessions. If no attendance is entered, the corresponding session is ignored and the calculation is performed with two or one session.","utilizationHelpDetail":"Average attendance divided by capacity","averageAttendance":"Average attendance: {{ averageAttendance }}","averageAttendanceDetail":"Average Attendance","averageAttendanceHelpDetail":"Average attendance in the last three sessions. If no attendance is entered, the corresponding session is ignored and the calculation is performed with two or one session."},"tutorialGroupSchedule":{"dayOfWeek":"Day of Week","time":"Time","startTime":"Start Time","endTime":"End Time","location":"Meeting Place","repetitionFrequency":"Repetition Frequency","repetitionOneWeek":"Repeats every week","repetitionNWeeks":"Repeats every {{ n }} weeks","validFromInclusive":"Valid From","validToInclusive":"Valid Until"},"tutorialGroupSession":{"date":"Date","start":"Start","end":"End","status":"Status","location":"Location","attendance":"# of Attendees"},"tutorialFreePeriod":{"date":"Date","startDate":"Start Date","endDate":"End Date","reason":"Reason"}},"forms":{"tutorialGroupForm":{"titleInput":{"label":"Title","placeholder":"G1 Mo {{ from }}-{{ to }}","requiredValidationError":"Title is required!","maxLengthValidationError":"Title can be max {{ max }} characters long!","regexValidationError":"Titles can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and dashes."},"updateChannelNameInput":{"label":"Update Channel Name","explanation":"If there is a messages channel associated with this tutorial group, the name of the channel will be updated with the title of the tutorial group if you enable this option."},"teachingAssistantInput":{"label":"Tutor","placeholder":"Select a tutor that will be responsible for this group.","loadingText":"Loading tutors...","notFoundText":"No tutors found.","requiredValidationError":"A tutorial groups needs a tutor assigned!","taHelp":"You can search by typing into the field."},"campusInput":{"label":"Campus","placeholder":"Select a campus where this group meets.","loadingText":"Loading campus...","notFoundText":"No campus found.","campusHelp":"You can search for a campus used in other tutorial groups by typing into the field.","maxLengthValidationError":"Campus is limited to {{ max }} characters!"},"additionalInformationInput":{"label":"Additional Information","placeholder":"Additional information about the tutorial group.","maxLengthValidationError":"Additional information is limited to {{ max }} characters!"},"capacityInput":{"label":"Capacity","unit":"Students","minValidationError":"Capacity must be at least 1!"},"languageInput":{"label":"Language","placeholder":"Select a Language","loadingText":"Languages are loading ...","notFoundText":"No languages found.","languageHelp":"You can search for a language used in other tutorial groups by typing into the field.","maxLengthValidationError":"Language is limited to {{ max }} characters!","requiredValidationError":"A language is required!"},"isOnlineInput":{"label":"Does this tutorial group meet online or offline?"},"notificationInput":{"label":"Optional: Notification about Changes","placeholder":"Notification Text.","maxLengthValidationError":"Notification text is limited to {{ max }} characters!","help":"If you want to inform the registered students and the assigned tutor about changes in this tutorial group, you can enter a notification text here. A notification containing the text will be sent."}},"scheduleForm":{"configureRecurringSchedule":"Configure recurring session schedule?","scheduleChangeWarning":"You changed the schedule. All sessions belonging to the old schedule will be deleted as a consequence. Are you sure you want to do this?","sessionCreationInfo":"The schedule contains the following sessions:","formTitle":"Schedule","repetitionFrequencyInput":{"label":"Session repeats every: ","weeks":"Weeks","requiredValidationError":"You need to select a repetition frequency!","minValidationError":"Repetition frequency must be at least {{min}}!","maxValidationError":"Repetition frequency must be at most {{max}}!"},"weekDayInput":{"label":"Day of Week"},"locationInput":{"labelOnline":"Meeting Link","labelOffline":"Meeting Place","placeholderOnline":"How can the students join the online meeting?","placeholderOffline":"How can the students find the room?","maxLengthValidationError":"Location is limited to {{ max }} characters!","requiredValidationError":"You need to enter a location!"},"timeInput":{"from":"Session starts at","to":"Session ends at","invalidTimeRange":"Time range must be a valid time range!"},"periodInput":{"label":"Period in which the tutorial group meets: ","periodWarning":"Note: The period you selected differs from the period of the global tutorial group configuration!","requiredValidationError":"You need to enter a period!","parseError":"Period must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD'","invalidRangeError":"Period must be a valid date range"}},"tutorialFreePeriodForm":{"timeFrame":{"periodWithinDay":"Free Period within a Day","period":"Free Period","day":"Free Day"},"dateInput":{"label":"Date","labelStart":"Start Date","labelEnd":"End Date","labelStartTime":"Start Time","labelEndTime":"End Time","requiredDateError":"You need to select a date for the tutorial free day!","requiredEndDateError":"You need to select an end date for the tutorial free period!","invalidEndDateError":"The end date of the tutorial free period needs to be after the start date!","parseError":"Date must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'"},"reasonInput":{"label":"Reason for no sessions on this day","placeholder":"National Holiday","maxLengthValidationError":"Reason is limited to {{ max }} characters!"}},"sessionForm":{"dateInput":{"label":"Date","requiredDateError":"You need to select a date for the tutorial group session!","parseError":"Date must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'"},"timeInput":{"from":"Session starts at","to":"Session ends at","invalidTimeRange":"Time range must be a valid time range!"},"locationInput":{"labelOnline":"Meeting Location / Link","placeholder":"Where can the students meet?","maxLengthValidationError":"Location / Link is limited to {{ max }} characters!","requiredValidationError":"You need to enter a location / link!"}},"configurationForm":{"timeZoneInput":{"label":"Timezone","beta":"The time zone is currently only used in conjunction with the tutorial group feature. It currently has no influence on other areas of Artemis","changeWarning":"You have changed the timezone. All individually created sessions and tutorial free days will be deleted. Only schedules sessions will be recreated in the new time zone. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?","placeholder":"Select a time zone","explanation":"The time zone in which the tutorial groups occur. This will be used to interpret the start and end times of the tutorial groups. You can search for a time zone by typing into the field.","requiredValidationError":"You need to select a time zone!"},"periodInput":{"label":"Tutorial Group Period","explanation":"The period in which the tutorial groups occur in the semester. This will the default schedule of every tutorial group. It can be overridden by individual schedules. For example, if you enter '01-01-2020 - 01-06-2020' here, all tutorial groups will have a default schedule from '01-01-2020 - 01-06-2020' by default. You can change this later for individual tutorial groups.","requiredValidationError":"You need to select a period!","parseError":"Period must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD'","invalidRangeError":"Period must be a valid date range"},"useTutorialGroupChannelsInput":{"label":"Use Artemis managed Tutorial Group Channels","channelDeletionWarning":"You have disabled the use of Artemis managed tutorial group channels. All channels that were created by Artemis will be deleted. Are you sure you want to do this?","explanation":"If enabled, Artemis will create a dedicated channel for each tutorial group in the 'Communication' section of the course. The channel can still be managed manually but Artemis automatically performs some common management tasks. Artemis will automatically add and remove students from the channel when they register or unregister for the tutorial group. The assigned tutor of the tutorial group will be made a moderator of the channel. The channel will be deleted when the tutorial group is deleted. It can not be deleted manually. This option can be changed later."}}},"upcomingExamsAndExercises":{"upcomingExamsAndExercises":"Upcoming Exams & Exercises","upcomingExercises":"Upcoming Exercises","exercise":"Exercise","course":"Course","dueDate":"Due Date","upcomingExams":"Upcoming Exams","exam":"Exam","startDate":"Start Date","endDate":"End Date","releaseDate":"Release Date"},"userManagement":{"batch":{"all":"All","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete {{ title }} users? This action can NOT be undone!","typeNumberToConfirm":"Please type in the number of users to confirm."},"deleted":"Deleted {{ param }} Users"},"filter":{"modal":{"open":"Filter ({{ num }})","title":"Filter User","close":"Close"},"authority":{"title":"Role ({{ num }})","tooltip":"Filter the users according to their permissions","admin":"Admin","instructor":"Instructor","editor":"Editor","ta":"Tutor","user":"Student","without":"No Role","withoutTooltip":"Select all users without any role"},"origin":{"title":"Origin ({{ num }})","tooltip":"Filters the users based on their administrative location","internal":"Internal","external":"External"},"registrationNumber":{"title":"Registration Number ({{ num }})","tooltip":"Filter the users based on their registration number","with_reg_no":"With registration number","without_reg_no":"Without registration number"},"status":{"title":"Status ({{ num }})","tooltip":"Filter the users based on their account status","activated":"Activated","deactivated":"Deactivated"},"course":{"title":"Course ({{ num }})","tooltip":"Filters the users according to their course affiliation","without":"No Course","withoutTooltip":"Select all users without any course"},"apply":"Apply","all":"All","none":"None"},"home":{"title":"Users","createLabel":"Create a new user","createOrEditLabel":"Create or edit a user"},"created":"Created new user with identifier {{ param }}","updated":"Updated User with identifier {{ param }}","deleted":"Deleted User with identifier {{ param }}","delete":{"question":"Are you sure you want to delete user {{ title }}?"},"detail":{"title":"User"},"login":"Login","firstName":"First name","lastName":"Last name","name":"Name","randomPassword":"Random password","keepPassword":"Keep old password","inputConstraints":"This field must contain {{min}} to {{max}} characters!","groups":"Groups","addGroup":"+ Group","enterGroup":"Enter a group","organizations":"User organizations","email":"Email","registrationNumber":"Registration Number","activated":"Activated","deactivated":"Deactivated","profiles":"Profiles","langKey":"Language","passwordTooltip":"You can only change passwords for internal users.","internal":"Internal","createdBy":"Created by","createdDate":"Created date","lastModifiedBy":"Modified by","lastModifiedDate":"Modified date","searchForUser":"Search for User: ","search":"Search","loading":"Loading...","searchError":"Search term must be empty or contain at least 3 characters.","jenkinsChange":"Changing the user's login is not supported for your current setup (Jenkins). You may have to manually update the user's login in Jenkins.\nYou changed the user {{ oldLogin }} to {{ newLogin }}."},"userSettings":{"settings":"Settings","saveChanges":"Save Changes","saveSettingsSuccessAlert":"Your Settings have been successfully saved.","userSettings":"User Settings","sshSettings":"SSH Settings","accountInformation":"Account Information","notificationSettings":"Notifications","notificationSettingsFilterInfo":"These settings also filter the notification sidebar","scienceSettings":"Science","scienceSettingsFeatureDisabled":"The science feature is currently disabled. You can still edit your settings in case the feature gets enabled again.","scienceSettingsInfo":"Help Artemis to get better!","sshSettingsPage":{"sshSettingsInfoText":"Here you can set a public SSH key to clone git repositories via SSH. For more details see the documentation.","deleteSshKeyQuestion":"Are you sure you want to delete your public SSH key?","saveSshKey":"Save","saveFailure":"Failed to save SSH key. Make sure it is a valid and supported key and in the correct format.","saveSuccess":"Successfully save SSH key.","deleteFailure":"Failed to delete SSH key.","deleteSuccess":"Successfully deleted SSH key.","cancelSavingSshKey":"Cancel","editExistingSshKey":"Edit SSH key","addNewSshKey":"New SSH key","deleteSshKey":"Delete","sshKeyDisplayedInformation":"This is your currently configured SSH key:","key":"SSH Key"},"accountInformationPage":{"registrationNumber":"Registration Number","fullName":"Full Name","login":"Login","email":"Email","joinedArtemis":"Joined Artemis on","sshKey":"Public SSH Key"},"categories":{"NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS":"Notification Settings","SCIENCE_SETTINGS":"Science Settings","SSH_SETTINGS":"SSH"},"settingGroupNames":{"weeklySummary":"Weekly Summary","exerciseNotifications":"Exercise Notifications","lectureNotifications":"Lecture Notifications","examNotifications":"Exam Notifications","tutorialGroupNotifications":"Tutorial Group Notifications","conversationNotifications":"Conversation Notifications","courseWideDiscussionNotifications":"Course-wide Discussion Notifications","userMentionNotifications":"User Mention Notifications","tutorNotifications":"Tutor Notifications","editorNotifications":"Editor Notifications","instructorNotifications":"Instructor Notifications","general":"General"},"settingNames":{"basicWeeklySummary":"Basic Weekly Summary","exerciseReleased":"Exercise released","exerciseOpenForPractice":"Exercise Open for Practice","exerciseSubmissionAssessed":"Exercise Submission assessed","attachmentChanges":"Attachment Changes","newExercisePost":"New Exercise Message","newReplyForExercisePost":"New Reply for Exercise Message","newLecturePost":"New Lecture Message","newReplyForLecturePost":"New Reply for Lecture Message","newCoursePost":"New Course Message","newReplyForCoursePost":"New Reply for Course Message","newExamPost":"New Exam Message","newReplyForExamPost":"New Reply for Exam Message","newAnnouncementPost":"New Announcement","newUserMention":"New User Mention","courseAndExamArchivingStarted":"Course & Exam Archiving Started","fileSubmissionSuccessful":"File Submission Successful","programmingTestCasesChanged":"Changed Test Cases for Programming Exercises","registrationTutorialGroup":"Registration and Deregistration for Tutorial Group","newConversationMessages":"New messages in conversations","newReplyMessage":"New replies in conversations","tutorialGroupUpdateDelete":"Update and Delete of Tutorial Groups","assignUnassignTutorialGroup":"Assign and Unassign of Tutorial Groups","activity":"Activity tracking"},"settingDescriptions":{"basicWeeklySummaryDescription":"Receive a basic weekly summary every Friday at 5pm (e.g. what new exercises have been released this week and are still open)","exerciseReleasedDescription":"Get notified when a new exercise has been released","exerciseOpenForPracticeDescription":"Get notified when an exercise has been opened for practice (e.g. Quiz)","exerciseSubmissionAssessedDescription":"Get notified when your exercise submissions get assessed","attachmentChangesDescription":"Receive a notification when an attachment was changed","newExercisePostDescription":"Get notified when a new exercise message has been created","newReplyForExercisePostDescription":"Get notified when a new reply for an exercise message has been created","newLecturePostDescription":"Get notified when a new lecture message has been created","newReplyForLecturePostDescription":"Get notified when a new reply for a lecture message has been created","newCoursePostDescription":"Receive a notification when a new course-wide message has been created","newReplyForCoursePostDescription":"Receive a notification when a new reply for a course-wide message has been created","newExamPostDescription":"Get notified when a new exam message has been created","newReplyForExamPostDescription":"Get notified when a new reply for an exam message has been created","newAnnouncementPostDescription":"Receive a notification when a new announcement has been created","newUserMentionDescription":"Receive a notifications, when you are mentioned in a message or reply","courseAndExamArchivingStartedDescription":"Receive a notification when the process of archiving a course or exam has been started","fileSubmissionSuccessfulDescription":"Receive a notification after you successfully submitted a file upload exercise","programmingTestCasesChangedDescription":"Get notified if test cases for a programming exercises have been changed","registrationTutorialGroupTutorDescription":"Get notified when a student was registered or deregistered from your tutorial group","registrationTutorialGroupStudentDescription":"Get notified when you were registered or deregistered from a tutorial group","newConversationMessageDescription":"Get notified when you receive a new message in a conversation","conversationNewReplyMessageDescription":"Get notified when you receive a new reply in a conversation","tutorialGroupUpdateDeleteDescription":"Get notified when a tutorial group for which you are registered or a tutor was updated or deleted","assignUnassignTutorialGroupDescription":"Get notified when you were assigned or unassigned to lead a tutorial group","activityDescription":"Share which features of Artemis you utilize and how you interact with them. The information is only accessible for administrators."}},"exercise-scores-chart":{"title":"Performance in Exercises","yourScoreLabel":"Your score","averageScoreLabel":"Average score","maximumScoreLabel":"Best score","yAxis":"Score (%)","xAxis":"Exercises","exerciseType":"Exercise Type:","text":"Text Exercise","file_upload":"File Upload Exercise","programming":"Programming Exercise","modeling":"Modeling Exercise","quiz":"Quiz Exercise","includeType":"Include exercise type:","textPlural":"text exercises","file_uploadPlural":"file upload exercises","programmingPlural":"programming exercises","modelingPlural":"modeling exercises","quizPlural":"quiz exercises"}},"activate":{"title":"Activation","messages":{"success":"Your user account has been activated. Please ","error":"Your user account could not be activated. Please use the registration form to sign up."}},"audits":{"title":"Audits","notFound":"No audit found","filter":{"title":"Filter per date","from":"from","to":"to","button":{"weeks":"Weeks","today":"today","clear":"clear","close":"close"}},"table":{"header":{"principal":"User","date":"Date","status":"State","data":"Extra data"},"data":{"remoteAddress":"Remote Address:"}}},"configuration":{"title":"Configuration","filter":"Filter (by prefix)","table":{"prefix":"Prefix","properties":"Properties"}},"error":{"title":"Error page!","http":{"400":"Bad request.","401":"You are not authenticated to access this page.","403":"You are not authorized to access this page.","404":"The page does not exist.","405":"The HTTP verb you used is not supported for this URL.","409":"There was a conflict while processing your request.","500":"Internal server error."},"cannotDeleteYourself":"You cannot delete your own account!","fileUploadSavingError":"Error! The upload failed. Make sure you are connected to the Internet!","concurrencyFailure":"Another user modified this data at the same time as you. Your changes were rejected.","validation":"Validation error on the server.","resultStringNull":"Error! Result Text is required.","resultStringTooLong":"Error! Result Text is too long (max. 255 characters)","scoreNull":"Error! Score is required.","resultNotRated":"Error! Result must be graded.","submissionMissing":"Error! The submission is not connected with the result anymore. Your changes were rejected.","resultAlreadyExists":"A result already exists for this student in this exercise.","scoreAndSuccessfulNotMatching":"Error! Only a result with a score of 100% can be successful.","feedbackDetailTextNull":"Error! If feedback is present, it must contain feedback detail text.","quizAlreadyVisible":"The quiz is already visible.","quizAlreadyStarted":"The quiz has already been started.","quizNotEndedYet":"The quiz has not ended yet.","quizAlreadyOpenForPractice":"The quiz is already open for practice.","unknownAction":"This action cannot be performed.","groupNotFound":"The group you entered was not found.","studentNotFound":"That student could not be found in this course.","noLegalDocumentFile":"The requested document was not found.","emptyLegalDocument":"The privacy statement or the imprint must not be empty.","cantSaveFile":"The uploaded file {{ fileName }} could not be saved.","emptyFile":"The uploaded file {{ fileName }} is empty. Please check the file and try again.","externalSubmissionBeforeDueDate":"External submissions are not supported before the exercise due date.","externalSubmissionForQuizExercise":"External submissions are not supported for Quiz exercises.","noSubmissions":"No existing user was specified or no submission exists.","feedbackCreditsNull":"Error! If feedback is present, all elements must contain points.","invalidGradeStepFormat":"One or more grade steps are not following the correct format. Click on the \"?\" for more information.","examExerciseNotIncludedInScore":"An exam exercise must be included in the score!","invalidGradeStepAdjacency":"The grade steps don't map to a valid grading key. Click on the \"?\" for more information.","emptyGradeSteps":"Grade steps can't be empty. Click on the \"?\" for more information.","textSubmissionTooLong":"Text submissions can not be longer than 30,000 characters.","programmingExercisePolicyPresent":"The submission policy could not be added to the programming exercise, because it already has a submission policy.","submissionPolicyHasId":"The submission policy could not be added to the programming exercise, because it already has an id.","programmingExercisePolicyNotPresent":"The submission policy could not be removed from the programming exercise, because it does not have a submission policy.","submissionPolicyAlreadyEnabled":"The submission policy could not be enabled, because it is already active.","submissionPolicyAlreadyDisabled":"The submission policy could not be disabled, because it is already inactive.","submissionPolicyToggleFailedPolicyNotExist":"The submission policy could not be toggled, because the programming exercise does not have a submission policy.","submissionPolicyActiveNull":"Submission policies must be activated or deactivated. Activation cannot be null.","submissionPolicyUpdateFailedPolicyNotExist":"The submission policy could not be updated, because the programming exercise does not have a submission policy.","oneActivePlagiarismCheck":"Please wait until the current plagiarism check in this course has finished until you start another one.","internalServerError":"Internal server error","server.not.reachable":"Server not reachable","url.not.found":"Not found","NotNull":"Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!","size":"Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!","userExists":"Login name already in use!","emailExists":"Email is already in use!","idExists":"A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID","ambiguousContext":"A new {{entityName}} must have an unambiguous context","invalid":{"template":{"build.plan.id":"The Template Build Plan ID seems to be invalid. Please make sure it exists and is accessible for Artemis.","repository.url":"The Template Repository URI seems to be invalid. Please make sure it exists and is accessible for Artemis."},"solution":{"build.plan.id":"The Solution Build Plan ID seems to be invalid. Please make sure it exists and is accessible for Artemis.","repository.url":"The Solution Repository URI seems to be invalid. Please make sure it exists and is accessible for Artemis."},"auxiliary.repository":{"id":"The Auxiliary Repository ID seems to be set. Please make sure it does not exist, because it is set by Artemis.","name":"At least one Auxiliary Repository name is invalid or duplicated. Please make sure all names are appropriate and do not contain duplications.","checkout.directory":"At least one Auxiliary Repository checkout directory is invalid or duplicated. Please make sure all checkout directories are appropriate and do not contain duplications.","description":"The description of at least one Auxiliary Repository is longer than {{maxLength}} allowed characters!"},"testcases.weights":"Before deactivating manual feedback, please give at least one test case a weight greater than zero.","page.request":"The page request seems to be invalid. Please make sure that enough {{entityName}} entities exist, so that the request page can be created.","presentations":{"maxNumberOfPresentationsExceeded":"{{name}} already gave the maximum number of {{presentationsNumber}} presentation/s."}},"idNull":"Invalid ID","unexpectedError":"An unexpected error occurred: {{error}}","manualCodeHintOperation":"This endpoint does not allow to change code hints manually.","exerciseNotDefined":"The exercise is not defined.","exerciseIdMismatch":"The exercise ids do not match.","solutionEntryError":"An error occurred while retrieving the extracted tasks from the problem statement.","systemNotificationNeedsBothDates":"Both notification date and expiration date must be set.","systemNotificationNeedsNotificationBeforeExpiration":"The expiration date must be after the notification date.","ltiNotSupported":"LTI is not supported on this Artemis instance","exportFailed":"Exercise export failed","unableToImportProgrammingExercise":"Unable to import programming exercise.","titleAlreadyExists":"A programming exercise with the same title already exists. Please choose a different title.","shortnameAlreadyExists":"A programming exercise with the same short name already exists. Please choose a different short name.","courseTitleTooLong":"The course title is too long (max. 255 characters). Please choose a shorter title.","notAllowedInExam":"This operation is not allowed in an exam."},"export":{"dialogTitle":"Export Options","csvFile":{"introText":"Select the options used for generating the .csv file.","buttonText":"Export as CSV","fieldSeparator":{"label":"Field Separator","comma":"Comma","period":"Period","semicolon":"Semicolon","tab":"Tabulator","space":"Space"},"quoteStrings":{"label":"Quote Strings","quotes_single":"'","quotes_double":"\"","none":"None"},"decimalSeparator":{"label":"Decimal Separator","comma":"Comma (1,42)","period":"Period (1.42)"}},"excelFile":{"introText":"Export course scores as an Excel file (.xlsx).","buttonText":"Export as Excel"}},"featureOverview":{"title":"Online Exams in Artemis","featureDetails":"Feature Details","instructor":{"pageTitle":"Exam Features for Instructors","featureOverview":"Features Instructors","feature":{"createConductAssess":{"title":"Create, Conduct, and Assess Exams","shortDescription":"Create, conduct, and assess, all within the Artemis platform.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis supports an exam mode, which offers a unique way of assessing the performance of your students. You can create exams for each course and register all or a selection of your students. Within the exam, you can set up programming, modeling, text, file-upload and quiz exercises, or import existing ones. Before releasing the exam to your students, you can conduct test runs to make sure everything is running smoothly. Define a working time for the exam and adjust for individual students as needed. Students may submit early if they wish.\n\nNo stable internet connection? Artemis saves all changes locally and automatically synchronizes every 30 seconds to avoid issues caused by unstable internet connections during the exam.\n\nOnce the exam is over, it is time to assess the submissions. Your assessment team may start grading exams from the Assessment Dashboard, which also visualizes overall progress.\n\nOnce all exams have been assessed you may release the results and give students the opportunity to review their result. If they believe to have found a mistake in their assessment, they may use the complaint feature to request a reassessment. A second assessor will then be able to re-assess the submission and decide whether to accept or reject the complaint.\n\nFinally, Artemis also creates a statistical report of the exam to evaluate and examine your students' performance.\n\nCreate, conduct, & assess, all within Artemis!"},"configuration":{"title":"Fully Configurable","shortDescription":"Bulk register students from CSV files. Configure the exam to your needs. Edit working time of individual students","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis allows you to configure all aspects of an exam. You can set the name of the exam and the module number, examiner, and course name. Furthermore, you can pre-set the time frame according to your needs by deciding when the exam will become visible to the students, when the exam will automatically start, when the working time is over, and when the results will be published. Additionally, you can set the period in which the students can review their results and complain if necessary.\n\nYou can add exercises using the Artemis exercise types. Exam exercises can have multiple variants and can be marked as \"non-mandatory\", which ensures that every student receives a unique exam. Additionally, you can randomize the exercise order of every student's exam to further impede cheating.\n\nYou can register students in bulk by importing them from a CSV file, from all students registered in the exam course, or by selecting manually from all users registered on Artemis. Additionally, you can give time extensions to individual students."},"examMode":{"title":"Two exam modes available","shortDescription":"Choose between a normal exam and a test exam.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis supports two exam modes. The conduction of normal exams and test exams. \n\nThe normal exam mode is suitable for conducting end-of-semester exams. Students can view and work on the exam between the configured working time. Afterwards you can perform a manual or automated evaluation of the students' submissions. The results will be published on the specified date. \n\nTest exams provide you with the possibility to provide students with a practice opportunity for the end-of-semester exam. The main difference is that you choose a working window within which students can freely start the exam. Students then have the configured working time to complete the exam. After submitting, students immediately get the automated assessment for programming and quizzes. Manual correction of the submissions is not necessary."},"exerciseTypes":{"title":"Multiple Exercise Types","shortDescription":"Programming, modeling, text, file-upload and quiz exercises.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis supports programming, modeling, text, file-upload and quiz exercises with multiple-choice, drag and drop, and short answer questions in exam mode.\n\nFor programming exercises, students may choose to work with the online code editor or to clone the repository and work on the exercise in the integrated development environment (IDE) of their choice. Artemis uses the integrated and easy-to-use Apollon Editor for modeling exercises. It supports multiple diagram types, including UML class, activity, object, use case, communication, component, and deployment diagrams, as well as Petri nets and syntax trees. Your students can create models by intuitively dragging and dropping objects into the editor and connecting them using the appropriate arrows. Through the variety of its available exercise types, Artemis fulfills the requirements of most software engineering courses."},"exerciseVariants":{"title":"Exercise Variants","shortDescription":"Make every student exam unique by adding variants to each exercise.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis provides the possibility to create a unique exam for every student. You can create or import exercise groups that each contain multiple exercises. The number of exercise groups reflects the number of exercises on the exam. When generating an exam for every student, Artemis will randomly select one exercise from each exercise group and combine to create a unique exam for every student. You may also choose to randomize the exercise order. Additionally, you may distinguish between mandatory and non-mandatory exercises."},"testRunConduction":{"title":"Conduct Test Runs","shortDescription":"Complete test runs of the exam to try out different variants.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis allows you to create exam test runs. A test run simulates all steps of the exam process: the execution, assessment, and student review. You can select the exercises you would like to include in the test run and set the amount of working time. Then you can begin the working period and experience your exam as the students would. After submitting the exam, you can assess your submissions. The results will immediately be displayed in the test run summary, where you can also simulate complaints during a student review. Finally, you can evaluate the complaints to complete the exam process. \n\nTest runs are also a great way to familiarize your assessment team with the platform and the exam!"},"sessionMonitoring":{"title":"Exam Session Monitoring","shortDescription":"Monitor the exam session to identify unusual activity.","descriptionTextOne":"Without a physical presence, it can feel as if you cannot observe your students closely enough. To counteract this, Artemis includes exam session monitoring. Artemis generates an exam session for every participant in the exam. The exam session contains, among other fields, when and where the student started the exam, the student's public IP address, and a unique fingerprint based on their browser and operating system. Additionally, the exam session generates a unique identifier that is sent with every request. Students have the option to switch between computers during the exam and also continue working while offline. As an instructor, you have the capability to analyze all students' sessions and behavior and flag those which appear suspicious."},"plagiarismDetection":{"title":"Plagiarism detection","shortDescription":"Automatically detect and flag plagiarism attempts.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis can support instructors in detecting plagiarism attempts. This is done by analyzing similarities among all student submissions and flagging those which exceed a given threshold. With the integrated plagiarism editor, you can compare all flagged submissions side by side and confirm those cases which show themselves as real plagiarism attempts. You can choose between different plagiarism detection strategies to apply the one that suits your needs. Additionally, instructors can download a CSV report of accepted and rejected plagiarism attempts for further processing on external systems."},"anonymousAssessment":{"title":"Anonymous Assessment","shortDescription":"Anonymous assessment procedure to avoid prejudice.","descriptionTextOne":"The assessors can access students' exam submissions via the Assessment Dashboard. On this dashboard, they can request a new submission, provided that one is available for assessment. All submissions are anonymized to avoid bias or favoritism. To improve the accuracy and consistency of the assessors, you can define assessment instructions, sample submissions, and sample assessments to establish a common base of the grading expectations before the assessors begin."},"automaticAssessment":{"title":"Automatic Assessment","shortDescription":"Automatic assessment of programming and quiz, semi-automatic assessment of text and modeling exercises.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis supports correction with automatic and semi-automatic assessments for various exercise types. For quiz exercises, you may specify the correct solution in advance. After conducting an exam, you can prompt Artemis to automatically evaluate all submissions. For programming exercises, you can create a test suite, which for example applies structural and behavioral tests. These tests are then automatically executed for each student's submission at the end of the exam and evaluated accordingly. You can adjust the weight of each test, assign bonus points, and use static analysis tools to further support your assessment. All static analysis rules can be weighted independently, and you can define limits on how many points should be deducted if the same error occurs more than once. Finally, the automatic evaluation of programming tasks can be checked and confirmed or overwritten through manual evaluation. \n\nFor text and modeling exercises, you can activate automatic correction suggestions. Artemis uses machine learning to identify similar elements across submissions. Artemis analyzes instructor assessments to identify correct and incorrect elements and suggest assessments to the assessor. The goal is to reduce the required effort for the assessment and increase the quality and consistency of the evaluation."},"reviewIndividualExams":{"title":"Review Individual Exams","shortDescription":"Review individual student exams with their submissions and scores.","descriptionTextOne":"While the assessment process is anonymous for tutors, as an instructor you can access and review individual student exams and their summaries. A student exam summary contains all the student's solutions to the exercises as well as their exercise-specific scores. You can also review their code by using the link to their exercise repository. This is also displayed on the student summary page together with the last commit hash. "},"assessmentMonitoring":{"title":"Monitor Tutor and Assessment Progress","shortDescription":"Assessment dashboard for anonymous correction queuing. Includes a progress tracker for the assessment process.","descriptionTextOne":"Using the assessment dashboard, you always have an overview of how the assessment of the exam is coming along. This is indicated using an intuitive progress bar for every exercise in the exam which accurately displays how many submissions remain to be assessed. Lose no time and immediately publish the results once all exams have been assessed. You can also view the scores page to gain insights into the exam's outcome/results."},"complaints":{"title":"Offer Student Review","shortDescription":"Allow students to review their exam. Review complaints and automatically apply changes.","descriptionTextOne":"After the results have been published, you can define a student review period. Each student can review their exam comfortably from their computer and take their time to understand the assessment. If they believe that they have found a mistake in an assessment, they can use the complaint feature to request a review. Additionally, students can provide their reasoning through a text note to clarify their objections. All complaints are collected and can be reviewed from the Assessment Dashboard. Each complaint is assessable by a third person (i.e. not the original assessor). They can review the assessment and decide to either accept or reject the student's complaint. The points given are then updated automatically, including the exam result."},"statistics":{"title":"Generate Statistics","shortDescription":"Generate exam statistics to gain insights into the students' performance.","descriptionTextOne":"The exam is over, all exams have been assessed and the student complaints are evaluated. Now what?\n\nYou can evaluate the exam outcome using the statistics generated by Artemis. Review the students' performance using various metrics such as average, median, and standard deviation. Review the students' perceived difficulty of every exercise to improve exams in the future. Additionally, you can download all results to a CSV file to export them to external systems and create charts and graphs for further analysis."},"checklist":{"title":"Follow Checklist","shortDescription":"Use the exam checklist to oversee and ensure every step of the exam is executed correctly.","descriptionTextOne":"Carrying out an exam is a long process with multiple points of failure. Artemis provides a checklist that gives you an overview of each step of an exam from creation of the exercises to exporting the results. The exam checklist contains the next action you need to take on a step and summarizes the progress taken so far to help you carry out all tasks correctly and completely. It also has navigation buttons so you can quickly take related actions or examine the progress in detail. Last but not least, it has a more compact overview version in the exam list page to glance over the preparation, conduction and correction status of the exams in the list."},"gradeKey":{"title":"Create Grading Keys","shortDescription":"Create a grading key with custom or default grade steps for a course or an exam.","descriptionTextOne":"Scores are helpful to assess individual exercises but at the end of a semester you and your students would like to see a standard grade. On the grading key page, you can have a grading key for each course and exam, define the grade steps by specifying intervals, the minimum passing grade and the lower/upper bound inclusivity. The default grading key can also be generated with a single click. Artemis then automatically handles mapping scores to grade steps or bonus points, as well as calculating student result statistics based on grade steps."},"submissionPolicy":{"title":"Specify Submission Policies","shortDescription":"Discourage trial-and-error approaches with submission penalty and lock repository policies.","descriptionTextOne":"Depending on the exercises and your teaching style, it might be useful to specify a submission policy. In general, lock repository and submission penalty policies combat trial-and-error solving approaches. When the student reaches the submission limit, the former prevents further submissions, while the latter results in a point deduction. Submission policies are initially specified in the creation process of a programming exercise and can later be adjusted in the grading configuration of the particular programming exercise."},"examExerciseUpdates":{"title":"Exercise Update during an Exam","shortDescription":"Update exercises during an exam and notify the students about the changes.","descriptionTextOne":"When you have to update the problem statement of an exercise during the exam, you can do this on the exercise edit page and notify the students about it and they will be able to see the updated problem statement."}}},"students":{"pageTitle":"Exam Features for Students","featureOverview":"Features Students","feature":{"localIDE":{"title":"Use Your IDE","shortDescription":"Clone the assignment and work on programming exercises on your IDE.","descriptionTextOne":"IDEs increase programmer productivity by combining common activities of writing software: editing source code, building executables, and debugging. Additionally, users can configure them at will to fit their own personal preferences. For online exams on Artemis, you have the ability to clone your programming assignment and work on it using your IDE. Use the Code button, get the assignment link and clone it using GIT commands. Once you are done, you can simply push your changes and continue to work on other tasks. Every push triggers a continuous integration system which automatically assesses your submission and provides feedback."},"codeEditor":{"title":"Integrated Code Editor","shortDescription":"Complete the programming exercise using the integrated code editor.","descriptionTextOne":"In case you do not have access to a computer with an installed IDE, or you just want to make some quick changes on the fly, Artemis' exam mode provides an integrated code editor for you to finish the programming assignments. The Artemis code editor has an intuitive layout which includes a file browser and editor, a code area, the assignment description as well as a build log output to analyze your submissions. Errors are directly shown on the line which caused them, allowing you to quickly introduce a change to fix all issues. Your progress on the assignment is automatically updated with every submission you make."},"textEditor":{"title":"Integrated Text Editor","shortDescription":"Solve text exercises using the integrated text editor.","descriptionTextOne":"To work on text exercises, Artemis provides an integrated text editor. The text editor is simple to use and easy to navigate. There is no limit to the length of the submission and it automatically tracks the number of words and characters in your submission."},"apollonEditor":{"title":"Integrated Model Editor","shortDescription":"Create complex models easily through drag and drop using the simple and intuitive Apollon Editor.","descriptionTextOne":"Powered by the Apollon Editor, Artemis exam mode supports modeling exercises of different types. These include class, activity, object, use case, communication, component, and deployment diagrams, Petri nets, and syntax trees. Apollon makes it easy for you to create complex models with its intuitive drag and drop user interface. "},"quizExercises":{"title":"Quiz Exercises","shortDescription":"Solve quiz exercises in the form of multiple choice, drag and drop and short answer questions.","descriptionTextOne":"The Artemis exam mode supports quizzes that can contain multiple-choice, drag and drop, and short answer questions. Artemis multiple-choice questions can have one or more solutions and the score can be adjusted so that, for example, no points are deducted if the answer is incorrect. This way it can mimic the exact grading style of your offline exams. For drag-and-drop questions, you can simply drag the appropriate element to the appropriate place. For short answer texts, you get input fields within a text, which you can fill in using your own words. "},"login":{"title":"LRZ Login","shortDescription":"Log in through your LRZ account. No special account required.","descriptionTextOne":"Use the same LRZ credentials you use for all university applications to access Artemis. There is no need to create a new account and maintain another password! Log in using your TUMID and your password and you are ready to go."},"userInterface":{"title":"Intuitive User Interface","shortDescription":"Navigate through the exam using the intuitive user interface.","descriptionTextOne":"You conduct the exam using Artemis' exam mode user interface. The interface hides all other Artemis functions to prevent distractions and lets you focus on the exam itself. On the left, a sidebar lists the title and status of each exercise. It tracks your progress for each exercise using an icon and color-coding approach. For instance, whenever you have unsaved changes, the sidebar displays an unsaved icon with yellow exclamation mark in the respective exercise. Once you save your progress or it is synchronized automatically it will be displayed accordingly. You can also use the sidebar to navigate between exercises by simply clicking on the exercise. \n\nFor every exercise type, the question/instructions will be displayed on the right. To the left, you will find the exercise-specific editor. To make sure that you do not miss a question in the quiz, an overview of all questions is displayed on the left. You can click on any question and the view will scroll accordingly. Once you have finished the exam you have the option to submit early. Otherwise, once the time runs out the view is automatically updated to the exam end confirmation page and your changes are automatically synchronized. After the end of the exam, you are given a grace period of a few minutes to confirm your exam end and conclude the exam."},"conduction":{"title":"Online Exam","shortDescription":"Conduct exams on Artemis.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis now supports the creation and conduction of online exams, all integrated into the platform! As a student, you have the ability to participate in online exams which can include, most Artemis exercise types such as programming, modeling, text, and quiz exercises such as multiple-choice questions. Navigate through them easily using the intuitive and responsive user interface. Your progress is saved locally and synchronized every 30 seconds, so even if you lose your internet connection you can continue to work offline. After you have handed in the exam, you have access to the summary which provides an overview of your solutions. The assessors will anonymously grade your exam supported by Artemis' automatic and semi-automatic assessment. You will be able to review the results comfortably from your home with no geographic restrictions. You can conduct and review your exam from anywhere around the world."},"examMode":{"title":"Two exam modes","shortDescription":"Artemis offers exams and test exams.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis supports two exam modes. The conduction of normal exams and test exams. \n\nThe normal exam mode is used for end-of-semester exams. As a student you are able to view and edit the exam between the scheduled working time. The results will be published on the specified date. \n\nTest exams provide you with a practice opportunity for the end-of-semester exams. The main difference is that you can start the test exam at any time during the working window. You will then have the specified working time available to complete the test exam. After submitting the test exam, you will see the automated assessment for programming and quiz exercises."},"offline":{"title":"Continue Working Offline","shortDescription":"Continue working offline if you are disconnected.","descriptionTextOne":"The exam mode in Artemis is tolerant towards internet connection issues. In case you are not connected, you can continue working on text, quiz and modeling exercises. If your internet connection recovers, Artemis will automatically save your solution. This is possible, as the platform tries to save your solution every 30 seconds, when you navigate between exercises as well as when you click on the current exercise in the navigation sidebar. For programming exercises, if you work using your own local IDE, you only need to be online when you clone the repository and when you push your commits (i.e. submit your solution)."},"summary":{"title":"Exam Summary","shortDescription":"You always have access to the summary of your exam.","descriptionTextOne":"\"What was your answer to question 2?\"\n\n-\"I can't remember anymore, I think option B.\"\n\nArtemis allows you to access your personal exam and review your submission through the summary page, which becomes available after handing it in. The summary includes an overview of all your exercise submissions and displays them in an aggregated view. Additionally, for programming exercises, it includes the last commit hash as well as the link to your repository where you will be able to view and analyze the code. In case you want to store it locally on the device of your choice, Artemis offers the option to download the complete summary as a PDF file."},"qualityAndFair":{"title":"Quality and Fairness of the Assessment","shortDescription":"Artemis enables an anonymous assessment of the exams supported by automatic assessments.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis enables an anonymized evaluation process in order to facilitate a fair evaluation, free from bias or favoritism and deviations between different assessors. Every assessor is required to work through the example submissions and solutions before they can start assessing the students' exams. Additionally, the platform supports the assessment process with automatic and semi-automatic assessments for all supported exercise types. Quiz- and programming exercises are assessed automatically. This automatic assessment can be enhanced with manual assessment to further increase the accuracy of the evaluation. Artemis learns through machine learning which elements are correct and which are incorrect to further support the assessors. This feature can be enabled for text- and modeling exercises. When it is activated, it suggests how elements of the submissions should be evaluated during the course of further correction. The goal is to reduce the required effort and to increase the quality and fairness of the evaluation."},"onlineReview":{"title":"Online Exam Review","shortDescription":"Review the assessment of your exam from anywhere in the world.","descriptionTextOne":"After the results have been published, you can access your exam and review the assessment comfortably from your computer. Take your time to really analyze the question and the assessment to understand what mistakes you made. There are no location restrictions to the exam review, you can access it from anywhere! \n\nSometimes mistakes can happen during the exam assessment. Using the complaint functionality, you can complain about an assessment and provide some information on why you feel you were not assessed correctly. All student complaints will be collected and a different assessor will have the chance to either accept or reject your complaint. If your complaint is accepted, your points will be automatically updated!"},"browserCompatibility":{"title":"Compatible with all Major Browsers.","shortDescription":"Use Artemis on all major browsers.","descriptionTextOne":"Artemis exam mode is compatible with all major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Edge and Opera. We provide active support for Google Chrome and Chromium browsers."},"gradeKey":{"title":"View Grading Keys","shortDescription":"See your final and attained grade for a course or an exam as soon as you have a new assignment graded.","descriptionTextOne":"When a grading key for a course or an exam is defined, you can examine it and see the score interval corresponding to each grading step and the minimum grade needed to pass. Grading keys also have a bonus points mode which converts the obtained score to a bonus. You don't have to wait until the end of the semester to use the grading key, you can always check out your attained grade based on the exercises conducted and assessed so far."},"exerciseUpdateNotification":{"title":"Exercise Update Notification","shortDescription":"If the instructor of your course has to update the problem statement you will receive a notification.","descriptionTextOne":"If the instructor updates the problem statement of an exercise during the exam, you will be notified about it and you will be able to see the updated problem statement. You can switch between the updated version and a view highlighting the changes."}}}},"featureToggles":{"title":"Feature Toggles"},"global":{"title":"Artemis","browsehappy":"You are using an outdated browser. Please update your browser to improve your experience.","generic":{"yes":"Yes","no":"No","you":"You","emptyList":"No items available","unset":"Unset","create":"Create","start":"Start","edit":"Edit","copy":"Copy","copied":"Copied","new":"New"},"menu":{"home":"Home","overview":"Course Overview","courses":"Courses","course":"Course Management","jhipster-needle-menu-add-element":"JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)","entities":{"main":"Entities","course":"Course","exercise":"Exercise","textExercise":"Text Exercise","fileUploadExercise":"File Upload Exercise","programmingExercise":"Programming Exercise","modelingExercise":"Modeling Exercise","quizExercise":"Quiz Exercise","lecture":"Lecture","competency":"Competency","ltiOutcomeUrl":"Lti Outcome Url","submittedAnswer":"Submitted Answer","quizQuestion":"Question","multipleChoiceQuestion":"Multiple Choice Question","answerOption":"Answer Option","multipleChoiceSubmittedAnswer":"Multiple Choice Submitted Answer","dragAndDropQuestion":"Drag And Drop Question","dropLocation":"Drop Location","dragItem":"Drag Item","participation":"Participation","exerciseResult":"Exercise Result","feedback":"Feedback","submission":"Submission","modelingSubmission":"Modeling Submission","quizSubmission":"Quiz Submission","programmingSubmission":"Programming Submission","textSubmission":"Text Submission","fileUploadSubmission":"File Upload Submission","dragAndDropSubmittedAnswer":"Drag And Drop Submitted Answer","dragAndDropAssignment":"Drag And Drop Assignment","quizStatistic":"Statistic","quizPointStatistic":"Quiz Point Statistic","quizQuestionStatistic":"Question Statistic","multipleChoiceQuestionStatistic":"Multiple Choice Question Statistic","dragAndDropQuestionStatistic":"Drag And Drop Question Statistic","quizStatisticCounter":"Statistic Counter","pointCounter":"Point Counter","answerCounter":"Answer Counter","dropLocationCounter":"Drop Location Counter","apollonDiagram":"Apollon Diagram","dragAndDropMapping":"Drag And Drop Mapping","shortAnswerQuestionStatistic":"Short Answer Question Statistic","shortAnswerSpotCounter":"Short Answer Spot Counter","shortAnswerQuestion":"Short Answer Question","shortAnswerSpot":"Short Answer Spot","shortAnswerSolution":"Short Answer Solution","shortAnswerSubmittedAnswer":"Short Answer Submitted Answer","shortAnswerSubmittedText":"Short Answer Submitted Text","shortAnswerMapping":"Short Answer Mapping","programmingExerciseTestCase":"Programming Exercise Test Case","exerciseHint":"Exercise Hint","jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry":"JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)","metis":{"post":"Post","answerPost":"Reply"},"messages":{"conversation":"Conversation","conversationParticipant":"Conversation Details"}},"account":{"main":"Account","profile":"Profile","settings":"Settings","password":"Password","sessions":"Sessions","login":"Sign in","logout":"Sign out","register":"Register"},"admin":{"main":"Server Administration","upcomingExamsAndExercises":"Upcoming exams & exercises","userManagement":"User management","organizationManagement":"Organization management","systemNotifications":"System notifications","featureToggles":"Feature Toggles","statistics":"User statistics","metrics":"Metrics","health":"Health","configuration":"Configuration","logs":"Logs","audits":"Audits","apidocs":"API","privacyStatement":"Privacy Statement","imprint":"Imprint","database":"Database","iris":"Iris Settings","jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element":"JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)","lti":"LTI Configuration","standardizedCompetencies":"Standardized Competencies"},"language":"Language","settings":"Settings","guidedTutorial":"Guided tutorial","startTutorial":"Start tutorial","restartTutorial":"Restart tutorial","continueTutorial":"Continue tutorial"},"form":{"username":"Username","firstname":"First name","firstname.placeholder":"Your first name","lastname":"Last name","lastname.placeholder":"Your last name","username.placeholder":"Your Username","currentpassword":"Current password","currentpassword.placeholder":"Current password","newpassword":"New password","newpassword.placeholder":"New password","confirmpassword":"New password confirmation","confirmpassword.placeholder":"Confirm the new password","email":"Email","email.placeholder":"Your email","email.pattern":"Please use an email with the following pattern:","cancel":"Cancel","confirm":"Confirm","refresh":"Refresh","invalidInput":"Invalid Input"},"messages":{"info":{"authenticated":{"prefix":"If you want to ","link":"sign in","suffix":", you can try the default accounts:
- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\")
- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\")."},"register":{"noaccount":"Don't have an account yet?","link":"Register a new account"}},"error":{"dontmatch":"The password and its confirmation do not match!"},"validate":{"oldpassword":{"required":"Please enter your current password."},"newpassword":{"required":"Your new password is required.","minlength":"Your password is required to be at least {{min}} characters.","maxlength":"Your password cannot be longer than {{max}} characters.","strength":"Password strength:"},"confirmpassword":{"required":"Your confirmation password is required.","minlength":"Your confirmation password is required to be at least {{min}} characters.","maxlength":"Your confirmation password cannot be longer than {{max}} characters."},"email":{"required":"Your email is required.","invalid":"Your email is invalid.","minlength":"Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.","maxlength":"Your email cannot be longer than 100 characters.","pattern":"Your email does not follow the required pattern."}}},"field":{"id":"ID"},"ribbon":{"dev":"Development","test":"Test Server"},"item-count":"Showing {{first}} - {{second}} of {{total}} items."},"entity":{"action":{"add":"Add","addblob":"Add blob","addimage":"Add image","back":"Back","cancel":"Cancel","units":"Units","dashboard":"Dashboard","exportRepos":"Download Repositories","delete":"Delete","noButtonTextDelete":"","unlink":"Unlink","confirm":"Confirm","download":"Download","edit":"Edit","connect":"Connect","editSelected":"Edit selected","editInEditor":"Edit in editor","editBuildPlan":"Edit build plan","editInOrion":"Edit in your IDE","editEntity":"Edit {{entity}}","exampleSubmissions":"Example submissions","generate":"Generate","open":"Open","save":"Save","saving":"Saving...","view":"View","preview":"Preview","visual":"Visual","cleanup":"Cleanup","remove":"Remove","purge":"Purge","archive":"Archive","submit":"Submit","submitTooltip":"You can submit multiple times until the exercise due date. Your last submission will count towards your score.","submitNoDueDateTooltip":"You can submit multiple times. Your last submission will count towards your score.","submitDueDateMissedTooltip":"The due date has passed. Your submissions will not be graded!","dueDateMissedTooltip":"The due date has passed. You may no longer submit any solutions!","submitDueDateMissed":"Submit (due date missed)","submitSuccessfulAlert":"Your submission was successful! You can change your submission or wait for your feedback.","submitDueDateMissedAlert":"Your submission was successful! You can change your submission or wait for your feedback. As you missed the due date, your score will not be counted.","retry":"Retry","reset":"Reset","re-evaluate":"Re-evaluate","close":"Close","finish":"Finish","import":"Import","to-import":"Import","export":"Export","lecture":"Lectures","attachments":"Attachments","saveAttachment":"Save attachment","addAttachment":"Add attachment","assessmentDashboard":"Assessment","instructorDashboard":"Instructor Dashboard","exerciseDashboard":"Exercise Dashboard","newResult":"New Result","updateResult":"Update Result","viewResult":"View Result","cleanupBuildPlan":"Clean up Build Plan","exercise":"Exercises","scores":"Scores","exams":"Exams","hints":"Hints","addExternalSubmission":"Add External Submission","addAuxiliaryRepository":"Add Auxiliary Repository","toggleToUnsubmitted":"Change Student Exam to Unsubmitted","toggleToSubmitted":"Change Student Exam to Submitted","endNow":"End Now","ldap":"Sync from LDAP","notUndoable":"This action cannot be undone!","discardChanges":"Discard changes","goBack":"Go back","search":"Search","select":"Select","sendToIris":"Send To Iris"},"detail":{"field":"Field","value":"Value"},"delete":{"title":"Confirm delete operation"},"unlink":{"title":"Confirm unlink operation"},"reset":{"title":"Confirm reset operation"},"noButtonTextDelete":{"title":"Confirm delete operation"},"endNow":{"title":"Confirm end now operation"},"cleanup":{"title":"Confirm cleanup operation"},"remove":{"title":"Confirm remove operation"},"archive":{"title":"Confirm archive operation"},"exportRepos":{"title":"Export Repositories"},"resetProgrammingExercise":{"title":"Reset Programming Exercise"},"validation":{"required":"This field is required.","minlength":"This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.","maxlength":"This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.","min":"This field must be at least {{ min }}.","max":"This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.","minbytes":"This field must be at least {{ min }} bytes.","maxbytes":"This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.","pattern":"This field must fulfill the pattern {{ pattern }}.","number":"This field must be a number.","datetimelocal":"This field must be a date and time.","patternLogin":"This field may only contain letters, digits and e-mail addresses.","invalidPattern":"This field contains an invalid e-mail pattern."},"timeZoneWarning":"You are currently in the {{ timeZone }} time zone.","dateMissingOrNotValid":"'{{labelName}}' is missing/invalid","startDateError":"'Start of working time' should be between 'Visible from' and 'End of working time'","endDateError":"'End of working time' should be later than 'Start of working time'","warningError":"'Visible from' is set too early. We recommend setting it within 4 hours before the 'Start of working time'.","warningToolTip":"Setting the date too early may cause confusion and lead to premature access to exam materials. It is recommended to make the exam visible only a few hours before the start time."},"aboutUs":"About","contact":"Contact us","bug":"Report a bug","feature":"Request a feature","releases":"Releases","releaseNotes":"Release notes","feedback":"Feedback","justNow":"just now","pendingChanges":"WARNING: You have unsaved changes. Press Cancel to go back and save these changes, or OK to lose these changes.","overview":{"title":"Course overview","aboutUs":"About","course":"Course details","lectures":"Lectures","competencies":"Competencies","learningPath":"Learning Path","tutorialGroups":"Tutorial Groups","dashboard":"Dashboard","exercise":"Exercise details","exercises":"Exercises","statistics":"Course statistics","exams":"Exams","communication":"Communication","weeksAgo":"{{ amount }} weeks ago","weekAgo":"1 week ago","currentWeek":"current week"},"connectionStatus":{"connected":"Connected","disconnected":"Disconnected"},"loading":"Loading...","completed":"Completed","tour":{"step":"Step {{ string }}:","navigation":{"back":"Back","next":"Next","done":"Done","close":"Close"},"resize":{"headline":"Browser window too small","content":"Please resize the browser to a larger size to continue the tour or close the tour."},"cancel":{"headline":"Tutorial cancelled","content":"You have cancelled the tutorial. If you want to continue this tutorial at another time, click on Continue tutorial from the account menu."},"completed":{"headline":"Congratulations 🎉","content":"You have successfully completed the tutorial. You can restart the tutorial by clicking on Restart tutorial.","hint":"Please note that any tutorial exercise - if available - will be reset once you restart the tutorial. You will be then directed to the exercise overview page and have to start the exercise again."},"clickHint":{"text":"Click on the highlighted element to proceed with the tour."},"typeHint":{"text":"Enter any new line to proceed with the next step."},"waitHint":{"text":"Please wait until the next step has loaded."},"modelingHint":{"text":"Add or edit the UML element to continue with the tour"},"videoHint":{"text":"While watching the video, follow along with the steps on your computer side-by-side."},"stepAlreadyExecutedHint":{"text":"You have already successfully completed this step, therefore you do not need to do anything here. Just click on Next to proceed with the tutorial"},"courseExerciseOverview":{"installPrerequisites":{"headline":"Install required tools","content":"Before we have a look at this course and the example exercise, we need to download and install a few software tools. Install the newest version of IntelliJ as shown in the video.","videoUrl":"https://live.rbg.tum.de/w/artemisintro/25976?video_only=1"},"exercises":{"headline":"Exercises","content":"This tab lists all exercises for the selected course."},"exerciseRow":{"headline":"Current week","content":"The exercises of the current week will be displayed at the top of the exercise list."},"currentExercise":{"headline":"Current Exercise","content":"In this tutorial we will have a look at the Hello World exercise."},"exerciseType":{"headline":"Exercise type","content":"The exercise type can be distinguished by the exercise icon. Here it is a programming exercise."},"exerciseTags":{"headline":"Exercise tags","content":"The listed tags will further classify the exercises, e.g. by difficulty."},"courseInformation":{"headline":"Course information","content":"This box displays general course information, such as the number of exercises and the time frame of the course."},"upcomingDueDates":{"headline":"Upcoming due dates","content":"Here you can see which exercises are due in the next few days."},"lectures":{"headline":"Lectures","content":"You can find and download all lecture slides from this tab."},"statistics":{"headline":"Statistics","content":"This tab shows statistics about your grades and exercise performance so far."},"startExercise":{"headline":"Start with your first programming exercise","content":"Click on the Start exercise button to start working on the exercise. This action takes a few seconds, since a personal repository is being set up for you in the background"},"startExerciseWait":{"headline":"Start with your first programming exercise","content":"Please stand by while Artemis sets up your personal repository..."},"repositoryCreated":{"headline":"Your repository has been created","content":"Your repository is ready to be cloned. Proceed with the next step to about cloning and solving programming exercises on Artemis."},"cloneRepository":{"headline":"Clone repository in IntelliJ","content":"Watch the following video to learn how to clone a git repository in IntelliJ. After this step, you should click on the X button in the top right to stop the tutorial and apply the steps you saw in the video. Afterwards, resume the tutorial from your account menu (user name on the top right).","hint":"If you haven't installed the Java JDK 17 version, the video will show you how to do this.","videoUrl":"https://live.rbg.tum.de/w/artemisintro/25977?video_only=1"},"solveExercise":{"headline":"Solve the exercise","content":"In this video we will inspect the project, solve the given task and push the repository to Artemis.","videoUrl":"https://live.rbg.tum.de/w/artemisintro/25978?video_only=1"},"reviewResult":{"headline":"Review your result","content":"After you have committed and pushed your changes as described in the previous video, the result will be automatically refreshed and displayed here. Artemis uses test cases to automatically assess your solution. If you now click on the exercise panel, you will come to the exercise detail page to review the test case results."}},"courseOverview":{"welcome":{"headline":"Welcome to Artemis","subHeadline":"An Automatic Assessment Management System for Interactive Learning","content":"Artemis is a learning platform where you can solve programming exercises in interactive learning sessions."},"overviewMenu":{"headline":"Course overview","content":"On this page you can see an overview of all courses which you are signed up for."},"courseAdminMenu":{"headline":"Course administration","content":"Administrate and manage your courses and exercises here."},"adminMenu":{"headline":"Server administration","content":"Get insight into application administration."},"notificationMenu":{"headline":"Your notifications","content":"Get notified about new exercises from this notification dropdown."},"accountMenuClick":{"headline":"Personal settings","content":"Click on your user name to view your account menu."},"accountMenu":{"headline":"Personal settings","content":"In this menu you can change the display language, restart the current tour or logout from Artemis"},"course":{"headline":"Your current courses","content":"This is a course you are enrolled in. You can check out the course details afterwards by clicking on this panel."},"courseFooter":{"headline":"Next exercise due","content":"See which exercise has to be completed in the next few days."},"courseClick":{"headline":"View course details","content":"Click on this panel to navigate to the course detail page."},"contact":{"headline":"Contact the Artemis team","content":"Feel free to contact us to leave us some feedback, request features or to report bugs in the application.","hint":"If want to contribute to Artemis, then head over to our Github page and submit your first Pull Request."}},"modelingExercise":{"editorArea":{"headline":"Modeling Exercise","content":"On this page you will solve a modeling exercise. We will guide you on how to do that."},"addEditUmlElement":{"headline":"Add and edit UML elements","content":"To add a UML element, drag and drop one of the UML elements into the editor area.","hint":"You can edit the UML element by double-clicking it."},"createAssociation":{"headline":"Create and edit associations","content":"Select the source class to see four blue semicircles. Click and hold on one of those and drag it to another blue semicircle to create a relationship.","hint":"You can change the relationship type by double-clicking it."},"executeTasks":{"headline":"Modeling exercise.","content":"Solve the exercise below and proceed to the next step.","personClass":"Create the UML class Person with the attribute name: String","studentClass":"Create the UML class Student with the attribute major: String and method visitLecture().","association":"Make sure that Student is a subclass of Person."},"submit":{"headline":"Submit your solution","content":"You can submit your solution here and then wait for your feedback.","hint":"You can submit multiple times until the exercise due date. Your last submission will count towards your score."}},"programmingExercise":{"codeEditor":{"fileBrowser":{"headline":"File Browser","content":"In the file browser you can view the project structure with all its folders and files. You can also create your own folders and files, if necessary."},"exerciseFile":{"headline":"Class file","content":"Click on the class file to display its source code in the editor."},"aceEditor":{"headline":"Code editor","content":"The source code is now displayed in the code editor. You can read through the TODO and try to solve it. Alternatively, you can enter any code for this test round. If you are done with your implementation, just click on the Next button to proceed."},"saveChanges":{"headline":"Save changes","content":"You can save your changes in the code editor by clicking on Save."},"submitChanges":{"headline":"Submit changes","content":"If you are satisfied with your implementation, then you can submit your current code by clicking Submit.","hint":"Here is a quick note: You can submit as many times as you want before the due date passes, so feel free to solve and submit each task one by one."}},"buildLoading":{"headline":"Build and tests","content":"After submitting your changes, Artemis will automatically build and test your code."},"buildStatus":{"headline":"Build status","content":"You can now see your build status here and identify which tasks have been successfully solved and which have not.","hint":"Some additional tests may be run after the due date. This means that passing all displayed tests does not necessarily guarantee a final score of 100%. Therefore, please check your implementation carefully."},"testCases":{"headline":"Feedback","content":"In this window you can view feedback on your submission. Please try to solve all errors to pass this programming exercise successfully."},"testSuccess":{"headline":"Task solved","content":"Here you can see that you have successfully solved this task and all tests have been executed successfully."},"testFailure":{"headline":"Task unsolved","content":"Here you can see the failing test cases for every task that has not yet been successfully solved."},"umlSuccess":{"headline":"Review your implementation in the UML diagram","content":"You can now see whether you have successfully implemented the UML class diagram."},"umlFailure":{"headline":"Review your failed tests in the UML diagram","content":"You can now see which tests have passed, and which have failed."},"resolveTasks":{"headline":"Complete exercise","content":"Please open Eclipse again and resolve the remaining tasks to complete the exercise."},"reviewResult":{"headline":"Review your result","content":"Please check if all tests have been executed successfully."},"exerciseSuccess":{"headline":"Congratulations!","content":"You have successfully solved your first programming exercise on Artemis with git!"}},"courseAdministration":{"assessmentDashboardButton":{"headline":"Assessment Dashboard","content":"If you navigate to the Assessment Dashboard you will be able to get an overview of several student submissions and grade them."}},"assessmentDashboard":{"overview":{"headline":"Overview","content":"Here you can see the statistics of your assessments and complaints and feedback requests about your assessments."},"showFinished":{"headline":"Show Finished Exercises","content":"Finished exercises are not displayed in the exercise table. In order to see all exercises, including the finished ones, just tick the checkbox Show finished exercises."},"exerciseTable":{"headline":"Exercise Table","content":"This table displays all exercises in this course, including their exercise type, exercise title, the status of the grading process and the exercise and assessment due dates."},"gradingProcess":{"headline":"Grading Process","content":"This graph visualizes the current grading process and marks the nodes in green, if the underlying process steps are finished:
  1. Read the grading instructions
  2. Practice using example submissions (if available)
  3. Assess student submissions
  4. Evaluate students' complaints and feedback requests
"},"exerciseDashboardButton":{"headline":"Exercise Dashboard","content":"Let's head over to the exercise dashboard to view the exercise details and student submissions."}},"exerciseAssessmentDashboard":{"instructions":{"headline":"Instructions","content":"This section contains the Problem statement, Example solution and Grading instructions for the exercise. Please read through them carefully and then proceed to the next step."},"instructionsButton":{"headline":"Confirm instructions","content":"Click on this button and confirm only after you have read and understood the instructions."},"readExampleSubmission":{"headline":"Read Example Submission","content":"Click here to see how a text submission and its assessment could look."},"assessExampleSubmission":{"headline":"Assess Example Submission","content":"Click here to work on your first assessment for a text exercise."},"submissionsAndComplaints":{"headline":"Student submission","content":"Student submissions will be displayed here to be assessed after the exercise due date."},"assessSubmissions":{"headline":"Assess Student Submissions","content":"To start an actual assessment, click on the button Start new assessment. This button is disabled during the tutorial."}},"exampleRead":{"readSubmission":{"headline":"Read Example Submission","content":"This is an example submission where three text blocks have already been marked for assessment."},"readAssessment":{"headline":"Read Example Assessment","content":"This is an example assessment of the submission. Every text block has been marked with one point."},"confirm":{"headline":"Confirm","content":"Confirm only after you have read and understood the example."}},"exampleAssessment":{"addAssessment":{"headline":"Assess Example Submission","content":"Now you can start assessing this text exercise.","task":"Mark the text of one software pattern and assess it. Do the same for the remaining two patterns. In the end you should have three highlighted text blocks."},"addScore":{"headline":"Add Points","content":"Here you can add points and additional feedback for each assessment element.","task":"Add '1' point for each assessment element."},"submit":{"headline":"Submit Assessment","content":"Now you can submit your assessment."},"back":{"headline":"Complete Assessment Tour","content":"Navigate back to the exercise dashboard to complete your tour."}}},"health":{"title":"Health Checks","refresh.button":"Refresh","stacktrace":"Stacktrace","details":{"details":"Details","properties":"Properties","name":"Name","value":"Value","error":"Error"},"indicator":{"clientConfigServer":"Client Config Server","discoveryComposite":"Discovery Composite","refreshScope":"Microservice Refresh Scope","configServer":"Microservice Config Server","hystrix":"Hystrix","diskSpace":"Disk space","mail":"Email","db":"Database","ping":"Ping","livenessState":"Liveness","readinessState":"Readiness","continuousIntegrationServer":"Continuous Integration Server","versionControlServer":"Version Control Server","hazelcast":"Hazelcast","websocketBroker":"Websocket Broker (Server -> Broker)","athena":"Athena","apollon":"Apollon Conversion Server","pyris":"Pyris"},"table":{"service":"Service name","status":"Status"},"status":{"UNKNOWN":"UNKNOWN","UP":"UP","DOWN":"DOWN"}},"home":{"title":"Welcome to Artemis!","subtitle":"Interactive Learning with Individual Feedback","login":{"traditional":{"pleaseSignInAccount":"Please sign in with your {{account}} account.","pleaseSignIn":"Please sign in with your account."},"saml2":{"pleaseSignInProvider":"Please sign in with {{provider}}.","pleaseSignIn":"Please sign in using Single Sign-on."}},"logged":{"message":"You are logged in as user \"{{username}}\"."},"errors":{"failedToLogin":"Failed to sign in! Please check your username and password and try again.","usernameIncorrect":"

Invalid username


If you are a TUM student, your username
should have the format ab12xyz.
Do not include '@mytum.de' or '@tum.de'.

","loginWarning":"Seems like you are having issues signing in :-(
Please go to {{ name }} and try to sign in there.
After that, try again here.","sessionExpired":"You have been logged out, because your session has expired. Please log in again to return to the previous page."}},"login":{"title":"Sign in","divider":"or","form":{"password":"Password","password.placeholder":"Your password","rememberme":"Remember me","acceptTerms":"Accept terms","button":"Sign in"},"messages":{"error":{"authentication":"Failed to sign in! Please check your credentials and try again."}},"password":{"forgot":"Did you forget your password?"},"ide":{"confirmation":"Do you want to store your credentials in your IDE?\nThis will make importing your exercises a lot easier!","title":"Log in to your IDE"}},"logout":{"failed":"The logout was unsuccessful due to the following error: {{error}}. If the issue persists please reload the page."},"logs":{"title":"Logs","nbloggers":"There are {{ total }} loggers.","filter":"Filter","table":{"name":"Name","level":"Level"}},"metrics":{"title":"Application Metrics","refresh.button":"Refresh","filter":"Filter","matches":"Match(es)","updating":"Updating...","jvm":{"title":"JVM Metrics","memory":{"title":"Memory","total":"Total Memory","heap":"Heap Memory","nonheap":"Non-Heap Memory"},"threads":{"title":"Threads","all":"All","runnable":"Runnable","timedwaiting":"Timed waiting","waiting":"Waiting","blocked":"Blocked","dump":{"title":"Threads dump","id":"Id: ","blockedtime":"Blocked Time","blockedcount":"Blocked Count","waitedtime":"Waited Time","waitedcount":"Waited Count","lockname":"Lock name","stacktrace":"Stacktrace","show":"Show Stacktrace","hide":"Hide Stacktrace"}},"processMetricsCustom":{"activeUsers":"Active users"},"gc":{"title":"Garbage collections","marksweepcount":"Mark Sweep count","marksweeptime":"Mark Sweep time","scavengecount":"Scavenge count","scavengetime":"Scavenge time"},"http":{"title":"HTTP requests (time in millisecond)","active":"Active requests:","total":"Total requests:","table":{"code":"Code","count":"Count","mean":"Mean","average":"Average","max":"Max"},"code":{"ok":"Ok","notfound":"Not found","servererror":"Server Error"}}},"servicesstats":{"title":"Services statistics (time in millisecond)","table":{"name":"Service name","count":"Count","mean":"Mean","min":"Min","max":"Max","p50":"p50","p75":"p75","p95":"p95","p99":"p99"}},"cache":{"title":"Cache statistics","cachename":"Cache name","hits":"Cache Hits","misses":"Cache Misses","gets":"Cache Gets","puts":"Cache Puts","removals":"Cache Removals","evictions":"Cache Evictions","hitPercent":"Cache Hit %","missPercent":"Cache Miss %","averageGetTime":"Average get time (µs)","averagePutTime":"Average put time (µs)","averageRemoveTime":"Average remove time (µs)"},"datasource":{"usage":"Connection Pool Usage","title":"DataSource statistics (time in millisecond)","name":"Pool usage","count":"Count","mean":"Mean","min":"Min","max":"Max","p50":"p50","p75":"p75","p95":"p95","p99":"p99"}},"password":{"title":"Password for [{{username}}]","form":{"button":"Save"},"messages":{"error":"An error has occurred! The password could not be changed.","success":"Password changed!"}},"register":{"title":"Registration","form":{"button":"Register"},"messages":{"validate":{"login":{"required":"Your username is required.","minlength":"Your username is required to be at least {{min}} characters.","maxlength":"Your username cannot be longer than {{max}} characters.","pattern":"Your username can only contain letters and digits."}},"success":"Registration saved! Please check your email for confirmation.","error":{"fail":"Registration failed! Please try again later.","userExists":"Login name already registered! Please choose another one.","emailExists":"Email is already in use! Please choose another one.","blocked":"Registration is blocked for the email and/or login! Please try again later."}}},"reset":{"request":{"title":"Reset your password","form":{"button":"Reset password","emailUsername":"Email/Username"},"messages":{"info":"Enter the email address you used to register or your username.","success":"Check your email for details on how to reset your password. For security reasons, this hint is visible even if the account doesn't exist. Recheck your input if you don't receive an email."},"external":{"explanation":"Your account credentials are not stored in Artemis but {{provider}}.","noLink":"The password reset links for {{provider}} are not provided. Please notify the administrator. If you know how to reset your password for {{provider}} you can do it yourself.","hint":"Please reset your password using this link:","generalHint":"If you use your credentials from {{provider}} instead of Artemis, please reset your password here:","linkTitle":"Password Reset","confirm":"Confirm","modalHeader":"External Password Reset"}},"finish":{"title":"Reset password","form":{"button":"Validate new password"},"messages":{"info":"Choose a new password","success":"Your password has been reset.","success-part2":"Please sign in.","keymissing":"The reset key is missing.","error":"Your password couldn't be reset. As a reminder, password reset requests are only valid for 24 hours."}}},"sessions":{"title":"Active sessions for [{{username}}]","table":{"ipaddress":"IP address","useragent":"User Agent","date":"Date","button":"Invalidate"},"messages":{"success":"Session invalidated!","error":"An error has occurred! The session could not be invalidated."}},"settings":{"title":"User settings for [{{username}}]","form":{"firstname":"First Name","firstname.placeholder":"Your first name","lastname":"Last Name","lastname.placeholder":"Your last name","language":"Language","button":"Save"},"messages":{"error":{"fail":"An error has occurred! Settings could not be saved.","emailExists":"Email is already in use! Please choose another one."},"success":"Settings saved!","validate":{"firstname":{"required":"Your first name is required.","minlength":"Your first name is required to be at least 1 character","maxlength":"Your first name cannot be longer than 50 characters"},"lastname":{"required":"Your last name is required.","minlength":"Your last name is required to be at least 1 character","maxlength":"Your last name cannot be longer than 50 characters"}}}},"statistics":{"statistics-title":"Statistics","amountOfStudents":"# of students","span":{"day":"Day","week":"Week","month":"Month","quarter":"Quarter","year":"Year"},"title":"User statistics","course_statistics_title":"Course statistics","submissions":"Submissions","active_users":"Active users","logged_in_users":"Logged-in users","released_exercises":"Released exercises","exercises_due":"Exercises due","conducted_exams":"Conducted exams","exam_participations":"Exam participants","exam_registrations":"Exam registrations","active_tutors":"Active tutors","created_results":"Created results","created_feedbacks":"Created feedbacks","posts":"Created Posts","resolved_posts":"Resolved Posts","score_distribution":"Score distribution","submissionsTitle":"# of submissions","active_usersTitle":"# of users","logged_in_usersTitle":"# of users","released_exercisesTitle":"# of exercises","exercises_dueTitle":"# of exercises","conducted_examsTitle":"# of exams","exam_participationsTitle":"# of exam participants","exam_registrationsTitle":"# of exam registrations","active_tutorsTitle":"# of tutors","created_resultsTitle":"# of results","created_feedbacksTitle":"# of feedbacks","postsTitle":"# of created posts","resolved_postsTitle":"# of resolved posts","score_distributionTitle":"% of students"},"calendar_week":"CW","weekdays":{"monday":"Monday","tuesday":"Tuesday","wednesday":"Wednesday","thursday":"Thursday","friday":"Friday","saturday":"Saturday","sunday":"Sunday"},"months":{"january":"January","february":"February","march":"March","april":"April","may":"May","june":"June","july":"July","august":"August","september":"September","october":"October","november":"November","december":"December"},"exercise-statistics":{"title":"Exercise Statistics","averageScore":"Average Score","participationRate":"Participation Rate","resolved_posts":"Resolved Posts"}}